Moon Knight - SPOILERS


New Publisher
I would have smashed them all. As a last resort to stop an evil god.

For me and my wife, who both know people with mental illness, we didn't like that Marc and Stephen are actually somehow different people. We would have preferred that Marc begin consolidating his personalities. Again, I get that's a preference, and not to say the choice is bad, just not the choice we wanted

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Yeah, we do. We see Marc and Steven's hearts out of balance, the scales unable to judge them - they could go either way, and eventually Marc does achieve balance. His fate wasn't predetermined.

And the fact that Ammit chooses an imbalanced soul as her avatar is a strong indication that she knows that what she's doing is wrong. A balanced avatar would come to oppose her - she needs a Harrow for what she intends to do.
I agree with everything you just said.

And I think Harrow took her at her best potential, which she did not live up to.

Harrow tested Steven in the museum, and let him go because the scales kept swinging and he was unable to judge. He was a true believer in what Ammit was proposing. Further supported that he thought and accepted he should die and Ammit pick a balanced avatar.

It's just that when she came forth, we found out that she didn't live up to the ideals she was espousing.


New Publisher
I agree with everything you just said.

And I think Harrow took her at her best potential, which she did not live up to.

Harrow tested Steven in the museum, and let him go because the scales kept swinging and he was unable to judge. He was a true believer in what Ammit was proposing. Further supported that he thought and accepted he should die and Ammit pick a balanced avatar.

It's just that when she came forth, we found out that she didn't live up to the ideals she was espousing.
You'd think that would lead to a crises of faith for Harrow....


New Publisher
Tawaret had to reach into the chest of Steven and Marc to pull out their hearts. Jake wasn't there at that moment, so his heart didn't get added to the scales.
Would Jake be alive, then, if they aren't really one soul/person? Because I have A LOT of questions otherwise (either way, actually).

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