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Recent content by Grayswandir

  1. Grayswandir

    How would you react to the 'ole bait and switch?

    I ran a campaign once where I let my players start out with 12th-level characters, built on 32 points. I specifically warned them to make their characters very two-dimensional and larger-than-life, as I was going for an "ultraheroic", comic-booky feel. Then, halfway through the first session, I...
  2. Grayswandir

    Using Detect Evil/Good

    Hmm, apparently Elder Basilisk responded more quickly, and probably better. But to put it a bit more succinctly: because good characters respect the sanctity of life. Just because Joe Merchant beats his wife doesn't mean a passing paladin should just walk up and impale him on a sword. And the...
  3. Grayswandir

    Rate the stereotype - do you raid dungeons?

    I don't run the Forgotten Realms, but I'm pretty much with Henry on this one. The party is around level 25 right now, and usually the sessions are pretty RP insensive, but every so often they'll decide they're running low on funds and start looking around for a dungeon to raid or a dragon to...
  4. Grayswandir

    wanted: king. must be patient, wise and able to speak directly to a god..

    I've got the usual mix: a few traditional monarchies, a few theologies, some places ruled by whatever warlord has the most power, some ruled through other determinations (most powerful wizard, most powerful psion, richest merchant). Or you could do what one high-level elven ranger did in one of...
  5. Grayswandir

    If you donated via Expedious Retreat Press, POST HERE

    Alexander Fontenot Grayswandir Alas, I'm another who didn't keep his confirmatin number. Sorry.
  6. Grayswandir

    Alignment Situations I

    I also like some of the other responses here. Really, it depends on the individual characters in question. Everyone has a different take on what law / chaos means to them. I suppose that applies both in and out of game.
  7. Grayswandir

    Alignment Situations I

    LG = Heal them. Bind them. Then we'll take them to the guards. NG = Drek. Well, we can't just let them die. Okay, I suppose I should heal them, and then, LG, if you want - Hey! CG, get back here! CG = Fight's over? I'm bored now. I'm wandering off to the tavern. LG = Of course. As a holy...
  8. Grayswandir

    Deities & Demigods epic feats?

    Aha, so that's where it comes from. I knew it didn't look "epic". And while Greater Multiweapon Fighting is not in Masters of the Wild, it can be easily extrapolated from the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat therein.
  9. Grayswandir

    Deities & Demigods epic feats?

    Deities and Demigods does contain two feats that I don't recall having seen in other sources: Greater Multiweapon Fighting [General] A deity with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand. The deity can make up to three attacks per round with each extra weapon. Prerequisites...
  10. Grayswandir

    Colors of Magic

    Well, out of five sets of replies so far (including mine), we seem to have: Abjuration: who knows (blue, black, silver, violet, white) Conjuration: orange with two votes (others gray, gold, purple) Divination: white with two votes (others yellow, blue, gray) Enchantment: green with two votes...
  11. Grayswandir

    Colors of Magic

    I put a bit of thought into this once upon a time. Here's what I came up with, and my reasoning: Abjuration: White. Protection seems the most good-aligned type of magic possible. Alteration (or Transmutation now): Blue. I've always considered blue to be the color of magic in general...
  12. Grayswandir

    What would you want in a sourcebook?

    None of the above. Having purchased more d20 products than I care to think about right now, I've got more than enough feats, spells, monsters, magic items, and Prestige Classes. What I would really like to see is something entirely new. A product that addresses an actual need in the d20...
  13. Grayswandir

    buying advice needed

    ::examines shelf:: Well, let's see. I'll second MythandLore on MotP and the FRCS. The Manual of the Planes is, imo, one of the best books WotC has produced for 3e so far - if not the best. And it speaks highly of the Forgotten Realms setting that I consider it useful even for my homebrew...
  14. Grayswandir

    Do you allow humans in your campaign

    I loathe and despise all humans. I would be more than happy to see all humans die horrible deaths (excepting myself, of course) - so long as I could still somehow acquire food and the accoutrements of civilization. But enough about real life, this forum is about D&D. I must admit that my...
  15. Grayswandir

    Do you believe in Luck?

    Personally, I believe in the Law of Selective Observation. I've noticed things that *seem* like luck, but upon closer investigation they generally aren't. On the other hand, I've disallowed all clear blue d20s from my games on general principle after an experience with a player whose die was...