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[LPF] Rescue at Boar's Ridge


Galandra looks up to Menik with interest... she had not thought of that before. She simply waits to see if he gets any answer and plan based on that information.

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Mesem sits back as the others voice their questions and their concerns, growing more confident in the wisdom and capabilities of his companions with every step: Ru provides even more evidence for the presence of a tactician's mind, and Menik demonstrates an impressive amount of humility in admitting a gap in his experience. Looking over the group, Mesem feels good about the prospect of confronting the impending danger with them.

"And I suppose you are going to need horses too?"

Mesem nods. "I cannot speak for anyone else, but yes, I could use a horse." After a slight pause, he adds, "Although I must admit that I am inexperienced as a rider. But I shall find my way."

"I will talk to the stable master and rent you horses as well. Those too will come out of your pay if you do not bring them back in good condition. And be warned, a goblin's most hated enemy is a horse."

"That is appreciated, Master Cratchen." Smiling, he adds, "Do not fear, we shall provide them with another object for their hatred."

[sblock=OOC]SK: GROAN. :D[/sblock]

[sblock=Stats]Mesem Adrarda
Status: Unbound
[sblock=Bound Stats]Initiative: +1, Perception: +7
HP: 9/9 real + 11/11 temporary
AC: 13 (Touch: 11 Flat-footed: 12) CMB: +5 CMD: 16
Fort: +1 Ref: +1 Will: +6 (+8 vs enchantments)

Natural Weapons:Bite (+5, 1d6+4), 2 Claws (on feet) (+6, 1d4+4)
[/sblock][sblock=Unbound Stats]Initiative: +0, Perception: +7
HP: 10/10 real
AC: 10 (Touch: 10 Flat-footed: 10) CMB: +0 CMD: 10
Fort: +2 Ref: +0 Will: +6 (+8 vs enchantments)[/sblock]Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 4/4
Spells: 0 - Infinite, 1 - 2/2

Active Magic: None

Deuce Traveler

Lem says, "Well, if your blades won't work as well against the rib cage of a skeletal monster, perhaps something blunt would do better. It might be a good idea to carry around a heavy club or other blunt device, even if you have to break off a large branch or table leg and do with a makeshift weapon."


First Post
Ru Brike, human ninja

Ru nods his thanks to their employer for the use of the wand and other arrangements, as well as to the ranger for thankfully having the ability to use it.

At Menik's musings, he bites his lip.

"Point," he agrees. "Probably want a few more blunt weapons just in case. For that matter, if we don't have a lot of things that go boom, we might want to snag some of those. Never know when a handy explosion might be useful."

[sblock=ooc]will get pearl shopping done sometime today, I imagine. Will likely be getting a sling and stones, probably a second nunchacku then the rest spent on alchemical items, since swarms are hateful, hateful things and thus I fully expect we'll run into one.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]Ru Brike
AC: 16 (Touch 14, Flatfooted 12)
HP: 11/11

Initiative: +4
Perception: +4 Sense Motive: +4
CMB: +0 CMD: 14 Fort: +2 Reflex: +6 Will: +1

Wakizashi: +4, 1d6
Wakizashi (TWF): +2/+2, 1d6/1d6
Nunchaku: +4, 1d6
Shuriken: +4, 1d2
Conditional Attack mods: +1d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank)

Conditions: None

In Hand: None

Shuriken: 10/10


First Post
Dolgrin listens intently as the explanation for the job is given, remaining silent throughout. "I haven't heard on the best ways of fighting the undead before, but ye're saying I might need not an axe?"


First Post
For that matter, if we don't have a lot of things that go boom, we might want to snag some of those. Never know when a handy explosion might be useful."

Although he keeps quiet here, the slight smile on his face suggests that Mesem is not completely unprepared in this regard.

"I haven't heard on the best ways of fighting the undead before, but ye're saying I might need not an axe?"

Mesem nods. "Yes, I believe that that is exactly what they are saying." Patting his quarterstaff, he says, "Thankfully, I am already prepared for that contingency."


[sblock=Stats]Mesem Adrarda
Status: Unbound
[sblock=Bound Stats]Initiative: +1, Perception: +7
HP: 9/9 real + 11/11 temporary
AC: 13 (Touch: 11 Flat-footed: 12) CMB: +5 CMD: 16
Fort: +1 Ref: +1 Will: +6 (+8 vs enchantments)

Natural Weapons:Bite (+5, 1d6+4), 2 Claws (on feet) (+6, 1d4+4)
[/sblock][sblock=Unbound Stats]Initiative: +0, Perception: +7
HP: 10/10 real
AC: 10 (Touch: 10 Flat-footed: 10) CMB: +0 CMD: 10
Fort: +2 Ref: +0 Will: +6 (+8 vs enchantments)[/sblock]Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 4/4
Spells: 0 - Infinite, 1 - 2/2

Active Magic: None


Mesem nods. "Yes, I believe that that is exactly what they are saying." Patting his quarterstaff, he says, "Thankfully, I am already prepared for that contingency."

"I'm getting a big stick then" Galandra said sighing and moving her falchion's scabbard to the side of her hip. "Anything else we might need to know about them?"

She was ready to leave and get all her stuff.


Reianne had made her way to the inn that her aunt had told her about, the one that all the adventurer's used as a meeting place. She made her way in, and was surprised when she was able to catch someone's attention, and followed the others to the back.

Reianne, silent up to this point and simply nodding along with people as they conversed realizing she was in a bit over her head as the talk turned to the undead. "I prefer the whip to a hammer, but I suppose now is a good time to learn huh? And I won't turn down a horse either. Oh, and if you need someone else to mind the wand, my father said I'm a natural with them." Realizing she had just gone from complete silence, to blurting out a ton of stuff at once, she blushed and was silent again.

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Reianne Estril

AC: 15 (Touch 11, Flatfooted 14)

: -1 Sense Motive: -1
+2/+4 (tripping) CMD: 13/15 (resisting tripping)
Fort: +1 Reflex: +3 Will: +1

Scorpion Whip:
+2, 1d4+2, 15' Reach, Trip, Disarm, Performance, Nonthreating
+2, 1d8+2
+2, 1d4+2
Thrown Dagger:
+1, 1d4+2, 10'

Combat Feats
Combat Expertise
Arcane Strike
Improved Trip

Bard Cantrips: Daze, Detect Magic, Drench, Lullaby, Mending

1st Level Bard Spells (2/day): Charm Person, Sleep


In Hand:

2 Daggers

Satin Knights

First Post

Drinking down the last swig in the bottle before he sits it down, "Well, that should be everything. Go to the keep, fight your way in through the goblins and skeletons, defeat my enemy the hobgoblin necromancer, and rescue my beloved Fiorella. As I said", straightening up, "I cannot pay you to kill him, only to rescue my cat." He struggles to control a wink.

"Since I don't need you younguns getting lost, I will lead you to the store and the stable. Grab your things. Let's go." He wobbles a bit as he walks around the table and leaves the room. In his inebriation, he forgets to deal with collecting back up his original map.

[sblock=ooc]You each have 100 gp to do extra shopping at the Mystic Pearl. There is one wand of Cure Light Wounds, of which you have two people who can use it properly. Do your shopping at the Pearl in that thread. The next post from me will be as you get to the stables, unless he needs to answer any more questions along the way.[/sblock]


First Post
"I prefer the whip to a hammer, but I suppose now is a good time to learn huh? And I won't turn down a horse either. Oh, and if you need someone else to mind the wand, my father said I'm a natural with them." Realizing she had just gone from complete silence, to blurting out a ton of stuff at once, she blushed and was silent again.

Mesem gives Reianne a reassuring smile. "It is good to know we have two of you who can operate curative wands."

As Mesem gathers his things, including the copy of the map Cratchen provided them with, he gives into the urge to give Cratchen's copy a once-over glance for any additional information, and to confirm his copy matches Cratchen. Once he finishes his once-over, he calls out to their employer. "Master Cratchen, do not forget your map." If Cratchen has already left the room, Mesem will bring it to him.

Once his equipment is on, Mesem will accompany the others to Arcane Row on their way to the stables.


[sblock=Stats]Mesem Adrarda
Status: Unbound
[sblock=Bound Stats]Initiative: +1, Perception: +7
HP: 9/9 real + 11/11 temporary
AC: 13 (Touch: 11 Flat-footed: 12) CMB: +5 CMD: 16
Fort: +1 Ref: +1 Will: +6 (+8 vs enchantments)

Natural Weapons:Bite (+5, 1d6+4), 2 Claws (on feet) (+6, 1d4+4)
[/sblock][sblock=Unbound Stats]Initiative: +0, Perception: +7
HP: 10/10 real
AC: 10 (Touch: 10 Flat-footed: 10) CMB: +0 CMD: 10
Fort: +2 Ref: +0 Will: +6 (+8 vs enchantments)[/sblock]Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 4/4
Spells: 0 - Infinite, 1 - 2/2

Active Magic: None

Voidrunner's Codex

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