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Recent content by mkarol

  1. mkarol

    Dangerous Jouneys

    I miss Heka Darts. I miss summoning celestial eagles. I miss entire game sessions with your brother in a coma. DJ was a great game for hyper technical rule lawyers who could spend 8 hours a day considering and planning their adventure. It is not playabe in a real world setting.
  2. mkarol

    BOEF OGL Violation?

    And that is why I said "outside the OGL." ;) I think S'mon's analysis of whether the OGL applies retroactivly is accurate. Of course, if we really want to rake this over the lawyerly coals we can move on to discuss what “Use” actually is under this provision; but now we are getting a little...
  3. mkarol

    BOEF OGL Violation?

    Outside the OGL, I think that a Press Release (which is, at least theoretically, designed to educate the 'press' so that they can run factual news stories) is protected speech that would garner more lax Trademark treatment here in the U.S. (that pesky 1st amendment thing) than 'commercial...
  4. mkarol

    BOEF OGL Violation?

    Im gonna throw my lawylery hat in the same rink and say that the Press Release would be covered by fair use and that 'in conjunction with' probalby would be construed to on the surface of the products and maybe in catalogs and so forth. (While IAAL, i do not concentrate on TM law and really...
  5. mkarol

    WotC Responds!!!

    :confused: What does this have to do with gaming groups? I do not know about most of you, but I play in a group of friends who actually like each other, know each other, and can handle 'mature' subjects. One recent adventure found our fearless leader tied to a rack and being tortured by a...
  6. mkarol

    WotC Responds!!!

    I was not discussing your right to criticize anything. I was simply, as the subject of this thread indicates, talking about WOTC’s response. It is WOTC’s response that I believe was over the top and inappropriate, not because of some ‘hyper technical’ reading of the english in which the OGL is...
  7. mkarol

    Author (and artist) of The Book of Erotic Fantasy

    Yes, thank you for clearing the air and "outing" yourself :)
  8. mkarol

    WotC Responds!!!

    Re: Irrespective of my own opinion... Well, nothing says that this book will be a d20 book. Does that mean if someone came up with rules for 'strip monopoly' that you could not support the game despite its other money management teaching skills? If someone made a porn spoof of Barney or...
  9. mkarol

    WotC Responds!!!

    o·pen adj. Affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed. game n. An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime li·cense n. Official or legal permission to do or own a specified thing. See Synonyms at permission. --- WOTC made an open license. It is...
  10. mkarol

    WotC Responds!!!

    a) i'm talking OGL, not d20 and b) Yes, WOTC does have a louder voice. They set the tenor. They can influence the 'OGL' market with a word. Just like Alan greenspan could influence the U.S. economy with a word... and I never said that they couldn't distance themselves from the product. I...
  11. mkarol

    Fantasy Sex Roleplaying Game Releases October 2003

    That seems consistant with the U.S. sense of (im)morality. Maybe when the Europeans wake up in a few hours they will comment the other way.
  12. mkarol

    WotC Responds!!!

    And what is wrong with saying "just don't buy it?" And i have never attacked anyone or called them names for choosing what to buy or read or what not. But when they imply that they know what i should buy or read or what not, then I get concerned. Why must every discussion of 'mature' or...
  13. mkarol

    WotC Responds!!!

    They stated "We find the subject matter distasteful and inappropriate and do not endorse, condone, or approve of its use with the Dungeons & Dragons game." That is more than just a wash off for something that is 'not to their taste.' That is a virulent response! That is strong language...
  14. mkarol

    Fantasy Sex Roleplaying Game Releases October 2003

    Hear! Hear! or is it Here! Here! Oh well, in any case, thank you for your post and the implication that not every book, article, movie, or expression need be 'happy meal' safe.
  15. mkarol

    WotC Responds!!!

    Thanks for missing the point of the post... which was to mock the tone of the press relase 'response' which makes WOTC seem like they are telling people what was 'appropriate.'