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Recent content by Chroma

  1. Chroma

    Lost Access to RBDM Forum...

    Thanks for the info and efforts, PS!
  2. Chroma

    Lost Access to RBDM Forum...

    The RBDM Club was "invite only", at least back in the day; used to be hosted on the Aquerra boards, but it's gone from there as well. Not even sure if it's still hosted here as the previous posts above are over a year old. I just started thinking about the RBDMs again after my players...
  3. Chroma

    Lost Access to RBDM Forum...

    And old Rat Bastard in from the cold. Does one have to be a Community Supporter to get access to the RBDM's forum? I'm an old RBDM back in from the cold. :devil:
  4. Chroma

    D&D 3E/3.5 Attempt to rebuild conversion library: please upload conversions to 3.5 here

    Thanks for all your efforts with this! I've been trying to track down the "Against the Giants" files for some time. Keep up the good work!
  5. Chroma

    Wil Wheaton Drops Dungeon Column

    I may be the only one, but just in case the artisit/writer of Downer reads these boards, I *really* like Downer! The high-powered Underdark stuff, plane-hopping, etc... and the female githyanki character sealed the deal for me!
  6. Chroma

    Star Wars: Revenge of the Brick

    Wow! Maybe they should've done the whole movie in LEGO!
  7. Chroma

    First PHB ever sold is up for sale on ebay

    Here's an article all about eBay sniping, it really changed my view about sniping and I don't get frustrated if I get sniped anymore. Just know what you're willing to pay for the item in question and bid that, whenever you feel like it. http://members.cox.net/cruentidei/ebay/snipe.html
  8. Chroma

    Ages of empires when elves are around?

    One thing that doesn't seem to get considered when the "progress" of a fantasy world is examined is that, at least nominally, in a fantasy world there may be active and powerful forces that act against advancements; gods of death and decay, demons, even powerful spellcasters that like things the...
  9. Chroma

    Is the use of poison explicitly evil?

    I feel that poison use should be looked at as a Chaotic act, not a Good or Evil one. It's kind of underhanded and/or sneaky, it doesn't seem to be "fighting fair"; it's usually looked at as dishonourable. *That's* why I don't think a paladin would use poison, but a Chaotic Good ranger might...
  10. Chroma

    Why are Mind Flayers considered "cool villains"?

    Aboleths are cool. They're what got me into D&D. In 6th grade a girl had brought in this odd, thin book-like thing, with a missing cover, of her brother's and I took a look at it. In the back was a description of a bizarre tentacled monster that transformed your skin into a weird jelly-like...
  11. Chroma

    Afterlife in Dungeons and Dragons

    Becoming a petitioner or what-have-you does suck when you think about it; your life and actions mean nothing in the afterlife, no wonder PCs are always getting raised! *laugh* In my campaign, it's more of a reward/relax/revel kind of place... if you're good. *laugh* Here's a story I wrote...
  12. Chroma


    Has no one had a character killed by just one more point of damage than they had hit points? Toughness prevents that... ;)
  13. Chroma

    Yay for Locke

    I haven't watched the Locke ep in a while, but I thought they were playing one of the Axis and Allies games on their lunch break.
  14. Chroma

    Help with population of a small town

    No problemo! It's a great site and I use it all the time! Glad I could be of help!
  15. Chroma

    Help with population of a small town

    The following link should help you, scroll down to the bottom, to create a plausibly sized and populated medieval style town/city. http://www.rpglibrary.org/utils/meddemog/