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D&D 5E War of the Burning Sky (5E)

Steve Gorak

I don't object to him being related to the rulers, but two things:
Supreme Inquisitor Leska was Emperor Coaltongues adviser, not his daughter. He doesn't have any direct descendants.
The Resistance wants to protect Gate Pass from both Ragesia and Shahalesti. Shining Lord Shaaladel wouldn't have a representative at their meetings (except perhaps as a spy). You're more likely to be expect to oppose Shahalesti agents, if less often than Ragesian ones. He might have been asked to go to Gate Pass by another relative, though--perhaps even the princess.

Thanks for the feedback. Ultimately, if you have an idea, I'll be open to it. I'm just trying to figure something out that fits.

An idea I thought of for the background is, whatever his noble family connections are (and your input/recommendations on this point would be much appreciated - I don't want this to be overpowered, only flavorful, and perhaps useful for plot hooks), he went on a meditative religious retreat to a shrine somewhere TBD (he is a paladin after all), and was illuminated (i.e. by the undying light). He had visions that Emperor Coaltongues died, and that Gate Pass must absolutely stand. He also believes that he is the "chosen one" to rule the unified land (this could be a delusion, or a reality, or somewhere in between). He could now work against the noble establishments of the kingdoms where he has relatives, and could also seek to start a church of the undying light. Would this work?

Also, I would like to confirm a few points regarding mechanics:
- can a staff arcane focus be fitted with a halberd head to be used both as a weapon and focus? I would add the price of both items. I understand if this is a no-go.
- If not, can a crystal focus be tied around his neck, to be used to cast arcane spells requiring material components? Same question for paladin spells with the holy symbol.
- Can he have a crystal holy symbol to use both as arcane focus and divine focus (just so he doesn't wear too many things around his neck ;-)?
- I made him a pole-arm fighter because he would hold his pole-arm with one hand, and use his free hand to cast, and manipulate arcane/divine focuses if they are around his neck. He can alternate freely between casting and attacking . My build relies on this, so I wanted to make sure you are ok with it.

Thanks and cheers,


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First Post
Would this work?
Sure, that's fine.

- can a staff arcane focus be fitted with a halberd head to be used both as a weapon and focus? I would add the price of both items. I understand if this is a no-go.
A staff could be used as a weapon like a quarterstaff, but I dunno about a halberd.

- If not, can a crystal focus be tied around his neck, to be used to cast arcane spells requiring material components? Same question for paladin spells with the holy symbol.
He'd still need to handle it to cast those spells, but sure.

- Can he have a crystal holy symbol to use both as arcane focus and divine focus (just so he doesn't wear too many things around his neck ;-)?
Huh. I guess I don't see why not, and it doesn't really give you any special benefit.

- I made him a pole-arm fighter because he would hold his pole-arm with one hand, and use his free hand to cast, and manipulate arcane/divine focuses if they are around his neck. He can alternate freely between casting and attacking . My build relies on this, so I wanted to make sure you are ok with it.
You mean holding the weapon in one hand while casting spells? Yes, that's fine. Just holding it doesn't require two hands.

Steve Gorak

Thanks for the answers [MENTION=6690219]SuperZero[/MENTION]! I've made a few comments below, and will wrap up my character before the end of the day.

Before my comments, I have 1 more question: can my character cast burning hand with 1 hand holding his halberd? I was going over the spell description, and wanted to avoid surprises/frustrations in game. Here is the spell:

1st-level evocation
Casting Time:1 action
Range:Self (15-foot cone)
Components:V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
As you hold your hands with thumbs touching and fingers
spread, a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your
outstretched fingertips. Each creature in a 15-foot cone
must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes
3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one.
The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that
aren’t being worn or carried.
At Higher Levels.When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by
1d6 for each slot level above 1st


A staff could be used as a weapon like a quarterstaff, but I dunno about a halberd.
A halberd is a hafted weapon, with a long wooden pole, which conceptually could be a "staff arcane focus". It's DM's call, so I won't push the issue and will use the crystal focus tied around my character's neck. I liked the idea of him waving his weapon to cast spells, but it's not really an issue.

Huh. I guess I don't see why not, and it doesn't really give you any special benefit.
I wasn't looking for a benefit, just style ;-)

You mean holding the weapon in one hand while casting spells? Yes, that's fine. Just holding it doesn't require two hands.
Yep, that's what I mean. It's something to consider when you are making a melee arcane caster: you can't be a sword and board fighter without the warcaster feat, since you need a free hand to cast, and are still limited because you can't manipulate your arcane focus for spells that require materials (unless you use a staff as a one handed weapon - but that's ugly and sucks!); and my character didn't qualify for the warcaster feat since a level 1 paladin has no spells (and the feat requires being able to cast at least 1 spell - and I didn't want his first level to be warlock).


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First Post
That does specifically say the somatic component involves two hands, doesn't it? It's fine. I wouldn't have even thought to question it if you didn't point it out.

Steve Gorak

That does specifically say the somatic component involves two hands, doesn't it? It's fine. I wouldn't have even thought to question it if you didn't point it out.

Thanks!!! I'd rather ask these things in advance, but I do think that it's "fluff" text; although I am sure that some people will adhere to the letter of the spell description!
I have now finished my character, and am in the process of finding a cool picture, and possibly a tie in with one of the other characters. I should be finished by the end of the day as planned.


Steve Gorak

[sblock=Davaros] cool paladin.jpg

Name: Lord Davaros Silverfist
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Class/Level: Paladin 1/warlock 1 (The Undying Light)
Alignment: Lawful good (stong Neutral Good tendencies due to recent lifechanging events)
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Human)
Init: -1
Senses: N/A
Passive Perception: 12

AC: 16 (+6 chain mail)
HP: 19 (10 paladin 1 + 5 Warlock 1 +2x(+2)con)
Saves: Wisdom & Charisma
Special Defenses:

Speed: 30ft

Weapons                       Attackd Damage  Type  Range      Property
Greatsword                      +5    2d6+3    S    -          Heavy, two-handed
Halberd                         +5    1d10+3   S    -          Heavy, reach, two-handed
javelins                        +5    1d6+3    P    30/120     Thrown	
Handaxe                         +5    1d6+3    S    20/60      Light, thrown
Longsword                       +5    1d8+3    S    -          Versatile (1d10)
Flail                           +5    1d8+3    B

SPECIAL ATTACKS: see polearm master feat

Polearm master
- can use bonus action to attack with opposite end of glaive, halberd or quarterstaff. 1d4 B
- while wielding a polearm, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack when entering your reach

Str 16 (+3) [+1 human]
Dex 8 (-1)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 8 (-1)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 16 (+3) [+1 human]

SKILLS Proficiencies in bold: 1 human, 2 paladin, 2 background

-1 (dex) Acrobatics
+0 (wis) Animal Handling
-1 (int) Arcana
+5 (str) Athletics - from Paladin
+3 (cha) Deception
-1 (int) History
+2 (wis) Insight - From background
+3 (cha) Intimidation
-1 (int) Investigation
+1 (wis) Medicine
-1 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception - From Human
+3 (cha) Performance
+5 (cha) Persuasion - from Paladin
-1 (int) Religion
-1 (dex) Sleight of Hand
-1 (dex) Stealth
+2 (wis) Survival - From background

LANGUAGES:Common, elvish (human), orc (background), dwarf (background)

Languages: Common + 1 additional language (elvish)
Skills: proficient in one skills of your choice (perception)

BACKGROUND FEATURES Noble & outlander hybrid
Feature: Position of privilege
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, survival
Language: 2 extra languages (Orc, dwarf)
Tools: -

Proficiencies all armor, shields and weapons
Divine Sense As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such forces. Until the end o f your
next turn, you know the location o f any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover
Can use this ability 4 times /long rest
Lay on Hands 5hp

- Spellcasting: Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spells. The saving throw DC to resist a spell you cast is 13. Your attack bonus when you make an attack with a spell is +5.
Radiant Soul Starting at 1st level, your link to the Positive Plane allows you to serve as a conduit for radiant energy. You have resistance to radiant damage, and when you cast a spell that deals radiant damage or fire damage, you add your Charisma modifier to that damage. Additionally, you know the sacred flame and light cantrips and can cast them at will. They don’t count against your number of cantrips known

Cantrips Known: 4
Sacred Flame (VS) save vs dex or 1d8+3 radiant damage, 60 ft range, cover has no effect,
light (VM) object max 10 ft in any direction sheds bright light (colored or not) 20ft radius, and dim light another 20ft. save vs dex if object is on hostile creature, 1h duration,
minor illusion (SM) 5ft square illusion of an object or sound from whisper to scream; 1 min duration, creature must spend action to determine if illusion, int (investigation) check to succeed. physical interraction reveals illusion.
prestigitation (VS) up to 3 minor magicle tricks, 1h max duration, range 10ft

Spells known: 2
Burning hands (VS), 15 ft cone, save vs dex or 3d6+3 fire damage or half on successful save
Hex (VSM) (1) (petrified eye of a newt) concentration, up to 1h. until the spell ends, deal additional 1d6 necrotic damage when hit target with an attack. Also target has disadvantage on ability checks of 1 ability. If target drops to 0 hp before end of spell, use a bonus action to curse new creature.

Equipment (class)
• two martial weapons:
Greatsword 2d6 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Halberd 1d10 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
• five javelins
• an explorer’s pack: Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it.
• Chain mail and a holy symbol made of crystal, also used as arcane focus (around neck over shirt - substracted 10gp from wealth for this)

Equipment (noble): A set of fine clothes, a signet ring, a scroll of pedigree, and a purse containing 25 gp

Additional equipment purchased (125gp available)
15 gp 3x Handaxe 5 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lb. Light, thrown (range 20/60)
15 gp Longsword 15 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Versatile (1d10)
10 gp Flail 10 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb

20 gp Spare crystal arcane/holy symbol focus (tied around neck, under shirt)

0.01 gp whetstone
2 gp Traveller's clothes
10 gp ink - 1 ounce bottle
1 gp 10 sheets of parchment
2cp ink pen

Money: =41.97 gp[/sblock]

Personality Trait: No one could doubt by looking at my regal bearing that I am a cut above the unwashed masses.
Ideal: Noble Obligation. It is my duty to protect and care for the people beneath me.
Bond: The common folk must see me as a hero of the people.
Flaw: I secretly believe that I am the chosen one.

Physical Appearance:
Davaros is a muscular man with black hair and facial hair he usually trims every morning with the prestigitation cantrip.
His white cloak, armor, weapons and clothes are always pristine clean, again from the use of the prestigitation cantrip.
He is 19 years old but looks a bit older, as if he were in his mid twenties.

Davaros' is originally from the Shining Lands of Shahalesti. His father, a half-elven noble too involved in politics to spend much time with his mostly human son, is the 8th in line to the throne of the Shahalesti, and is the secound cousin to the king. His father's human lineage is tied to the Ragesian Empire, as he is second-cousin of emperor Coaltongue. His human mother was also the second daughter of the king of Dassen, the marriage having been arranged to maintain peace between the two kingdoms. He never knew her, as she died in childbirth. His noble lineage was forged by the scheemes of the kingdoms, trying to secure aliances and relative stability.

He was raised as a son by his maternal aunt, mostly in Dassen but with frequent visits to Shahalesti and two trips to the courts of Ragesia. As a child, Davaros did not enjoy going to Shahalesti, his elven-blooded kin were too haughty, and looked down to him for having mostly human blood. Ragesia was marvelous, yet almost obscenely opulent and decadent.

Davaros spent his teenage years mostly in the forests of Dassen. He was trained by the best mentors money could buy, and became a strong and honorable man, praying to the good gods bust mostly to Apollo, god of light.

One lifechanging day a few months ago, he went on a meditative religious retreat to a remote shrine of Appolo to reflect on his future and his faith. After the second day, as the sun rose, his consciousness was touched by the undying light; apollo's blessing. He had visions that Emperor Coaltongues died, and that Gate Pass must absolutely stand, and for this, he needed to get in contact with the resistance. He also realized that he is the "chosen one" to rule the unified land (whether this a delusion, reality, or somewhere in between occupies much of his time meditating and praying).

He decided to leave his home, his family, and fulfill his destiny. He set about on foot at night, as not to be noticed, and headed straight to Gate Pass.

Davaros has now been in the Great City for three days, and contacting the resistance was much harder than he expected. He knew that this was of course in its advantage, making the organization more secure. He has however learned from a damsel he managed to convince, that he could learn more at the Poison Apple Pub on New Years’ Eve. Another day of waiting, but perhaps it will be worth it.
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First Post
Davaros's backstory still references the daughter of the king of Ragesia--perhaps a daughter or granddaughter of one of the smaller nations/tribes conquered by Ragesia?
Other than that, everything looks good there.

Steve Gorak

Davaros's backstory still references the daughter of the king of Ragesia--perhaps a daughter or granddaughter of one of the smaller nations/tribes conquered by Ragesia?
Other than that, everything looks good there.

Sorry about that, it's supposed to be kingdom of Dassen. I forgot to change it but it was my intent. I still put ties to Ragesia, but only distant ones (second cousin).

The text should be: His father's human lineage is tied to the Ragesian Empire, as he is second-cousin of emperor Coaltongue. His human mother was also the second daughter of the king of Dassen, the marriage having been arranged to maintain peace between the two kingdoms.

He was also raised in the forests of Dassen, not Ragesia, but indeed went a couple of times to the court of Ragesia.

I've corrected the character sheet above.



First Post
Steppengard's grandson? Yes, yes I can definitely work with that.
Although you could also consider one of the ruling nobles instead--Lord Gallo, Lady Timor, Lord Megadon, Lady Iz, Lord Rego, Lady Dene, or Lady Namin. I didn't list Lord Dashgoban as he's not human.

Regardless of your choice, you can add a handful of dirt to your equipment list for free.

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