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[The One Ring] The Marsh Bell


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OOC: [MENTION=79945]JoeNotCharles[/MENTION] no worries, I should have pointed the roll out in my post. Who else are we waiting on?

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[MENTION=79945]JoeNotCharles[/MENTION] no worries, I should have pointed the roll out in my post. Who else are we waiting on?

We're waiting on me. :)

Birch the mule makes his sure footed way across the causeway, which is anchored solidly into the lake bed on huge square posts, but when he reaches the floating rafts that make up Lake-town itself he begins to shy as the ground moves under his feet. Fortunately, right at the end of the bridge is a large stable which offers to put up travelers' horses and carts for a very reasonable fee, and transfer any goods into small boats for transport around town. The hobbits decide to leave their wares there while exploring the town on foot. They arrive at Glóin's abode with ease, almost simultaneously with the elves, who found the Lake-man's directions easy to follow.

The Dwarven embassy is a wide building with deep eaves, sumptuously decorated with scrollwork. Over the door is fixed a large metal shield bearing the symbol of the Lonely Mountain, and large G runes (
) are inscribed in the double doors.

Elves: A few moments after you arrive at the building, you spot a pair of very short people trotting down the street towards the house. They do not appear to be Dwarves, as they lack beards. You both have certainly heard of the extraordinary deed of Bilbo Baggins, who hid inside the Elven-king's very stronghold for over a month without discovery and then freed 13 Dwarven prisoners, who vanished without a trace, so you may be able to recognize these travellers as hobbits based on this story. (Although neither of you has actually seen a hobbit before...)

Hobbits: Standing outside the doors, studying the building, are a pair of elves. You passed through the Elven kingdom in Mirkwood on your journey here (or so you assume based on Bilbo's notes) but saw no sign of any elves. Their halls must have been well-concealed, so this is your first sight of any of this kindred.

The doors open, and a dwarf steps out, and stops short in astonishment as he sees the two groups drawn up in front of the building.

[MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION]: You've been cooling your heels in Glóin's waiting room for several hours, waiting to meet with him regarding trade in the city. Before you left the Mountain, your master advised you to seek him out for an introduction to the traders in Lake-town, but so far you feel like you're wasting your time. When you arrived, a clerk said that he would see you "shortly", but since then every time you've enquired, the clerk simply says that he is "almost ready" and apologizes for the delay. You haven't quite given up on waiting (especially as you're pretty sure that walking out on such an important person could close doors for you in the future), but did decide to step outside for some air, just in time to meet the elves and hobbits arriving.

[MENTION=59043]Walking Dad[/MENTION], [MENTION=6078]garyh[/MENTION]: How do you want to make Orin and Borin arrive on the scene? Any objection to them working for Glóin as messengers?
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ooc: sorry for the delay: I didn't subscribe when I thought I had, so I just thought the group wasn't posting when I checked my user cp! And/or I'm heavily roleplaying a character who is effectively ageless, and a few weeks isn't that long for me? (cough) okay, carrying on...

IC: Vardolas, having spent some time watching the humans, and the motion of the waters of the lake, comes to slowly. The motion of water always sang to him, a deep song, that he was surprised humans could get much work done nearby it.

Authiel's comment, or more specifically the mention of orcs, was like an uncomfortable jolt. Dark thoughts tainted his reverie, and he turned away as they threatened to overcome him.

He muttered softly It is true, Authiel, so long as they do not live darkly as orcs. Let's not dwell on shadows that are far from here. Gloin's abode and our mission awaits, we should think happy thoughts! After all, such regrowth after the war, such life found again!

At that moment he saw the hobbits. what life indeed! Good sirs, are you... is one of you perhaps the famous Bilbo Baggins, friend of Gandalf the Grey? I would very much wish to speak with you if you were... and if not, then to know more about yourselves!

Voda Vosa

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Kurin had a thoughtful face as he stepped out of the building to take up some fresh air. He already had his pipe in his hand, and the other wand was searching his belt for the pipe-weed pouch, making a clingy sound as his weapon battered against the metallic armour he was sporting.
He walked into a pair of elves and a pair of hobbits. He wasn't expecting that, as was evident in his big open eyes, and his lose jaw. "For Oakshield's beard! My eyes be damned if before me are the children of Mirkwood and a couple of hobbits from the shire!" he exclaimed after realizing what was going on. he "hump"ed and chuckled, retrieving his pipe weed. "My name is Kurin Stonehand, master artisan from the Lonley Mountains. What is that you are seeking in the house of Gloin?" he asks, casually.


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As the dwarf exclaims, Hobnob is already well into a hearty laugh at being compared with Bilbo the Burglar Baggins. Hobnob Hornblower, purveyor of fine pipe-weed, might I offer you a chance to enjoy our product? chirps one of the hobbits, elbowing the other over and again. Hobnob clasps his own pipe between clenched teeth, reaching down to unstrap the satchel at his waist, and producing a thimble filled with his families signature crop. Speaking of Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf the Grey, this is the very pipe-weed the pair enjoy. We the hobbit indicates Riggins and himself, hope you'll enjoy.


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[MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION]: BTW, you will know this, being a local: the main reason that the guard earlier disdained Hobnob's offer of pipe-weed is that the quality of pipe-weed grown around the Long Lake is terrible. Poor growing conditions. You've had good pipe-weed once or twice before, and now you're making do with the poor local stuff. Most humans around here haven't had anything but local product, so they don't understand what the Dwarves see in it.[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

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Kurin was, as he listened, paying attention on stuffing his pipe with weed. As the hobbit said he was a pipeweed trader, the dwarf's eyes shifted to stare at him directly in the eyes. The small pouch of pipeweed he was holding fell to the floor. "You say you sell pipeweed. Real pipeweed? Not this infamous mockery? It must be my lucky day! I've been forced to consume this... this grass, I don't know how men can smoke this. No wonder they live so few years." the dwarf complains.

Iron Sky

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Authiel leans towards Vardolas and speaks softly. "Be wary of these little folk - I believe they are kin to the burglar that broke the dwarves free from the King's deepest cells a short while back, before the Battle of the Five Armies."

She sings a soft song:

"Thirteen dwarves, following greed,
One from the Shire, somehow unseen
In deep cells and out deep wells.

"As the lake pyre still yet burned,
The dragon's trove claimed, unearned.
The armies met with hard word and threat.

"Yet goblin-foes all, together they stood
When a dark host emerged from a dark wood.
To claim the gold of Smaug the old.

"Their host was riven,
The goblins all driven,
Back in their holes,
Burrowed like moles,
Awaiting the day,
Their foes might pay,
Breeding a horde
To serve a new lord
Dance now while you might,
While yet shines the light..."

Authiel trails off for a moment, a rare smile touching her lips.

"All we need is an eagle and a goblin," Authiel says, glancing at the dwarf, hobbits, Vardolas, and the men passing in the street.
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Inside the house, the red-bearded clerk sighs and beckons over a pair of messengers. "Orin, go and tell my father that he has business waiting for him, and he'd best stop ignoring it. Borin, go outside and tell those waiting that Glóin will see them now." He mutters to himself, "Whether he's ready or not."

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