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Recent content by android

  1. android


    I saw this post the other day and checked out the site. It's pretty cheap for a 300+ page book so I said "what the hell?" and I ordered it. It came the other day and the quality is nice. I've never ordered anything from lulu before but it's good. The game itself is pretty neat. Though he...
  2. android

    Play dress up

    Well of course you're not going to stop them. Are you implying that you could go on some rampage against dressing up in D&D if you wanted to? But you don't want to so instead you'll just limit your derision to saying that the people who dress up just do a disservice to you and the people you...
  3. android

    Play dress up

    Well, it's good to see that you're able to do things you like without worrying about what other people think. Oh.. wait... apparently the approval of the "normal world" is required before you do something you enjoy. Personally, I do my best to prevent other people--who have no interest in me...
  4. android

    Play dress up

    I've done this on many occasions with my gaming group. It's certainly not weird and the positive effect it has on the session is noticeable. Instead of looking across the table and seeing your buddy in his work clothes, you see him in a robe or whatever he's wearing and it makes it much easier...
  5. android

    Spell Power: What's the deal?

    That is a good thought. But on the other hand, it could be a response to the outcry against those changes they made. I wish they'd just release some errata already! Looking forward to hearing what they have to say, Piratecat.
  6. android

    Spell Power: What's the deal?

    Well, I thought it was a poor decision when they changed all the spell DC modifiers with 3.5 so I'd like this release to be accurate. I know not everyone is in that camp, though. I guess I just have to wait to see if they release anymore information about it. If not, I'll probably go with it...
  7. android

    Spell Power: What's the deal?

    I did not. I have always found their responses to be lacking in insight. I don't normally contact them except as a last resort.
  8. android

    Spell Power: What's the deal?

    I am confused as to what Spell Power actually does now because it is listed differently in several different places. In the 3.5 DMG (and SRD), under the Archmage prestige class, Spell Power is described as increasing the archmage's effective caster level by +1 (for purposes of determining...
  9. android

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Noteworthy spell changes

    Yes, I found this to be very confusing. After discussing with my fellow players, we decided that the new version, like the 3.0 version, does not stack. Shortly thereafter, we found a paragraph in the PHB about stacking spell effects that specifically uses Ray of Enfeeblement as an example and...
  10. android

    Cha to AC Epic feat?

    Hah, I found it. You guys are so funny being all sneaky about it. From the looks of the document, it seems like it was prepared for his players and placed on his website for them to access and he didn't count on Google coming through and taking note of it. That feat is extremely powerful...
  11. android

    Cha to AC Epic feat?

    OGC? Is the feat OGC? I'd like to see it if you could post it, I don't receive Dragon. Thanks
  12. android

    Epic Level Bonus Spells Chart - Errata?

    Exactly. I was just looking at this the other day for a project I'm working on and I was trying to figure out the formula for bonus spells and it threw me off for a bit until I noticed that it said that. If you are looking for just bonus spells, you do indeed subtract 1 from that chart becuse...
  13. android

    Horrid Wilting - Targets?

    Since it has a "Targets" entry, I propose that you have to actually target something. You'll notice that things like fireballs have "Area" entries. Just because it mentions that bit about the distance apart the targets can be doesn't mean it's no longer targeted. Compare the wording to the...
  14. android

    Whip Questions

    Well, that's what the Whip Dagger is for. Nice and crunchy, from Sword and Fist. It's basically a whip with a dagger on the end and sharp bits along it's length so that it does real damage (1d6) and affects armored opponents. Even more crunchy is the Mighty Whip Dagger. Does the same thing...
  15. android

    Whip Questions

    I tend to agree with majority of the people who have responded. I have also emailed The Sage with the same questions I sent to custserv. He has yet to respond. I've never emailed him before so I'm not sure if he normally has this high of a response time or if he's just ignoring me. Either...