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Recent content by Taureth

  1. Taureth

    When Was Your Last 2e Experience?

    1999; mostly due to love of Planescape. I learned RPG in my brother's campaign which was essentially 1E AD&D with UA, and a lot of bits from Dragon Mag and different supplements, including a little 2E stuff. I preferred it to straight 2E, and consequently never played a whole lot of the...
  2. Taureth

    My DM is retarded

    I needed a good laugh tonight. Thanks for this one! Not laughing at your woes. ;) It's just amusing, because though more extreme, I've encountered any number of parallels to this sort of behavior in my years as a gamer. At least you can say your DM is still a teenager. I've...
  3. Taureth

    D&D 1E Gestalt for 1e/2e feel

    I've experimented with this... I thought I was being creative at the time... didn't even know "gestalt" was an official concept! (that's what I get for still using 3.0 manuals and just cherry picking stuff from the 3.5 SRD) We granted mutli-classers the best of their two classes hit dice...
  4. Taureth

    Demogorgon: Lame or Awesome?

    mod edit: we have a rule around here - no real world politics. Please save yoru political commentary for other boards. Thanks. I once might have agreed ol' Demogor was the very quintessence of D&D evil. Now, I'm not certain whether those pictures make me want to laugh hysterically, cry or...
  5. Taureth

    Best and Most Natural Character(s)

    I have always liked clerics. Funny, because I'm not conventionally religious in real life. So, a bit of it is playing someone who is; it's a different perspective. Also, I consider a high wisdom, if anything, even more challenging to role play well than a high intelligence score. Beyond...
  6. Taureth

    Sweet Spot in AD&D1

    I will -always- have a nostalgic fondness for 1st level 1E characters! (Okay, the campaign I first played actually had some elements of 2E and a sundry of other things too, but it was 1E AD&D -essentially.- ) That said, I would have to say 3rd - 7th. Players are still focusing on their...
  7. Taureth

    Brainstorm 3.x Multiclassing

    I've always thought the multi-classing system in 3.x was rather silly. More so because I find the idea of a character suddenly showing up with a class they previously had no skill in whatsoever to be pretty non-sensical. So, as an experiment, I implemented good ol' 1stEd style multi-classing...
  8. Taureth

    D&D 3E/3.5 CleverNickName's 3.5E Multiclassing fix

    I invariably run very story driven campaigns, more so than dungeon crawl type scenarios. So, the way I've always controlled 3.x multi-classing is by insisting it has to fit with the character's back story. Otherwise, forget it. You want to take a level of wizard? You better establish...
  9. Taureth

    1st ed AD&D multiclassing

    In old school multi-classing, you generally get the best of both worlds in everything with the exception of hit dice. In that one case, you average them rather than use the most favorable one. That, and also, for common sense reasons, multi-classed thieves are restricted to leather armor in...
  10. Taureth

    Planescape, 4e, and the problem of worlds without history

    Nobody loves the internet more than me. Yet, sometimes I think we gamers would be better off not -quite- so plugged in to each other! Pre-WWW, people largely did what they wanted to in their little groups and didn't worry a copper piece about how some other group in Kalamazoo was doing...
  11. Taureth

    Planescape, 4e, and the problem of worlds without history

    I've been a big Planescape fan since the materials were first released and I do understand your feelings. That said, the best part of PS for me was always Sigil, less so the planes themselves. And I -like- the new structure of the planes, in a number of ways, which is quite an admission --...
  12. Taureth

    Am I an unfair GM?

    Mm, a bit sticky, that one. Because: 1) Strictly at the player level, my opinion is that it was completely fair. You gave him a chance and, completely of his own free will, he mad a bad choice. These things happen. 2) BUT, at the character level, it strikes me as really unlikely any...
  13. Taureth

    Anyone remember the old "Compleat" series by Bard Games?

    My older brother (now 41) had everything, back in the day, including these books. We used some of these books in his amalgam 1stEd/2ndEd/Misc. other stuff campaign that I first gamed in as a youngster. I liked the rogue class from Adventurer as an alternative to thief, and played one for a...
  14. Taureth

    BD&D vs. AD&D

    AD&D. I found BD&D fun to browse through, but never had any desire to play it, particularly. As some one who prefers playing demi & semi human characters, and spell casters, I just found the classes, races and spell lists of Basic too limiting (particularly if you consider that when I...
  15. Taureth

    Elfquest racial write up

    Well, Cutter faced her down in the original series, and he's not exactly Elric of Melnibone. ;) The write up for her in the original Chaosium rules wasn't bad at all, though of course she was decently powerful for a character under that system. I'm betting I could do a good Winni...