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(IR) Preparations for the 3rd IR - Thread 4

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Turrosh Mak

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11th Level Magic

I say No to 11th Level Magic, and here's why:

as things stand now, it looks like everyone will have 11th level magic in the first turn. Like the 10th level magic, it will reach a "saturation Point" where Edena will have no choice but to give it to everyone.

Why would a nation try to reasearch advance medicial tech when they can instantly give all there people troll like regeneration.
Why would a nation try to develop Atomic weapions when they can Blast there opposition with a spell.

When everyone has 11th level magic, and they will, Oreth will be a balsted wasteland in three turns.

I can see Bonedagger's concern about 11th level magic, and why he thinks he should have it. And I agree with him.
Vecna should be able to throw 11th mevel spells. that's what makes him Vecna. But he shouldn't be able to teach the secrets to anyone else. it's too complex, Learning the secrets of it drove Vecna mad...

So perhaps Vecna should have it, but noone else (Sorry Maudlin). It's really the only advantage vecna has and it places him back into the position Edena wanted: A being who scares us and who is a real threat to everyone.

Just my two cents

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I was being metaphorical and overly simplistic when I said: X blasts Y's power, Y blasts Z's power, etc.

You can do serious damage to an enemy nation with 11th level magic, but you cannot obliterate an enemy nation (much less someone's Power, which is many nations and peoples) with only 11th level magic.
At least not in a single Turn, you can't.
Given many Turns and a sustained barrage of 11th level magic, you could completely destroy a single nation like Keoland, Zeif, Furyondy, Nyrond, Delrune, or Greater Ahlissa.

Unfortunately, that assumes only one Power is doing the attacking.
If the secrets of 11th level magic are SHARED, and EVERYONE has the secret, and 10 or 11 Powers decide all at once to unleash barrages of 11th level magic against a single nation like Nyrond, that is another matter.
The combined might of 10 or 11 powers, all throwing 11th level magic, would obliterate that nation in a single Turn.

So yes, if you use 11th level magic to it's ultimate destructive extent, you could eventually reduce the World of Oerth to the Stone Age.

Remember that an attack, with 11th level magic, can be countered by a defense, with 11th level magic.
The result is ... nothing happens of any great importance.

Please access whether you want 11th level magic in this IR, based on what I have just said.


If to many people get it, I'm HEAVILY against it. It makes some people to powerfull and it makes it more distant. Now you have to go in and get what you want with glorious battel if you get my drift. With 11th magic like I said you just all camp and start Earthquaking eachothers ass off. Where's the battle, the victories the heroic acts? Just distant ultrapowerfull all demolishing magic. My opinion is Battle and battle like never before. No lame spellcasting, makes things to distant and to lame. Then there only remains distant annihilation and no battle, fight and conquest. No capturing and invading, just cleaning up.

So I say command and conquer and no lame distant crap. But it seems many do not agree and I hope so dearly that they are right about it not getting out off hand, else we'll know soon enough and there is always to possibility to change the rules and change it anyway if it goes wrong. For now I've got no probs with it but when abused bann it. We all have to have fun even the guys who do not have 11th level magic and get their forests burned, their coasts swept away and their cities crumbling to dust under the massive power of a earthquake the world has never witnessed.

We ALL have to have fun, remind how you opponents feel when being subjected to your might, your divine might. And all they can do is let it come over them and hope, hope they will come out without to much suffering. A easy victory is no fun and the IR is not about how fast and how easy can I win. I want everyone to be very equal and that we have to plot, sceme, battle and cast ourselves out of trouble and into the tides of victory. And if not, perish after a long hardly fought war full of glory and heroic deeds and that you may be remembered as a true leader of men (or whatever :D). And that you die with honour and with a good fight.

And that's how I feel about this and how I wish this IR will be.

I salute all of you, and may the future bring all off you heroic deeds and glorious tales and much spoils of war,
Greetz Kris.

Turrosh Mak

First Post
There is more to 11th Level magic than blowing stuff up.
Like Forsaken said It makes this a push button war from the start. Imagine that, Me and Forsaken agree on something :)

Let say for example, I invade the Uleks. My ferocious legions are marching accross the border ready to trample all opposition. Now why would Dagger put his own troops into battle when he could cast a 11th level spell and say Teleport my forces to the middle of the azure sea. Theroreticaly possible certainly. If a 10th level spell can teleport your entire army anywhere on oreth, then an 11th level spell should be able to teleport someone elses army anywhere on oreth. most likely without a saving throw.


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This is NOT a game of Risk (If you don't know the game: It's about worlddomination through annihilation of your opponents).

At least I see this as a roleplay and that is how I intend to play (So not all my decisions may make sense if you only look at it strategically). -Remember that Vecna do have one h... of an ego. Most of you are not really worthy of his attention :).
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Turrosh Mak

First Post
Bonedagger, I don't think of this as a game of risk, I don't want it to be a game of risk.

In fact I'm hoping for a lot of IC interaction. I beleve that limiting this power to Vecna will open up many more roleplay oppertunities for everyone, including Bonedagger (who from his posts is a very funny guy ;) ). It also might keep him in the game longer than two turns since if someone wants something that can only be done with an 11th level spell, they have to talk to vecna...

That was just a hypothetical situation to show that 11th level magic may be to powerful for this thread. With the exception of Vecna, no one should be able to weild that kind of power. at least not untill Much later on when the other powers have earned it.

Vecna should have 11th level magic. He has a story line related reasion to have it. see my post above.

If 11th level magic is kept in the game it is important IMO to carefully define what it can and cannot do. It's two orders of magic more powerful than a Wish. Think about that.
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well my suggestion is, screw that some people have reasons to have 10th and 11 level magic and make as it was originally was. and make it even harder to gain 10th and 11th level, then that should calm things down a bit.


First Post
On the subject of Magic

zouron said:
well my suggestion is, screw that some people have reasons to have 10th and 11 level magic and make as it was originally was. and make it even harder to gain 10th and 11th level, then that should calm things down a bit.

Yeah, screw it. Screw, screw, screw.

Basically I agree, with the exception of Vecna. If everybody has 10th level magics at the start and all but a handful will have 11th level magics turn 3 it cheapens it too much. It all negates itself anyway, and that makes it rather poinless in the end.


First Post
Sure it's powerfull. I'm just worried that someone would think I would use it to ruin the fun of somebody else.

But the desciption about it's limmits are to weak. I would suggest that the only way an 11th level magic directly can affect someone who is throwing all their 10th level magic into a shield (assuming they have 10th level. But don't everybody now?) is through catastrofy. And that that would drain most of of the 11th level spellcasters magic for the turn
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