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Podcast #122: Nazi Dracula Must Die! with Justice Arman

This week, Morrus and Peter are joined by Justice Arman to talk about the 5e campaign setting Nazi Dracula Must Die! In the news, Cyberpunk RED Release Date, new episodes for Starfinder on Alexa, yet another Drizzt statue, Roll20 statistics report released, and more! Plus a brand new sketch featuring a confused potential apprentice.

This week, Morrus and Peter are joined by Justice Arman to talk about the 5e campaign setting Nazi Dracula Must Die! In the news, Cyberpunk RED Release Date, new episodes for Starfinder on Alexa, yet another Drizzt statue, Roll20 statistics report released, and more! Plus a brand new sketch featuring a confused potential apprentice.


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Our Guest

Justice Arman Justice Arman

Nazi Dracula Must Die Kickstarter Nazi Dracula Must Die! Campaign Setting for DnD 5E



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Nazi Dracula Must Die

Nazi Dracula Must Die Kickstarter Nazi Dracula Must Die! Campaign Setting for DnD 5E

Crystal Quill Press on Twitter https://twitter.com/CrystalQPress


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Hosts: Russ “Morrus” Morrissey and Peter Coffey

Editing and post-production: Darryl Mott

Kickstarter News Column used for the Kickstarter Game: Egg Embry

Theme Song: Steve Arnott

Kickstarter Game Theme: Lyrics by Russ Morrissey, Vocals by “drwilko”, Guitar by Darryl Mott

Malach the Maleficent played by Darren Morrissey

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott


Yeah, it's a bit of a shame. I suspect it works better if you do the usual trick of setting really low funding goals, then claim "funded in XX minutes/hours".
Backerkit's projection has it within the realm of possibility that they make it - so I hope they do, too!
(I pledged for the PDF, even though I have moved on from 5e for quite a while now - kicking both Nazis and vampires in the same adventure seems like a great option for some goofy fun).
Yeah. Plus there are ways of adding in some of DND's more fantasy choices to it and it will still fit in.(Example being: Reflavoring the Elves as The Fey instead or Warforged as Clockwork Augmented humans.)

Plus I'm not gonna lie: I'm trying to do a kind of Doom style 5E setting and I'm trying to get different classification of firearms to represent different grades of fire arms. And I'm using Firearms from 5E formats to replicate that notion. Such as using the firearms in Carbon 2185 to represent stronger military grade weaponry, while the DMG and Mercer's Gunslinger pdf's Firearms representing lower grade firearms. Imagine if your buddy has a Thompson Machine gun and your only armed with a ye old school Musket and you had to fight the Cyber Demon or Spider-Mastermind.

But I also love the idea and setting concept as well. And I figured this would make a nice prequel to my eventual 5E Hellboy games. And I've tried spreading news of this kickstarter. Don't know what else to do.
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Yeah, it's a bit of a shame. I suspect it works better if you do the usual trick of setting really low funding goals, then claim "funded in XX minutes/hours".
Yeah, from what I can see, if you don't fund within the first day or two, you get very little organic traffic from Kickstarter. Lesson learned.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yeah, from what I can see, if you don't fund within the first day or two, you get very little organic traffic from Kickstarter. Lesson learned.
Don't believe the referral data in the dashboard. KS's referral tracking is terrible.


"Nazi Dracula Must Die!" is the least inspired name since "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter".

All of these themes have been done to death. And I say this totally bummed out, since the artwork on the kickstarter is actually pretty cool and the modern era is underexplored in RPGs nowadays. I just see this as a wasted oportunity.


As someone whose family (close and far) suffered terribly under the Nazi regime I find it distasteful to imply that they where anything but complete Human monstrosities.
Anything else implies that they can get off the hook - a Vampire (in D&D) is Evil by nature.
Humans are not, they have choice, and those that supported that ideology are Evil and not one dimensional D&D Monsters.
If you read the memories of the son of the commander of Auschwitz you hear about a "lovely" father that kisses his kids pats the dog and goes off to "work" - killing Jews. He is not a Vampire or a Ghoul, he is a Human bent on doing Evil.


Warren Ellis

I think sometimes an issue about how we've used the Nazis so much as a goto bad guy is that we kind of forget the cold, ruthless horror of what they did.

Like I remember reading about this one extermination camp money sorter, for Auschwitz I think, and how it was mentioned at his trial that he looked like the kind of guy you'd pass by in a supermarket.

I also kind of think despite how we're taught about the Holocaust and other atrocities they did, the almost overuse of Nazis as enemy fodder has kind of made the sheer horror of what them almost become banal I guess?

I guess I kind of feel Nazis have been sort of done to death as a lazy evil you just mow down or are added in because Nazis = Evil in this sort of "expected" way I guess. It's almost kind of lazy sometimes I feel.

It's almost rote now a bit.

Does anyone understand what I'm trying to say?
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I guess you worry about horrible things happening because the honest people did nothing to avoid or to stop it, because they didn't notice yet, or the fear was too big. And the fiction about some real historical facts could cause trivialization of real tragedies.

And a good setting should allow to use different factions as antagonists or allies. We are used to the Saturday morning cartoon where the villain almost always is the same one, but in the TTRPGs fighting only with the archenemy may become boring. Players would rather higher variety of enemies and menaces. If you play the arcade videogame "Metal Slug" to shoot against the soldiers of the Rebel Army is fun, but betters with different enemies as those aliens, the zombies or the mummies.


I think sometimes an issue about how we've used the Nazis so much as a goto bad guy is that we kind of forget the cold, ruthless horror of what they did.

Like I remember reading about this one extermination camp money sorter, for Auschwitz I think, and how it was mentioned at his trial that he looked like the kind of guy you'd pass by in a supermarket.

I also kind of think despite how we're taught about the Holocaust and other atrocities they did, the almost overuse of Nazis as enemy fodder has kind of made the sheer horror of what them almost become banal I guess?

I guess I kind of feel Nazis have been sort of done to death as a lazy evil you just mow down or are added in because Nazis = Evil in this sort of "expected" way I guess. It's almost kind of lazy sometimes I feel.

It's almost rote now a bit.

Does anyone understand what I'm trying to say?
I can see how in a list of "Top Bad Guys 101 Hall of Fame" that Nazis seem the typical bad guy at the top of the list.

But the fact is: They suck. No matter what. We still don't forget the horrible things they did. They showed the world how much THE Bad Guy they were. And nothing will ever change that. They became a reminder on how the Human Race should NEVER be.

I'd rather have them be the go-to bad guy than ever not be the bad-guy.
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I also hope this gets funded. There've been plenty of Kickstarters that have gone over the top in the final hours, and we're still about a week out.

I'm fine with the nazis being pilloried in media and entertainment. Inglourious Bastards is probably my favorite Tarantino flick. The world should never forget that they were monsters, the villains of the story. Every time they are defeated in effigy, it reinforces that message.

As Orwell said (or didn't, quite): "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a nazi face - forever."

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