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Recent content by Pell-Mell

  1. Pell-Mell

    Vampire Kingdom

    Beneath the city (or perhaps at the center) lies the sprawling manse of Kanchelesis, god of blood and vampires. Deceived by a trickster godling in ages long ago, Kanchelesis is now confined to his crumbling mansion and the warrens below by a terrible curse. Although the exact details are lost...
  2. Pell-Mell

    Your favorite demon lord

    Haagenti is my current favorite. I really like constructs/golems/robots and he is always a good excuse to toss another one into the game.
  3. Pell-Mell

    Casting while falling

    I stand corrected. According to the D&D FAQ (see pg 108), Primitive Screwhead is correct.
  4. Pell-Mell

    Casting while falling

    In the Movement Section of the SRD, under Moving in Three Dimensions, it notes that a creature with a minimum forward speed that is unable to maintain this begins to fall 150 ft. the first round and 300 ft. in subsequent rounds. These values are repeated in the Subjective Directional Gravity...
  5. Pell-Mell

    Spell stiched SLA selection

    The WotC website has an example spellstitched mohrg. They chose false life, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, and scorching ray.
  6. Pell-Mell

    Building an undead Treant - Suggestions?

    If you have the book Advanced Bestiary by Green Ronin, consider adding the Flesh Plant template to the treant first (easy, as the sample creature is a treant). As this changes the treant's type from Plant to Aberration, it becomes eligible for any number of undead templates, such as corpse...
  7. Pell-Mell

    He's a Chain-Smoking Detective. He's a Robot on the Lam. Together, They Fight Crime!

    I wanted to give a belated thanks to all the kind words above. It is greatly encouraging to know someone is reading and enjoying the storyhour. As always, comments and questions are welcome. nwjavahead: I thought about doing a Rogue's Gallery of the characters, but to be honest I did not...
  8. Pell-Mell

    He's a Chain-Smoking Detective. He's a Robot on the Lam. Together, They Fight Crime!

    CASE FILE 002: THE CASE OF THE STOLEN KEY Session 9, Part 1: The Gangs All Here Dirk grabbed another bottle of Moradin's Best from the antique refrigerator and shut the door, returning to his meal on the pocked Formica table.1 The ceiling fan churned the thick, summer air, as the rogue ate...
  9. Pell-Mell

    In need of a Pirate Ship(s)

    Also check out the MEGA blocks line called Pyrates. The scale is not perfect, but they look good on the table, are easy to assemble, and are reasonably priced ($30-$60).
  10. Pell-Mell

    Help me build an encounter.

    If you go with sahuagin and have access to the Spell Compendium, consider adding in a Sahuagin Druid 4 with a Large Shark animal companion (CR 5). Give him the feat Practiced Spellcaster and have him max out his Ride skill. Equip him with a wand of spider climb. Before the ambush, have him use...
  11. Pell-Mell

    When the PCs Can Beat Everything

    Although some of this has been mentioned above, I think there are a couple of easy things you can implement right now that will improve your game: 1) When planning your encounter, assume your party is 2-3 levels higher than it really is. As mentioned above, the game assumes a 4 person party...
  12. Pell-Mell

    Pirate-style Treasure Hunt - any advice?

    I've had good luck with The Orb of the Mad Mage. It is an AD&D 2nd edition adventure for level 1-3 PCs, so it will require converting. It has pirates, a lot of odd monsters, an alien orb, and one very creepy wizard's tower.
  13. Pell-Mell

    Sunless Citadel thanks

    I've only got the chance to run it once so far, but I really enjoyed it and it has formed the first leg of my campaign (see sig for the write up). Meepo got adopted pretty early by the group when they entered the Sunless Citadel. I had him already a sorcerer, but he was terrified to use his...
  14. Pell-Mell

    Swampy Immortality?

    In the Player's Guide to Faerun, there is a wondrous item called "Tasmia's Heart" (pg 124) that extends the life of the wearer. It also duplicates several other magic items and is very expensive (127,000 gp). Maybe you could remove those other functions and just strip it down to the age effect...
  15. Pell-Mell

    He's a Chain-Smoking Detective. He's a Robot on the Lam. Together, They Fight Crime!

    CASE FILE 002: THE CASE OF THE STOLEN KEY Session 8, Part 2: He Can't Swim, But He Can Float Case Nine strode through the crowd, the people instinctively parting before the massive robot. Dirk followed, scanning the busy docks for their quarry. The sun was at its zenith by the time they had...