Interest Check, TSR Marvel Super Heroes!


I'm confused by what the ranking does for some powers. Is Extra Body Parts: prehensile tail Amazing actually better than prehensile tail Good?

Many powers in the game assume random chargen. In many cases their ranking is superseded by Ability rank.

As for extra body part we’d have to discuss. As written, It seems to have no real mechanical advantage. It’s almost like a talent.

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To clarify perhaps extra body part would cost ten points and give a one column shift for one single ability.

For instance a tail for agility, ear or antennae for perception, arm for strength or fighting etc...

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Okay, here's a rough outline for Moon Sapphire:

Vital Statistics
Hero Name: Moon Sapphire
Birth Name: Lila Ling
Origin: Altered Human
Age: 32
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120#
Occupation: Professor of Anthropology at NYU

Fighting: Remarkable (30)
Agility: Incredible (40)
Strength: Remarkable (30)
Endurance: Unearthly (100)
Reason: Remarkable (30)
Intuition: Excellent (20)
Psyche: Amazing (50)

Health: 200
Karma: 100
Resources: Excellent (20)
Popularity: 40 (origin secret, identity known to a few, looks human)

Gravity Control: Monstrous (75)
Energy (Gravity) Missile: Incredible (40)
Flight: Incredible (40)
Resistant to Cold: Excellent (20)
Resistant to Radiation: Excellent (20)
Body Armor: Excellent (20)

Archaeology (5)
History (5)
Wrestling (5)
Moon Sapphire.png
Maximillian Fritzlieb - Archaeologist at Arizona State University
Larry Ling - Brother, executive at a multi-national corporation (and his wife Maria)
Celia Warner - BFF since high school, works in marketing at the same multi-national (crushes on Larry)
Mark Turing - Ex-husband, jailed for insurance fraud and, now she realizes, a complete ass.

Lila is a slim woman of mixed ancestry. She has long dark hair and vivid blue eyes. She tends to wear sunglasses or darkened "prescription" glasses to hide the brightness of her eyes. She is 28 years old.

Moon Sapphire's skin turns absolutely black, speckled with blue points of "light", when she enables her body armor powers. In the center of her chest, a one-quarter moon appears, blue in color like a sapphire.

Lila's family use to own a chain of Chinese buffet franchises. It was sold to a multi-national corporation. Her older brother Larry became an executive there as part of the stock swap. Lila was still only sixteen and her part of the sale was put away in a trust. Around this same time she met Mark Turing who became her boyfriend and fresh out of high school, they married. Mark was a hustler and disappointed when he found out she could not access the trust funds until she turned 25 without Larry's permission. Long story short, Mark go involve in a money laundering scheme based on insurance fraud. He was arrested and jailed while Lila was a Junior in college at Arizona State University.

In her her first post-graduate year, Lila and her mentor, Maximilian Fitzlieb, traveled to South America to participate in a dig around some Aztec ruins. One night, she was trying to copy an inscription on the wall of a ziggurat when she fell through the floor and woke up inside a then unknown temple. When she came to she found herself bathed in the light of the full moon. Her body felt light and she nearly freaked out when she discovered she was floating, dropping to the floor. There was no way out of the temple that was not filled in with rubble and dirt. With trepidation she figured out how to fly and floated out of the hole.

After the fateful night of her transformation, she avoided her powers for several years. She was back in New York, having recently taken a job at NYU. One night after an evening drinking with her new acquaintances from work, where, despite having more shots than she normal would, she knew she was not drunk at all, she took a short cut to her apartment and ran into a pair of muggers. As soon as one of them grabbed her wrist he suddenly found himself lying flat on the ground trying to breathe. The other one shot at her but the bullet just dropped to the ground next to her. "Keep away," she cried and the one with the gun went flying sixty feet into a wall and landed in the dumpster below him. In fear she turned to run and ended up flying upwards. She started to fly straight for her apartment when she realized what she had done. Suddenly, she was doing loops and barrel rolls in the air, flying like she was born to fly.

At her apartment that night, her roommate and BFF from high school, Celia Warner, saw her, in what she thought was a black body suit and asked why she had not been invited to the latex party. When she found out it was not a costume, she became excited that she was living with a superhero. Lila denied it. But after a long discussion Celia convinced her of the good she could do. Lila has been spending time dealing with petty crime that she stumbles over but Celia keeps insisting that she should do more.

While looking for somewhere to really let loose, she noticed a young woman destroying cars in a parking lot. But Lila is worried whether the woman is seeking to do good or evil and does not approach her.

[sblock="Point Buy"]
Abilities: 30+40+30+100+30+20+50 = 300
Resources: 20
Powers: 215
Talents: 15
Total: 300+20+215+15 = 550[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
I think you'd be using the tail's rank in lieu of your strength or agility for actions you do with the tail.

That seems to be the general pattern here.


I think you'd be using the tail's rank in lieu of your strength or agility for actions you do with the tail.

That seems to be the general pattern here.

Yes but as written it’s terrible. And other than a tail it seems other powers already cover this in regards to speed or movement or even perception. It’s very weird.


First Post
Hm...can I throw points at owning a starship? Here's what I got so far in stats:

[sblock=Marvel character]Name: ??
Origin: Mutant?/Alien?

Attributes 211
Fighting - Good (10)
Agility - Excellent (20)
Strength - Typical (6)
Endurance - Amazing (50)
Reason - Good (10)
Intuition - Amazing (50)
Psyche - Monstrous (75)

Health 86
Karma 135
Resources ?

Talents 25
Marksman (10)
Martial Arts (5)
First Aid (5)
Pilot (5)

Powers 300
Extraordinary Sense (TK 'radar') - Amazing (50)
Flight - Amazing (50)
Body Armor - Unearthly (100)
Telekinesis - Unearthly (100)
Unique Vehicle - ? [/sblock]

Still got 64 points to spend. I could dunk it into resources or a vehicle or brainstorm other powers to have. Force Field maybe. Hmm.

Background is still tentative. I don't know a LOT about the Marvel Galaxy, so I'd probably be best served by playing someone who's relatively new to it. Perhaps an Earth-native who got whisked away a' la Starlord...or someone who has learned of a strange heritage and/or destiny among the stars and now ventures forth to seek it.

Still got 64 points to spend. I could dunk it into resources or a vehicle or brainstorm other powers to have. Force Field maybe. Hmm.
You could replace Body Armor with Force Field. The only time Force Field is worse is if it fails, and stuns you.

Background is still tentative. I don't know a LOT about the Marvel Galaxy, so I'd probably be best served by playing someone who's relatively new to it. Perhaps an Earth-native who got whisked away a' la Starlord...or someone who has learned of a strange heritage and/or destiny among the stars and now ventures forth to seek it.

I'm hoping we are still earth centered. I'm not at all interested in a full on Guardians of the Galaxy game. (And I went with Unearthly Endurance because there's some text somewhere that says that's required for being vacuum safe. Unfortunately the basic game has no FTL power. And it even says to use Star Frontiers for space combat.)


For what it’s worth the game does not have to be a full on space game; and Im more than open to your opinions more in full.

As for vehicles, if you’re simply worried about a space vessel I wouldn’t be. I’m less concerned about that sort of combat then the actual powers and abilities of the characters. So that sort of thing can simply work itself out as it does in Comics.

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Well, a space game was the least interesting of the 6 choices in my opinion.

Is resistant to X (rank N) and Body Armor (rank N) redundant? The book is extremely vague about what resistant does and what body armor does and what force fields do.

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