Recent content by Xaven

  1. X

    I have not purchased a gaming book of any kind in over a year

    Chauzu, yeah it sucks. I haven't really roleplayed more than a one nighter every here and there for the past year and a half. The last real game I participated in WAS in Kosovo.
  2. X

    [Way OT] Military opporutinities for the fairer sex

    I can help out for the Army. People have been saying that you could join the intelligence community, or be a linguist. I am in intelligence, and I know for a fact that you CANNOT get a security clearance if you have citizenship with another country. Both intelligence and linguists require...
  3. X

    I have not purchased a gaming book of any kind in over a year

    I am in the army, and I don't know about others, but I can't find a real group to save my life. That might jsut be Fort Stewart, though, as when I was in Kosovo (Thullgrim, if what you mean by K-4 you meant KFOR, standing for Kosovo Force, then I was a part of that) I had plent yof people to...
  4. X

    Epic Metamagic

    Vecna, do you know where I can find where it says that each metamagic feat only applies to the abse spell, not the metamagically bloated one? A book and page would be most helpful, thanks.
  5. X

    Epic Metamagic

    This is the first time I have been to the Rules board, so yeah, I'm new. This wasn't something that occurred in my campaign, it was just something my friend told me that could occur, and then proving it. I understand about the Improved Metamagic feat, as I was reading it I realized it was...
  6. X

    Epic Metamagic

    Ok, I have a question for you all here. I have not had much experience with the Epic Level Handbook (ok, none, other than reading through it once), but my friend brought to my attention that it is possible to cast a fireball spell for 1920 damage. I know there are probably stronger...
  7. X

    Ft. Stewart, Ga area

    Ft. Benning is about 3 or 4 hours away. Ft. Stewart is on the ocean, while Ft. Benning is inland.
  8. X

    Ft. Stewart, Ga area

    I am in Ft. Stewart itself, in the Army and all.
  9. X

    Ft. Stewart, Ga area

    Simply looking for a group, as a DM or player is fine with me.
  10. X

    AIM Dice Rolling

  11. X

    AIM Dice Rolling

    Yes you can, I jsut forgot how to. Someone on these boards had told me how a couple of months back.
  12. X

    AIM Dice Rolling

    Can someone please tell me the commands to simulate rolling dice in an AIM chatroom?
  13. X

    What´s a 15th Lvl Commoner ?

    His name is Paul Bunyun.
  14. X

    Character Funerals

    Well, in one game I DMed, the players paid about a third of their total party worth to build a statue in rememberance of a fallen comrade. It really surprised me that they did that, I am used to "I am not spending money unless I get a benefit from doing so". This was a different group, though...
  15. X

    Chaotic Neutral Alignment should be against the rules!!!

    Kamikaze Midget, if I were in a group that contained a CN character the way you describe it, I would try to get the rest of the group to go against him. It is as simple as that. I am one that doesn't much care for CN, and when I DM and on the rare occasions where I alow people to be evil (or...