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[Adventure]: The Mark of Trogdor (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)


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OOC: Has the southern door actually been barracaded? Is there something in the room to barracade it with? If not, it might be wise to put someone in that hallway between doors.

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Nementah stands near the doors, but positions Primera near, but outside, the cave entrance to block access to it.

OOC: Sorry, my laptop decided to take a wave (i.e. he got hit with sea water wave :( luckily , ensurance covers it, but I had to wait few days.)


First Post
OOC: Questions to answer.

1. The door has been block with several large pieces of broken furniture. Whether it will hold if someone tries to get through, only time will tell.

2. This is still part of the encounter. Powers that were used are not recharged. Since I might not have been clear in my previous post I'll assume that you used surges to get back to max hp. If you did, please put the amount you used, if any, in your next post.

From your curent location, you see that you have entered a huge opening into the side of a mountain. The ceiling is at least 50 feet high by your estimation. You gather that the cave-like opening was created by centuries of wind and rain erosion (my spelling is terrible). Stalagites and and stalamites are scattered throughout the room, which suport the massive weight of the ceiling obove you. To your right you see set of double doors which are now open. More bodies of dragonborn are scattered throughout the floor as this is where the battle originally started. Currently there is no one present in this room.

As the ritual continues Lerricks body becomes engulfed in bright silver light. Buchta continues mumbling in a trance-like state, oblivious to his surroundings. As he continues to chant the silver light around Lerrick's body starts to move towards the mark on her forehead. The more light that reaches the more, the more intense the silver light now emitting from the mark becomes.

Halleck now hears pounding on the wall and more voices speaking in draconic. Skalisss, although positioned by the alter can hear the loud voices.

We cannot get throught this way! They have door blocked from the other side!

Argggh! Double back to the cave entrance. We must get the girl NOW! (You can tell that there is a state of fear in their voices)


The pounding on the door stops and all is quite except the mumbling from the ritual which continues from the center of the room.

OOC: You may position yourself again, this time using a standard movement or doublemovement if you wish. Post a note indicating where you have moved again, or if you have stayed at your current location. I believe that Metavoid and Neurotic are still enjoying vacations. I'll move them to where I think that they would want to be. Once everyone has moved we'll start round 6.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I just got back wondering why MetaVoid didn't post for me. Now I see the explanation above :) When you go to your cruise next time, I won't post for you either *pffft* ;)

Thank you for your patience, all

Rocco positions himself just in front of the entrance, blocking the access deeper into the cave.

"Everyone, come closer so we prevent them getting deeper in the cave. Nementah, get Primera overhere! And stay there with Quan, just in case they break through!"

OOC: I took the liberty of moving Primera where I would prefer her, MetaVoid, move her as you think is better
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First Post
"They are coming around through the cave entrance, prepare" Skalisss notifies the others and moves up. "Why not ssset our defense here" he asks, indicating the opening to the ritual chamber.

OOC: Why not set up a bottleneck at H16-17? They could come all the way around through the cave area for all we know...
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You see a corridor that about 30 feet that leads to another set of double doors, which are closed. Although the doors are closed you do hear footsteps and voices getting louder.
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[sblock=OOC]dimsdale, I wasn't on vacation, I'm a tourist guide :) When I say I go cruising, it's work for me. I'm the one who gives presentations on local wildlife and natural beauties. I prefer winter holidays.

Also, I put Kujo adjacent to Lerrick. He would remain until dismissed or she looses conciousness.

Neurotic, Primera cannot go into that hallway because it breaks line of sight to Nementah, I'll move Nementah to 'see' cave entrance

Everyone: I don't think we should go into that hall, but hold the cave. The reason: if they break on this side we won't be able to return fast enough. And if Raijin can blast into the hall and Rocco and Skaliss hold them from entering the cave, we can have them at a disadvantage. I can also put Primera close for some extra blocking power :)

I believe we need to conserve the resources since we didn't get short rest. So no rushing out of sight of the healers :) I'll get closer so I can heal.

Walking Dad

First Post
OOC: I'm a bit confused... we didn't get a short rest, but we can spend freely HS? I would really prefer either a full short rest or none, as you cannot spend HS without power use or resting.
Or did you mean that you assume us to use second wind?

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