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Voda Vosa

First Post
"You could, yes. Do it, if they don't let us pass, then I could perhaps convince some to do so. You might know I'm mafia, but most people think I'm an excentric italian rich man." Replies the gangster.

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<<OOC: I don't see the pic from your last post, marco.>>

Seth grimaced. "It looks like we might have problems getting in, paizano. Maybe I could try flashing my military creds?"

Seth approaches the throng of people, announces that he is here on military business and demands to speak to "someone in charge."

It takes a while, during which the military men take Seth's documentation and the walk away. It is a long while, during which the guards keep a weary eye on them both, guns in that somewhat-ready position between nonviolence and shoot-you-to-pieces-if-you-move-wrong.

Finally, the two men are ushered in and led to one of the many out-of-the-way offices inside the Hall, where this man is awaiting:


"Okay, then...", he says soon afterwards, in a somewhat-amiable tone. "What can I help a fellow NID agent with?"

The two men could recognize this 'somewhat-amiable' tone: it is a tone of courtesy, but he most probably is not glad about having been pulled out of whatever he was doing.

OOC: Bumping this, people. Awaiting responses.


On the meanwhile that the two other men have entered City Hall, a motorcycle arrives to the front. Said motorcycle is driven by a man with black hair, stubble, and *something* around him that is pretty unnatural (although in Coreline, well, things that 'feel unnatural' are a dime a dozen-and all of them pretty dangerous).



"You're a busy man, Colonel Maybourne, so I'll keep it brief." Seth steps forward to approach the NID official, pauses, then withdraws to a professional distance. "I've been hearing reports of a street drug that is causing the good human citizens of the U.S.A. to self-destruct. Rumor has it that there's a rogue agent procuring some 'unusual' resources that might involve DNA manipulation." Seth added emphasis on the word 'unusual', though he realized as soon as he said it that the word had lost all meaning given today's state of affairs.. "I've been sent to investigate any possible NID connections, or maybe you can point me in the 'right' direction..."
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OOC: Not sure what “something wrapped around him means”?? Also I found a few mistakes on my Char Sheet. It was minor, one of my skills was wrong.
Caelin woke up late today; he was out late the previous night prowling around as cats sometimes want to do. Lucky for him Firewall tends to assign him nighttime ops, but unfortunately today that was not the case. He uncurled from his sleeping position and stretched, shifting back into a man. He grabbed a real shower and enjoyed the hot water.

After checking the notification and rendezvous info on his issued PDA, he realizes that Mimi (what he calls the petite brown haired, blue-eyed girl; not knowing her real name) did him a favor by not having him meet the others on the bus. Somehow she knows when he has been out recreationally at night. Someday he might even ask her. I wonder if she can produce a good litter, he muses. He grabs his gear, putting everything into its proper place in his mesh vest.

He dons his sunglasses and makes his customary exit from his apartment out the window, balancing along the ledge at the side of the building and then down the fire escape until he reaches ground level and the side entrance to the underground parking area.

On his Ducati he zips off towards City Hall, his black trench coat flapping behind him in the airstream of his wake. He wonders, what infiltration does Mimi need today. Shortly he arrives and pulls over to the side of the street and surveys the situation. He notices the banner and all of the extra security, but doesn’t see the two operatives he was supposed to meet. He checks his PDA and finds out who this Dr. Digger is while he waits. He takes a look at the building and considers entry points and security weakness of the structure’s layout; just a mental exercise to kill time. But one never knows; he might have to break in here some night. He resists the urge to start giving himself a tongue bath and thinks, been spending too much time as a cat lately.

He considers calling one of the operatives to get their location, decides to flip a coin on which one, and makes the connection (to the gangster). When it is answered he says quietly, “We are the barrier between that which may be infected and that which must be protected.”

Voda Vosa

First Post
"A moment please" says Vicente, as he stand sup and walks casually away from the two men speaking. He answers the phone...
"What?" replies Garibaldi from the other line. "Is this some garbage from Firewall? I already said that bitch to speak clearly to me, enough is to have to speak this pitiful language, I do not want more riddles, state your business clearly amici, before I lose my patience"


Caelin, upon hearing the harsh words from the other end, pulls the phone from era and looks at it with incredulity. His face begins to morph slightly and his fangs appear as he hisses, "This had better be Vicente Garibaldi, if it isn't you are a dead man and just haven't realized it yet!"

He clamps down on his anger and stops the change from going beyond the fangs and continues more calmly realizing it must be the gangster, "Ya know, your file said you were an underworld type, and I figured you would recognize a pass phrase for what it is, just protocol. You are new aren't you." Not a question but a statement.

"Mimi is not really canine in nature, more feline I think. Some friendly advice, if you insult our handler too much more, you could end up dead or worse. Ya never know who's listening on these things."

"Anyway, they sent me along to meet and work with you and the chain guy. I am sitting on my Ducati in front of City hall. Where are you guys?"

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Mimi? Who the hell is Mimi? Tell you what 'experienced' guy, you better not tell me how to do the damn job capiche? I don't take those things good, I'm telling you this for your own safety." He makes a cliche gangster pause, and continues "We are inside the city Hall with the chief here. Seth is flexing some military muscles to get some information."


Caelin replies, "Mimi is just what I call the petite chick with the big blue eyes. Dunno her real name, but it kinda fits. I like her lithe body, especially when she stretches." Vicente can hear a catlike purr.

"I digress. She sent me to help, not give orders. Usually she just tells me what to do and I take care of it. Looking over at City Hall, things look pretty tight and locked down. It's the wrong time of day for me to be breaking in, so if you guys want or need my assistance someone will have to get me past security. Otherwise I can wait here while you two are fooling around in there."

While he's talking on the phone, Caelin realizes he's a little hungry and looks around for a hot dog vendor or a kebab cart.Usually there are a few working this part of town.

Voidrunner's Codex

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