D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art


You might try specifically mentioning the footwear or foot positioning in the prompt. That sometimes provokes it into drawing a full-body by forcing it to put the feet in the image.
To get a full-body portrait, I do mention things like "bare feet" or "viking shoes", sometimes with success, and "yoga pants" will often get near the knees or sometimes even include the feet. But as part of an already complex description, these specifications often get ignored.

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Probably my biggest frustration with AI image results is its tendency to do a closeup of the head-and-shoulders only or above the waist, when I almost always want the entire body view. Descriptions like "full-body" are only sometimes successful.
Standing on white ground" seems to work almost all the time to generate a full body image, though it doesn't help at all if you want the character with a background/context. But maybe including "standing on <<thing>>" might work to help guide it when trying to get it in situ?


Dragon Lover
Just having some fun creating some marionette tokens for my player's current party, PCs and NPCs included. These tokens are for one of the silly little trials the ghostly inhabitants of the current dungeon are subjecting the party to. For this trial, they must act out a children's story of a group of heroes fighting against an avatar of despair, and determine each of their roles within the party in order to inspire seven ghost children residing in these marionette dolls who's unfulfilled desire was to be heroes until they are all replaced with these dolls, who act out the finale. So here are the marionette children.

The Diligent Defender - This is the token of Aila the Dhampir Goliath. She is a Bodyguard Fighter/Shadow Monk/Gloom Stalker Ranger. Her whole this is being hidden, fast, and using her abilities and reactions to rush to her ally's aid to protect them. Her marionette is a little cloaked bat figure.
Aila's Marionette.png

The Wise Leader - This is the token for Tearian, the Reborn Goliath and Aila's twin. He is a Witchblade Fighter/Specter Monk/Duskwalker Rogue. He acts as the main driving force of the party, making plans and using his wisdom to help in all manner of situations, on top of commanding a small squad of spirits much like a Pokémon train commanding his Pokémon. His marionette is a snake/hydra due to his connection to the Serpent of the Cycle (Snake god of life and death), having several hydra and snake-like spirits at his command.
Tearian's Marionette.png

The Charging Warrior - This is the token for Gurtir, the the Draconic Tortle. He is a Bloodscaled Fury/ Chromatic Claw/Dragonheart Barbarian. He is the loud and powerful combatant in the group, rushing into battle to deal devastating blows to the biggest and scariest enemy on the field, all while soaking up huge amounts of damage like it's nothing. His marionette is a little dragon with a slightly turtle-like head.
Gurtir's Marionette.png

The Powerful Mage - This is the token for Shizuka, the Kitsune Shifter. She is a Catastrophic (storm)/Divine Soul Sorcerer. She is the the epitome of a blaster caster, throwing fireballs and shooting lightning bolts all across the battlefield, acting like a living storm ready to unleash her fury. Her marionette is a cute kitsune.
Shizuka's Marionette.png

The Attentive Healer - This is the token for Lenny, the Lunar Light (Fey Moth). He is a Spirits Bard/Monster Devourer/Winter's Hunger Druid. He is a brave little guy that rushes around the battle field, providing aid through his bardic inspiration and using his powerful healing features to keep his friends up even in the most dangerous encounters, even willing to sacrifice his own hp to keep them up. His marionette is a little moth fellow.
Lenny's Marionette.png

The Deft Striker - This is the token for Neelah, the Worg. She is a Leaden Crown Monk. She is a fast girl, running around the battlefield unhindered to dealing swift and painful attacks with her magically enhanced claws and psionic strikes. Her marionette is a little wolf guy.
Neelah's Marionette.png

The Support Specialist - This is the token for Hammy, the Owlin. He is a Evocation/Osteomancer Wizard. He is a spunky little fellow that uses his array of spells to augment and aid his team members more then causing damage himself, though he can plop a fireball in the middle of the chaos if necessary without harming his allies. His marionette is a dapper little robed owl.
Hammy's Marionette.jpg


Nost Works
I don't know, there is a point at which the ubiquity and "mundanification" of magic is too much for me.
That is a good point, I was thinking it would be only one special tavern, that somehow thrives deep in the underdark where they may have access to a rich assortment of alchemical ingredients. Although thinking about it magic is fairly prevalent within my world, it offsets the presence of sci-fi technology that is also present. Magic and Technology are somewhat common in the hands of the elite. Though the rural farmers and serfs may never see any of it in their lifetimes.

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