• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Sebastian Francis

  1. Sebastian Francis

    A public apology to Kapalen

    I'm not familiar with the posts or the thread, but I admire your apology. It's a classy thing to do. Bless you, bro.
  2. Sebastian Francis

    D&D Rules Cyclopedia-any experiences

    IF I were you, I'd definitely look into this thread: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=231024 THe dude's gonna spend 101 days (it's an RPGnet thing--they spend 101 days with a new game or something like that) with just D&D RC. I get the impression he's relatively new to the game, so...
  3. Sebastian Francis

    Did I overreact or is my DM a moron? RANT

    So a 40-year-old high school teacher is at the home of some teenagers, hanging out with them? Yep, that's real normal. [Why do I get the feeling that one day I'm going to see this teacher on the evening news with a coat over his head? :( ]
  4. Sebastian Francis

    Assess this chap's position (3.0 and older versions)

    It'd be funny if it wasn't so true. :( I stopped playing 3.X altogether because every time we entered a combat the game ground to a halt, the miniatures and map came out, and people starting counting squares, planning strategy, and using rulers to measure line of sight and other nonsense. It...
  5. Sebastian Francis

    Is THIS GAME any fun?

    It sure *looks* cool. And anything with zombies and shopping malls can't be that bad . . .
  6. Sebastian Francis

    Decline of RPG sales

    LITERALLY? :confused: You mean someone is *literally* pulling my wallet out of my back pocket, removing money, and putting it back without me knowing it? EVERY DAY? Wow! :confused: (Or maybe you meant 'figuratively'?)
  7. Sebastian Francis

    Decline of RPG sales

    Check FATDRAGONGAMES' sig.
  8. Sebastian Francis

    3.0 must have books

    I have to disagree with you here. Hero Builder's Guidebook is, in my opinion, an excellent resource for helping new players create a character. It's so good that I own several copies and hand them out to people new to D&D. However, it is useless for a seasoned player and/or DM. Perhaps...
  9. Sebastian Francis

    This product could save your life! (or not)

    Hmmm...who has too much free time, the man who has too much free time, or the man who has enough free time to point out that the man has too much free time? [scratches chin, smokes pipe] At any rate, we can all agree that the ad wasn't very funny. No harm done. ;)
  10. Sebastian Francis

    This product could save your life! (or not)

    agreed. the panexa thing's not funny--just stupid. but those Paranoia players who think they're the first person to think of saying, "Citizen!" are truly LAME.
  11. Sebastian Francis

    The Paladin killed someone...what to do?

    While I agree that the moral relativism of folks like Arravis is indeed a bit frightening, keep in mind that it's all just academic masturbation. It's the kind of thing they spout off in philosophy classes that have no contact with the real world. But if you put a dude like Arravis in any...
  12. Sebastian Francis

    Some interesting news about 4th edition

    Sounds cool. Frankly, I'm not completely surprised. The game has been evolving into a "power character ability stack" model since 3.0, and I for one am glad to see it! After all, people who don't like it can always play AD&D or C&C. The idea of "feat cards" is intriguing. Maybe I'm just a...
  13. Sebastian Francis

    Speed of Light question

    Actually, that isn't accurate. I saw the movie EVENT HORIZON, and the spaceship is clearly sucked into the dimensional vortex at the film's end. No escape.
  14. Sebastian Francis

    Kickin' it old school -- are you game?

    Uh . . . do these people who don't like to role play realize that they are playing a role-playing game? <scratches head>
  15. Sebastian Francis

    Kickin' it old school -- are you game?

    So my group is taking a break and there's this one guy who's die-hard 1e. I mean, he plays in our 3e group and enjoys it, but he's always going on about the "good old days" and "in my day we didn't have halfling paladins, we bitch-slapped halflings instead", etc. So finally we challenged him...