Recent content by dema

  1. dema

    Vista, or waiting for Windows 7

    thanks I purchased the machine> HP ended up getting annoyed with me putting things in and out of the shopping cart and e-mailed me a bonus 5% off. Strange but Circuity City did that too one time. I will see if I end up keeping it as I have a nasty habit of returning things. It will not be a...
  2. dema

    Vista, or waiting for Windows 7

    Thanks, for only 882.34 total. Thanks for the information. I have configed and reconfiged this machine ( I am fortunate to get employee discounts on this HP.) I got what I would want/need. For any issues with needing to run XP, I was told I can get Virtual Machine (free now) and install XP to...
  3. dema

    Holy cow! (Awesome music video / LARP thing)

    I just want to give this a bump. The band and video is pretty good. I think I'll check them out when they get to NY. Nice find. The second set of LARP videos in Germany was pretty damned awesome as well. I always wanted to get involved but some reason comes up why I don't.
  4. dema

    Gaming Group in NYC lookingf for a place to play

    Have you looked into Kings Games? I do not know how late they are open. But they are in Brooklyn, near where I used to live (Kings Hwy, and now East 16th i think.) Forbidden Planet has a room upstairs you can consider using with permission. But it's not room enough for 2-4 tables. KG maybe your...
  5. dema

    Vista, or waiting for Windows 7

    I am planning on getting a laptop soon, it took a few weeks to decide on the model. I am an XP user and I heard a lot of negative things about Vista. My cousin who used to work for MS, tells me it's not that bad. Bottom line, would waiting 11 months now for Windows 7 be a worth it? Are the...
  6. dema

    Lower back exercises

    I've gone to You Tube when I injured my shoulder and found some excellent exercises was back in shape quickly. Then when I hurt my back (It was really bad) I went to the Dr. got some meds but still went to You Tube to see what exercises I can do at home. Much of the exercises you would do would...
  7. dema

    6-6 System, Alpha Omega

    I saw a news link the other day about this game. Website here, Welcome to the official Alpha Omega website, and I was wondering if people are really playing it much. I checked out their forums and it looks like there is a small following, but there isn't much in the way of material out there. A...
  8. dema

    Touch Screen

    I was actually referring to a touchscreen where you can use your fingers. I just was wondering about the ease of use, how responsive it is, can you use it to draw maps, track combat, and keep a host of images and sounds to use in game. I was looking at an HP model that runs a bit under 900 for...
  9. dema

    Touch Screen

    I have been thinking about getting a lap top. I was considering a touch screen lap top because I like to browse the WEB, and click on things. I am considering getting a touch because I am considering getting a gaming group together and I think it may be useful to run games. DOES ANY ONE HAVE...
  10. dema

    Whee, I'm 40! Any advice?

    I am going to be 31 soon, 1/23. I don't know what it will be like to be like to be 40 but last night I did something that only a 17 year old punk with no respect or love of life would do, not going into details but it does not involve kids. I think the mofo deserved a face to face confrontation...
  11. dema

    I voted!

    I voted my first time, it's weird because I worked the polls in the past but never had the urge to vote. This time I did. My wife is deeply depressed about losing her job and we are going through some difficult times, but due to the unemployment benefits and my secure job we can stay afloat for...
  12. dema

    Dragon 368 - First Subscription Issue

    Well, I have 2 more days to think about subscribing so I can have access to the PDF which I may never print in full but I may use in parts in the future. I am off on Friday so I will probably decide then.
  13. dema

    Are you buying a DDI subscription?

    Dungeon for tweaked monsters (awesome), Dragon for beta testing content and twists on existing classes/races (not bad.) I'm still waiting for the Digital Table Top. It sucks that I did not play with the Character Generator when it was free, how was it? The Rules Compendium is still free, and...
  14. dema


    It's in the DMG My mistake, it is in the 4E DMG, page 16-17. So much for my memory. It was the 2E PHB that had it before.
  15. dema

    On Whether to Get the GF Involved or Not

    I would no push the girl friend to it. My wife used to play Vampire in her younger days, but I don't dare take her to a DND game, she is just not interested in knowing that much about it. It's good for couples to keep their own hobbies and share stories over dinner/ romantic walks, etc. Now I...