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Night's Black Agents: Countdown (demo encounter)

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What? Another phone?

(Preparedness test: Autosucceed w/MOS)
A bit of a control freak, Persephone trusts no one as much as herself.

Flashback: As Hung begins to make the call to relay the codes, she stops him. "I know this is your thing, but you'd better give me that number". After some squabbling, she saves the number to her phone as Hung reads it off, snaps the case shut, and says "trust me, the way this has been going, It wouldn't surprise me if..." and stops as she hears the distinctive sound of Russian voices yelling in the hallway...

Back to current time: She wipes her blood off her hand, reaches into her pocket, and grabs the backup cell. Persephone dials the number and throws the secondary phone to Hung and quips "...an ounce of preparedness!" Get those codes and I'll patch you up. But for now, Ivan calls" and sprints towards the closing elevator.

OOC: I assume that's how preparedness works, and hopefully just having a second phone isn't too cheesy. Sorry about the time between posts!


OOC: Not cheesy in the least! Heck, considering that the first time I ran NBA [MENTION=3448]Cerebral Paladin[/MENTION] used Persephone's preparedness to produce a rocket launcher and blow away my triumphant bad guy's fleeing helicopter, it's positively tame and completely in character. Due to the nifty past-time nature of a flashback, you can still take a combat action. In order to get to the elevator you're going to be running right into those two goons in the hallway, and that's extraordinarily dangerous. What's your approach, who do you want to attack, and how?


First Post
OOC: I'm not sure if I can play it this way, but here goes--I am going for my technothriller monologue refresh on shooting for the next turn

As she runs towards the goons closing ranks and the closing elevator beyond, she holsters her second gun, and in her favored hand, feels the familiar nylon grip, worn from years of service, knows every scratch on the stainless slide, knows the rough patch where a serial number used to be. With every fibre of her being, she hopes this is enough... attempts put her elbow deep in the weaker thugs' nose, hoping to cause enough physical duress to slip by. She watches how they move, feinting to the left and right, and makes a lightning-quick dive to the right thug's face. She is off-balance, and doesn't quite weigh enough for this kind of attack; physical violence is not her forte, but maybe fate will look kindly on her tonight:

Hand to Hand attack +2 points (1d6+2=7)


One thug goes down, blood spurting from his nose. The other one is both fast and wary; he spins his pistol in his hand, holding the barrel, and cracks Persephone on the back of the head with it as she rushes past. He then shoves her as hard as he can towards the back wall and the elevator, likely hoping to push her into the wall. A blackish-red flare goes off inside Persephone's head, the worst kind of fireworks, and she catches herself enough to stumble towards the elevator. Due to that shove, ironically, she reaches it just before the door completely closes. Eschenko is inside on the floor, gasping for breath through doubtlessly bruised ribs, and he fumbles for a weapon as Persephone's face appears.

"Cardiff," he manages to get out, "it's kind of you to deliver yourself to me. Like a going away present." He smiles, displaying top-notch dental work, and starts to pull something from inside his jacket.

She could toss something through the door, insert her hand so that the door re-opens, or (probably, with a TN 4 Athletics check) leap through without causing the door to reopen.

OOC: [MENTION=88980]71gamer[/MENTION], 6 points of damage from that Weapons attack, but one thug is down and you're past the other. You get 3 points of shooting back. What do you want to do with the elevator?
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[Start of the 3rd round]

Of the two remaining thugs behind Persephone, one is choking to death on his own blood, the result of having his nose driven into his face. The other shoves Persephone hard just after her gun barks, pushing her fully into the elevator. The thug stares in irritation as the doors shut in front of him with Persephone and what's left of his boss inside. He was gonna kill her! But if he had, with Eschenko dead, would he have gotten the bounty? Probably not. He shrugs, turns, and starts into the control room to kill that damn hacker instead.

The remains of Hung-Ke's old phone pathetically squawks out a short, warbling voice. The speaker has been shot, but the chronograph is still working. Twenty seconds.

The two thugs in the control room already exchange a glance from behind their cover. "We've got 'em," one grates, and the other agrees, deespite the fact they're low on bullets. They move as one out from behind their cover. The one who shot Hung-Ke's phone starts across the room for the hacker, throwing a desk chair in his general direction as he comes. The chair goes wide. His partner, a taller and uglier man missing half an ear, does an impressive front roll to close the distance and comes up punching Quinn in the face with one meaty, tattooed fist. He brushes greasy hair out of his still watering eyes.

"You an old man," says the thug to Quinn in his thick Russian accent. "Look a little bit like Santa Claus. I'm gonna go to kids at American malls on Christmas and tell them I killed Santa, maybe show them picture of your head. What you think of that?" He feints again, circling Quinn slightly, and spits. "You got pistol. I got fists. I still gonna win."

OOC: Persephone inflicted a massive 8 points of damage to Eschenko's head, which is now a bloody mess. She has also taken another 1 point of health from that Hand-to-Hand shove, and is separated from the rest of the group. Quinn takes a measly 2 points of Health from the fist to his face, and the thug is right in front of him. Hung-Ke got missed.

Inside the elevator, the Russian equivalent of Muzak plays. Persephone looks down at Eschenko's remains. Her marksmanship was top-notch and she was at point-blank range, and the left side of his head is a bloody ruin. She feels her own wounds, knows that they only have seconds left to stop that warhead, reaches up to touch her earbud for a status report and --

Eschenko's one remaining eye snaps open.

"Cardiff." His voice is bubbling, strained. It looks like his inhalation requires a conscious effort. "My Master spoke the truth. I smell you, Persephone. Perrr-Sephhh-Onnnn-eeee." He drawls each syllable out, tasting it. "I smell your blood. I need it, I need you, I need it to recover. My master has plans for me." He stares at her with his one remaining eye, and she can see that it doesn't contain a single shred of sanity. She can also see that his eye teeth seems to have gotten much, much longer.

Brains dripping onto his impeccably tailored suit, Eschenko struggles to his feet.

OOC: Remember when I said this was a game of super-spies vs vampires, but that we were playing it straight?

I lied.
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Gabriella spirals down through the sky, targeting reticule on her glasses tracking the phone as it tumbles through the air. Frankly, this would be a lot more fun for her if Hung-Ke was here with her instead of Mace.

OOC: That's where it begins. Filch check to catch the phone. Assuming you succeed, H-K gave you a gizmo to slap onto it that does some sort of hacking thing. You still have that?

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