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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Litrix nods to Quinn "Thanks!"
And then starts a cadence of orders, counting steps for everyone to retreat in orderly fashion.
"Come on then! Orderly retreat in step in three, two, one...Phar, Caerth, Aureus go! Quinn, three, two, one, follow! Maur, Angus, all together now, go!"
Maur is used to commanders yelling and he has to give the boy credit, he knows how to hold the line. Still, he would prefer killing the pest in front of him before retreating. The webs make things difficult and this will buy them some time. He's not convinced of wisdom of getting into small space with only one entrance, but open space in front will enable Phar and Caerth more freedom with spell use.

Steeling himself for potential retaliation, he steps backward as Angus starts moving, keeping centaurs front hooves in his peripheral vision.
"Mak' a break fur it 'n' ah will cover ye!" Angus shouts. The centaur seems unwilling to give up his advantageous position versus the smaller spiders.

Seeing Angus hesitate, noticing he can see the ranger in full instead of only his front, Maur calls out "Angus, we need to work together to keep the line! You can run circles around me, follow my speed so we keep casters safe and attack surface low. We're outnumbered, no one doubts your courage, this is tactical to let fireballs work for us!"
Angus hesitates for another second, but he decided the tactic is good. He steps back and stays in line with Maur.

Phar listens to Litrix and moves back towards the tomb. "Featar says there are two more on the roof and others outside on the ground. Angus join us and I will do my best to cover our retreat and, perhaps, give us a moment of reprieve."

In the language that only the two of them share, Phar chirps to Featar, "Come back friend, we may need your speed!"
"I see the ones on the roof," Aurues says after she scrambles up on the roof next to Shouzas. "There! And there!" she points southeast, then southwest.

"I'm coming," Featar replies to Phar. The hawk silent swoops back to Phar and lands on the corner of the roof of Stratesus' Chamber right above the elf paragon.

Just as he was about to dive into the mass of spiders, Caerth-as-lizard hears Litrix call out for a retreat. Reluctantly the druid decides to follow the man's tactical orders, not yet seeing how it may help them against this hive but understanding strength in numbers goes both ways.

Instead of climbing over the buildings, he jumps off the wall and dashes over the table and rubble in the courtyard.
Caerth-as-lizard moves to stand next to Phar and Litrix. Quinn moves backs and stands on the other side of the dragonblooded knight.

The Nightshade makes another strange shriek-like roaring sound and the smaller monstrous spiders stop swaying. They bristle and shriek and scatter away from the Nightshade and ooze. They don't move towards you. Three rush into the old armoury. The others either rushe away into the hollowed out areas or out into the courtyard along its southern wall.

A moment later, the two larger spiders in the armoury rush out into the courtyard. One climbs over the broken wagon and anvil to menace Angus while the other rushes onto the roof towards Shouzas.

"Oh, no you don't," Aureus says as she takes aim and fires at the spider menacing the magical beast. Her aim is good and the two arrows bury deep into the spiders head and thorax. The spider drops dead on the roof.

Shouzas chitters to the hutaakan. It is a happy sound.

Aureus swishes her tail but keeps her focus on the other spiders. "Another one down."


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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerth is confused about the spiders rushing into the armoury. Perhaps the nightshade thinks to keep them away from any old weapons and gear? That would be strange indeed, because it has seen the formidable stuff the Companions carry. Must be something else.

Not going too far away, the giant lizard moves to stand beside Angus, hoping his position allows him to see into the armoury while forming a from with the centaur against the oncoming spiders from inside the hive's nest. The wild shaped druid snaps his jaws at the closest spider, taking a painful bite out of the arachnids abdomen before gobbling it up with gusto.

OOC: Moving across the courtyard to stand next to Angus, on the left side of him on the map. 7-8 from the top on the map in the OOC thread, and 7-8 squares from the left hand. That places me both next to Angus and next to that spider. I'm having difficulty in seeing how many squares I'm moving, so if I moved too much and cannot attack this round, please ignore the attack roll.

I used the basic stats, not sure if there's any additional bonuses going on right now. But I think it's a good hit, regardless. :)
lizard bite: 1D20+10 = [7]+10 = 17
for 2D6+13 = [4, 3]+13 = 20 damage


World of Kulan DM
Caerth is confused about the spiders rushing into the armoury. Perhaps the nightshade thinks to keep them away from any old weapons and gear? That would be strange indeed, because it has seen the formidable stuff the Companions carry. Must be something else.

Not going too far away, the giant lizard moves to stand beside Angus, hoping his position allows him to see into the armoury while forming a from with the centaur against the oncoming spiders from inside the hive's nest. The wild shaped druid snaps his jaws at the closest spider, taking a painful bite out of the arachnids abdomen before gobbling it up with gusto.
The spider shrieks in pain and falls to the ground dead.

JustinCase said:
OOC: Moving across the courtyard to stand next to Angus, on the left side of him on the map. 7-8 from the top on the map in the OOC thread, and 7-8 squares from the left hand. That places me both next to Angus and next to that spider. I'm having difficulty in seeing how many squares I'm moving, so if I moved too much and cannot attack this round, please ignore the attack roll.

I used the basic stats, not sure if there's any additional bonuses going on right now. But I think it's a good hit, regardless. :)
lizard bite: 1D20+10 = [7]+10 = 17
for 2D6+13 = [4, 3]+13 = 20 damage
OOC: More than enough movement. It is indeed a good hit.


World of Kulan DM
Maur watches as the living web seems to engulf the nightshade, but it soon becomes apparent that the ooze isn't trying to hurt the extraplanar spider. The ooze compresses itself into a round ball of webs with the nightshade cocooned inside. It then rolls down the corridor and out into the courtyard faster than it should really be able to move. The strange ooze then busts out back to its original size.

The creature's bulk slams into both Angus and Maur, as the ooze tries to shove the two heroes back or engulf them.

Standing on top of the ooze stands the Nightshade, completely unharmed. It hisses and seems to lock its gaze on on Phar. "Maaage! MAGE!"

OOC: Angus and Maur must choose to either be pushed back or stand their ground. If either of them stands their ground, a DC 17 Reflex save is required to keep from being engulfed. Both characters can choose to make AoOs, but if either chooses to do so, the character doesn't get a Reflex saving throw and is automatically engulfed.

However, @Tellerian Hawke, you readied an action, so you can choose to just take a 5-ft step back and attack the ooze without worrying about making a choice. However, being pushed back isn't considered an action, so Angus can attack the ooze using your readied action, then get pushed back 5 feet, and then also make a 5-ft step afterwards.


World of Kulan DM
Angus doesn't fight against the ooze's bulk. He moves back and then slashes out with his sword and bashes it with his shield. His blade seems to pass through the ooze without truly cutting pieces off it, but his shield crushes a large portion of the living web.

Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 54/54
23; FF:19 T: 16
TempAC: 25 FF:21 T:18
Mage Hand; Open/Close; ❏❏Detect Magi;❏❏Electric Jolt;❏❏Prestidigitation
Will: +8(10) (+1/+2 vs fear)
Refl: +8
Initiative: +3
Melee: +6/+1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket ❏Feather Fall; [][]*Magic Missile; [] Protection from Evil; [] Slide []Feather fall
2nd[6+1](D21) ❏Cat's Grace (DC:21)[X]Glitterdust [X][X] [] *Scorching Ray ❏Web; []Luminous Swarm
3rd[6+1](DC22)❏Dispel Magic ❏*Fireball ❏Fly; [ ] [ ]Haste; ❏*Lightning Bolt [X] Summon Monster III
DEX: 18 + 4
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 65500/66000
(DC23)4th [5+1❏❏*Fire Shield ❏*Ice Storm [] [] polymorph []Summon Monster IV
5th(4+1) (DC24) [X] []Dismissal ; []Wall of FIre; []Break Enchantment; [X] Wall of Force
6th (2+1)[DC25] []Disintegrate; []*Wall of Force; []Cacophonic Burst

Phar hesitates only for a moment - he could cast fly on himself and be safe from the creature but he worries that it might retreat again, instead, he backs up closer to the magical doors.

"We do not know your name but begone Nightshade, your presence on this plane is a sickening boil!

In an attempt to send it back to its home plane, Phar points at the glowing arachnid and, with powerful intent, shouts out a word that is anathema to the creature,


Was going to fly away but, no guts, no glory, I guess. Move Phar 1 square back and diagonal East (5foot step)

My total spell penetration is 1d20+ 15(for greater spell penetration)+6 for Litrix's bonus
Spell penetration;1D20+21 = [12]+21 = 33 /1D6 = [6] = 6
spell failure (5%):1D100 = [37] = 37

Saving throw for dismissal is Will Save: 24+11=35 minus Deadly Nightshade's HD.

*From now on, I'm just going to use Scottish Gaelic as my spellcasting language :)

Force Wall 1 round/level: round 2 of 11
Glitterdust: 1 round/level 1/11 (-40 to hide)
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World of Kulan DM
A moment before Phar tries to dismiss the nightshade, it moves towards Maur and tries to bite the dwarf champion. But, its attack cannot penetrate Maur's defenses.

Phar hesitates only for a moment - he could cast fly on himself and be safe from the creature but he worries that it might retreat again, instead, he backs up closer to the magical doors.

"We do not know your name but begone Nightshade, your presence on this plane is a sickening boil!

In an attempt to send it back to its home plane, Phar points at the glowing arachnid and, with powerful intent, shouts out a word that is anathema to the creature,

The nightshade shrieks and the ooze responds to its command. The ooze shimmers and rises up around the creature to try to block Phar's magic. The ooze's response leaves it open to Phar's magic, and instead of sending the nightshade back to the Shadowstar Sea, Phar dismisses the ooze back to that plane.

The ooze blinks out of existence, and the webbing in the courtyard collapses to the ground. It disintegrates into a slimy, sticky mess that smells terrible.

"That's disgusting," Aureus says while trying not to retch.

The nightshade bristles in anger. It locks its eyes on Phar once again. "MAGE! MAGE! Eat him! Eat him!"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Maur could set his feet and become immovable as a mountain. But this thing actually helps him by moving him closer to his companions. So he lets himself be carried away with the wave.

When the things mandibles scrape on his armor, he brings silver hammer around, smacking it solidly across the back. He tries to discern if that hurt the beast or not.

Swift: turn undead for smite
(if I missed some additional +1 such as bless, add it;
+3 recitation +3 litrix aura +1 litrix other bonus +1 smite)
Attack: Hit AC 29 for 23 damage (terrible rolls) - lower to hit by 1 and damage by 10 if smite is not possible (needs a swift action)
neurotic: D20 + 16 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 1#maursmiteattack → 29(5 + 16 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 1)#Maur smite attack
neurotic: D8 + 7 + 5 + 10#maursmitedamage → 23(1 + 7 + 5 + 10)#Maur smite damage


World of Kulan DM
Maur could set his feet and become immovable as a mountain. But this thing actually helps him by moving him closer to his companions. So he lets himself be carried away with the wave.

When the things mandibles scrape on his armor, he brings silver hammer around, smacking it solidly across the back. He tries to discern if that hurt the beast or not.
The hammer strikes the creature solidly but the nightshade's strong exoskeleton of chitin seems to absorb some of the dwarf champion's blow. Maur notices that the beast's chitin is made of interlocking layers like plate armour.

Shouzas turns back towards the courtyard and makes what can only be called a growling sound. It move to the edge of the roof by the rubble ramp leading up into its lair. It opens its mouth, and for a moment Maur thinks it might spit some sort of venom at the nightshade. Instead, a powerful sonic energy blasts from its mouth and slams into the planar spider.

The breath weapon surprises everyone.

"I though you said arachnids don't have breath weapons on Kulan," Aureus says with a laugh. "I'm glad he's on on side."

End of Round 3
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