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(Suspended) OOC The Thirteenth Moon, a Story-Driven Campaign (D&D 3.5 Eberron)


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Here is my in character background,

Dear Diary,
Tonight is my first night in my own place. For the first time, I finally have the change to strike out and make a life for myself. Ok, sure, it’s only Dragoneyes, but it’s better than High Walls. My father doesn’t agree. He’d rather stay there in that prison. He tells me it’s not like that anymore but I remember. I’ll never feel safe there. Oh here? Yeah, it’s safe enough, I’m good at making friends and as long as I don’t get on anyone’s bad side it’ll be fine.

Guess I should introduce myself. In case, we have another war and someone in a hundred years finds my diary under the ruins of Sharn. My name is Alise Nita. I was born and grew up in Cyre, now known as the Mournlands. I grew up during the war of course. Everyone did. Anyone alive who hasn’t known war is too young to talk about it.

My family managed stay largely clear of the war largely. My father being a craftsman ran a business in Kalazart. Then one day, when I was about 12 or 13 years of age, my father got a bad feeling about our home. He couldn’t explain it, said he didn’t know, just said we needed to move to Sharn. Now, let me note my family has always had “the gift.” That’s what my grandmother called it when I was young. She said my father didn’t display much of it but I had more of it. I guess more on that later.

Anyways, my father, he left his business behind and moved us to Sharn, in the middle of a war.
We made it safely to Sharn but he never did find work. We survived for a year or so, till finally my mother couldn’t take it anymore. She left for Cyre. We never saw her again. I like to believe maybe she got out, some people did. Maybe she got swept up into the Karrnathi military. Or the tall bride of some halfling warlord in the Talenta plains. I guess it’s better than thinking about the alternative.

Why didn’t I go? I guess I always could tell that he know what he was talking about. My “gift” has always been to read people and make friends easily. So I stayed with him. Of course the city guard didn’t share my trust, a foreigner without any explanation why he came to the city. So we wound up in the slums of High Walls. Guests, without permission to leave.

Bless the Host, this diary entry turned out stunningly more sad than I had expected.
So time to cheer it up, the war is over now, we are free to come and go as we please but my father stays there because of the friendships he has made. So here I am looking for work and out on my own.

Oh and I’m going to the New Year’s celebration tonight! 998 is a new start. Here’s to a good one.


I'll have the stats posted in the RG thread a couple hours

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Great stuff so far, guys. I will update the thread tomorrow with information for Berrent.

Edit: I think I might be able to work out a "coincidence" where all of your characters, who are only acquaintances at this point, find themselves at the same New Year's Eve party. It could be kind of like in Buffy: The Vampire Slayer (the series) where some of the characters are friends but most are only mildly acquainted with each other. Incidentally, there will be some Buffy-inspired moments in this campaign, witty banter and all.
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First Post
Khorranberg Chronicle's newest recruit

A clipping from the latest edition of the weekly Korranberg Chronicle...


  • kc.jpg
    313.7 KB · Views: 95
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That is incredible, FloatingDisc. That will be Dorius' first article! He will earn a commission of 11 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp for the article, plus his Craft/Profession roll divided by 2 in gp. He will also receive 25 xp to begin the game. And one minor correction: it is the Korranberg Chronicle.


Here is the second of the NPC mentors, Karr'Aashta, a male human who runs Karr'Aashta's Investigations in the Deathsgate district of Middle Tavick's Landing. Members of Karr'Aashta's small agency can find out anything a client wants to know--for a price. Karr'Aashta has a reputation for taking on cases that the other Tharashk inquisitives won't touch, and he specializes in jobs dealing with the Cogs. It is difficult trying to be an inquisitive in Sharn; there's just so much competition. But when Karr'Aashta stopped by the House Orien Enclave to send a missive through the Courier's Guild, he crossed paths with Berrent, and learned of the lad's aspirations. He didn't make any promises, but said that occasionally he farms out jobs to indepedents for a small commission. He invited Berrent to come visit him at some point about a full-time position in his agency and offered to let him know if any jobs came up that he was willing to hand over to an up-and-comer. It will be up to [MENTION=21087]pneumatik[/MENTION] whether or not Berrent applies for the position at Karr'Aashta's.

As a mentor, Karr'Aashta will be able to help Berrent train when he is ready to level up or re-train when he decides he would like to learn new abilities. Karr'Aashta is also willing to advise Berrent on personal matters and hand him odd-jobs as a junior inquisitive from time to time. Being an established inquisitive, Karr'Aashta has many contacts, particularly in the seedier parts of the city, and is willing to share some of that information from time to time, usually in exchange for favors. Odd-jobs tend to pay a small commission, payable in gold or information, and require one or two posts of roleplaying as well as a skill check. Odd-jobs will also grant a small amount of XP.

Berrent has a part-time job at the House Orien Enclave in the Dragon Towers district of Middle Central. Being a member of House Orien has given him a pretty cushy position. He makes his own hours and does a small amount of paperwork keeping track of missives and letters in the mail room. This allows Berrent to take 10 on a Profession (clerk) check, earning him 6 gp a week, which covers most of his living expenses, even though he only works part-time. He is also granted discounted rent on housing in the Myshan Gardens district of Lower Central, a mere 1 gp a month! Berrent obviously hopes to supplement his income and move up in the world as an inquisitive.


First Post
Dice roll for article payment

Thanks Airwalkrr!

Dice roll for payment (first time using the integrated dice roller... here goes.)

Oops, actual result is supposed to be half that, so actual payment is 5.


The 8th Evil Sage
Berrent's Letter to Karr'Aashta

Dear Karr'Aashta,

It was great meeting you yesterday. I'm excited at the idea of being able to work with an established organization like Karr'Aashta Investigations. I'm certainly interested in any referrals you can send my way. If you have time, I'd like take you up on your invitation to call on you, possibly sometime tomorrow. I want to learn as much as I can from you about how to be an investigator.

Berrent, of House Orien

OOC: Berrent is a little uncertain about applying for a job with Karr'Aashta without any experience. He does want to build a relationship with him, he's just not sure how exactly he wants to develop it.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Question about timing:

Are we starting at the beginning of 998 the starting year of the campaign setting in the book, or 1 year after that...999

Somewhere got the idea you wanted to start later than the standard.. but not can't find anywhere you said that now.

Basically it's important to me to know if my diary entry is 28 Vult, 997 or 998

I indent to have Alise update her diary every frequently if she can.


*pokes his head in*

How's things coming along in here? I saw the Eberron thread and I did express some interest in passing through.

I see that the spots have been filled nicely, but if there's any room for me as a PC (or recurring NPC or even "supporting cast" for scenes here and there, let me know. It'd be fun to play an occasional character in something like this if no full-time position is available).


For a character concept, I would be very interested in playing a Warforged Paladin of the Silver Flame.

I see this character as a lawman first, exorcist second. He does not sleep, so he is ever watchful for criminals. I like that archery is the preferred mode of combat - keeps things interesting.

For the group, perhaps he has been assigned to protect them while they investigate whatever needs investigation - and to make sure that things 'stay clean' while they do so. He will have an interest in the supernatural/magical side of things, more for his own curiosity than a need to seek out Evil and destroy it.

Clearly, he would serve as a Templar... and I see a big ol' Greataxe as his melee weapon of choice versus all the evils.

Voidrunner's Codex

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