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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


Fulgrim wanders back down to the main room just as the nervous acting halfling finished his request for help with transportation of a package. Standing at the foot of the steps, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with the back of his arm, he gives a once over of the new visitor to the Inn. The halfling looks a little out of place amongst the crowd of the Inn, but perhaps the coin for the task would be greater.

Fulgrim wanders forward, motioning towards the barkeep to pour another stout as he approaches, listening to Eanos ask the new visitor about the nature of the task. He shakes his head upon hearing the nature of the object would not be known up front.

"Good day fella, the name is Fulgrim, Fulgrim Ironforge." Fulgrim states. "Last time I offered ta haul somethin' for somebody it turned out ta be dead bodies, I trust this venture is above dat?" If so I am up to da task.


Fulgrim, reporting to duty!


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The half-orc at the reddish table shakes his head with a gurgle.

"I think I left for a while. No worries, I'm back! And... in time for the bill, apparently."

Phedilo gives the half-orc a worrisome glance. "Oh my...I hope he isn't with you," he whispers to Eanos.

Eanos starts a bit as the half-orc speaks.

"Lady of Secrets, I didn't even see you there, friend," the inquisitor says, a bit shaken by the oversight. "I ... a good day to you, yes?"

OOC: jkason, I'm especially looking forward to GMing for you for a change, if, for no other reason, so that I can threaten you with these: :devil:

OOC: I wouldn't have it any other way. :p

Phedilo sniffs indignantly.

"Maui's new to the wider world, Master Crea. His tribe's pretty isolated from what I gather, so maybe you can give him a bit of slack for that. He and his four-legged friend, though, are good to have at your back.

"Speaking of good fighting folk:"

"Good day fella, the name is Fulgrim, Fulgrim Ironforge." Fulgrim states. "Last time I offered ta haul somethin' for somebody it turned out ta be dead bodies, I trust this venture is above dat?" If so I am up to da task.

Eanos gives a quick chuckle.

"Think I've had my fill of the dead for a while, too. But I'm sure our little friend here'll fill us in once we've headed to a private room, yes?" He turns back to the gnome for the last bit. "After all, not knowing the cargo's the sort of secret can get a man in more trouble than it's worth."


First Post
The door to the Dunn Wright Inn opens, and a harried halfling makes his way through the door. He pauses to collect himself a moment, adjusting his glasses nervously, before addressing the room.

"Uhm...ahem...excuse me, good people, but I'm in the need of some assistance: I have a, uhm, 'package' to deliver, and I could do with some help during the transportation process. Does that sound like something any of you would be interested in?"

The halfling's dapper clothing and demeanor make him seem out of place within the no-frills, rough-and-tumble context of the Dunn Wright.

OOC: Now recruiting for "Precious Cargo," a short adventure for levels 2-3. I had presumed [MENTION=2710]jkason[/MENTION], [MENTION=21076]IronWolf[/MENTION], and [MENTION=75065]jbear[/MENTION] would be throwing their hats in the ring, but if anybody else would like to as well, I'd be more than happy to have them along.

Will set up a thread once I've gotten some responses.

Telias looks up from his nap at the table smiles and approaches the halfling. "Apologies! I must have dozed off as a side effect of all the depressants being imbibed! I hear you require the assistance of adventurers!"

Sauvressa eyes him with suspicion. But that can be counted as just the way she always looks.

OOC: Been waiting for soemthing to do and low and behold here it is.
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"Good day fella, the name is Fulgrim, Fulgrim Ironforge." Fulgrim states. "Last time I offered ta haul somethin' for somebody it turned out ta be dead bodies, I trust this venture is above dat?" If so I am up to da task.

Phedilo's eyes widen at this statement. "Goodness me, sir, absolutely not! I can assure you that the item in question will be nothing of the sort."

"Lady of Secrets, I didn't even see you there, friend," the inquisitor says, a bit shaken by the oversight. "I ... a good day to you, yes?"

Phedilo levels Eanos with a long hard stare at this statement, but says nothing.

[sblock=jkason]Just wanted to check: is the "Lady of Secrets" Issolatha? I assume it is, but I haven't heard that name for her.[/sblock]

"Maui's new to the wider world, Master Crea. His tribe's pretty isolated from what I gather, so maybe you can give him a bit of slack for that. He and his four-legged friend, though, are good to have at your back.

"Speaking of good fighting folk:"

Eanos gives a quick chuckle.

"Think I've had my fill of the dead for a while, too. But I'm sure our little friend here'll fill us in once we've headed to a private room, yes?" He turns back to the gnome for the last bit. "After all, not knowing the cargo's the sort of secret can get a man in more trouble than it's worth."

Phedilo nods at Eanos' explanation of Maui. The halfling says nothing, but that's likely do to his uncertainty at how to address Maui directly. It's just then that a fourth speaks up. Phedilo nods at the half-elf. "Yes, sir, and the more the better. I would be pleased if you were to offer your aid."

"And, yes, of course, I understand where you are coming from: after all, I would never make a purchase of an item without knowing first what it was! Let us move to a more private environment, and I will tell you a little more about the task."

The halfling checks with Grog briefly to gain use of one of the function rooms, and the group soon finds themselves sitting around a table, drinking on wine and ale provided by Phedilo.

"Now, before I tell you more about the nature of what you will be asked to escort, I would appreciate a bit more insight into your own backgrounds..." Once again, Eanos finds himself to be the subject of special scrutiny.

OOC: Welcome aboard, Tark! We'd be glad to have you.

I'll hang about here a day or two longer to see if anyone else shows/speaks up, and then we'll move ourselves to the game thread.

Edit: Also, [MENTION=72304]Tark[/MENTION], I see that you have enough XP for level 3, but it seems as though you haven't updated your sheet yet. I'd appreciate it if you could do that as soon as you get the chance.


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Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Just wanted to check: is the "Lady of Secrets" Issolatha? I assume it is, but I haven't heard that name for her.
That's my intention, yes. It's not an intentional obfuscation, though. For Eanos, Issolatha is all about secrets, whether keeping good ones or rooting out bad ones. It's not an official title on the wiki, but I figured it was an appropriate one, and being 'off-model' isn't out of character given Eanos' upbringing and the Heretic archetype.[/sblock]

"Now, before I tell you more about the nature of what you will be asked to escort, I would appreciate a bit more insight into your own backgrounds..." Once again, Eanos finds himself to be the subject of special scrutiny.

"Consider myself something of a truth-seeker, I suppose you'd say," Eanos begins. He lifts the silver key of Issolatha that lies on his chest. "Issolatha whispers her secrets to me, like offering me her help in doing my best in an endeavor," He closes his eyes and mutters something incomprehensible, then opens his eyes to give the gnome an easy smile as if he's demonstrated the divine aid at his disposal.

"I'm good with a bow," he adds, "And a fair study at navigating the odd sticky social situation."

[sblock=actions]Casting Guidance, and also using his Silver Toungued Haggler ability, both to augment his Sense Motive check vs. Phedilo. Since his Take 10 in that case is a 23 (+13 total on the check), I'll go ahead and do that. Seems a reasonably thorough assessment, though obviously Really Good Liers could probably circumvent it.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]Eanos Setirav
Initiative: +6
AC: 17
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 16 Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +7

Conditions: none

In Hand: None.

Arrows: 20/20
Blunt Arrows: 20/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 49/50 remaining

Judgement: 1/1 Remaining Determination: 2/2 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 5/6 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (4/4 remaining)(DC 14): Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith[/sblock]


First Post
The halfling nods as if a suspicion of his has been confirmed. "I had heard you make mention of the "Lady of Secrets" - not many know her by that name, so I wanted to be sure. I too am a follower of Issolatha." He pauses, giving Eanos a small nod, before adding, "Tell me, Eanos, if you don't mind me asking - how did you come to be a follower? Issolatha's followers are generally halflings." Phedilo smiles thinly.

[sblock=Eanos]Eanos can tell that something about his association with Issolatha is making Phedilo uneasy, which seems odd considering Phedilo's statement about being a follower himself seems true enough. Beyond that, Eanos notes Phedilo's general uneasiness about the task with which he is entrusting the group to.[/sblock]


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

"Tell me, Eanos, if you don't mind me asking - how did you come to be a follower? Issolatha's followers are generally halflings." Phedilo smiles thinly.

Eanos return his smile, though there's a cold light in his eyes as he responds.

"False prophets," he says simply. "But try as they might, Issolatha whispered the truth in my ears."

The smile disappears, only the coldness remaining. Eanos' voice lowers as he adds, "And if it takes me the rest of my life, I'll take all of their ears from the sides of their lying faces."

[sblock=mini stats]Eanos Setirav
Initiative: +6
AC: 17
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 16 Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +7

Conditions: none

In Hand: None.

Arrows: 20/20
Blunt Arrows: 20/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 49/50 remaining

Judgement: 1/1 Remaining Determination: 2/2 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 5/6 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (4/4 remaining)(DC 14): Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith[/sblock]


First Post
Phedilo's eyes grow wide at Eanos' words. The halfling reaches as though to rest a hand on the man's shoulder, but the height differential causes him to compromise at the side of his arm. For a moment, he is at a loss for words.

"If I understand you correctly, Eanos, your search for vengeance may take a step forward sooner than you think."

Phedilo turns to the others. "There is a heretical faction of the god which Eanos and I share who has a...skewed perspective on Issolatha's aims. They refer to themselves as the Ears of the Whisperer. Not much is known about them, as they have long kept to the shadows, but recently they have become increasingly active. Most of their efforts have been directed towards obtaining powerful arcane artifacts, especially those associated with the other planes."

Phedilo sighs before continuing. "I have come to believe that the object with which I am entrusting you is a target of theirs. While I was hesitant to turn to strangers to aid me in this task, my divinations suggested that it was safest course of action." Phedilo eyes Eanos with something akin to reverence. "I take Eanos' presence here to confirm that this is indeed the correct choice."


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Maui nods and tries to look like he understands the conversation though its fairly plain its way beyond him. Every now and again he mutters under his breath something like:

"Huffling ... Half Lean ... these little folk sure are complicated..."

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