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  1. A

    Level Adjustment (Cohort)

    What exactly does the (cohort) level adjustment mean? For example the blink dog has a LA: 2 (cohort), I'm guessing this means that it's a viable cohort species, but not a PC one, but I can't actually find a definition of this anywhere. Cheers
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    Spell-like abilities and time

    The rules say that a spell like abilities take 1 standard action to "cast" unless otherwise stated in the abilities or spells description. I'm specifically wondering about dominate monster, like formian taskmasters for example. It's a spell like ability, but the spell normally takes 1 round to...
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    Monk Animals

    So I've got a PC that's a shapeshifting race from mystic races, and she can change into a jaguar with 1 bite and 2 claw attacks. She's also an 9th level monk at this point. The bite does 1d6 and the 2 claws 1d3 normally, but since to monk's unarmed damage raises every few levels, we've increased...
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    What is a Reflex save

    Howdy, I've long wondered exactly what a reflex save actually is. Is it ducking behind a conveniently placed rock, or actually dashing out of the area of effect? Does it depend on terrain? Do you make your player's actually move outside the area of effect? Though I've never actually done...
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    Can flying creatures tumble?

    Well, any opinions? Can a creature with a fly speed tumble in the air?
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    D20 Hoopak

    Can someone please tell me if and where the Hoopak has been described. I thought it would have been in the new Dragonlance book, but I can't find it anywhere. Am I blind or just dumb? any help, please?
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    Caster Levels of a Multiclass Wizard

    Howdy, I'm wondering what the caster level would be a 10th level character. One that has 5 levels of wizard, and 5 levels in a prestige class that grants spells per day only on even levels. I've found no mention of this in the core books, but I'm inclined to say the caster level would be...
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    Healing an Elemental

    So, how exactly does one go about healing an elemental?
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    Wild Spellcraft 3.5

    Any word on a 3.5 update to wild spellcraft, either a new PDF, or even better would be an list of updates to make, since I have the print version.
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    Character Record Sheets

    I remember not too long ago someone asked a similar question to what I am about to ask, but none the less I'll ask it again. What character record sheets do people use out there, what exactly do each of them contain, etc., etc.? I've always been the DM, but in a couple of months or weeks my...
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    Celestial Monster Class

    Has anyone seen/made up a monster class (ala Savage Species) for the Celestial template? I'm considering allowing my players to take it as part of our "changing pantheon" campaign.:D
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    3 to 3.5 Conversion Guide

    I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed that the 3.0 to 3.5 conversion guide by WOTC is internally inconsistent, sort of. If you look at the MotP entry in the guide, you have one monster table. If you look at the individual MotP booklet, you have a much different table. :eek: It's...
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    [OT] Holy Crossover Batman!!!!!!

    I know we're supposed to try and cut down on the OT posting, but this I cannot help. This simply has to be seen, and I thought the people here might appreciate it. http://www.theforce.net/theater/shortfilms/batman_deadend/
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    What monsters look like

    I was wondering how other go about presenting monsters to their PC's. Do you describe their picture? Do you read the description from the text? Do you show people a picture from a book? or what creative methods have you devised to convey the appearances of monsters. I used to scan images and...
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    Multiclassing saves

    I'm wondering if anyone else has a problem with these, as I've never seen it mentioned as being broken, and it's not a 3.5 change i'm aware of. The thing is I have a problem with the saving bonuses for the first level of both core classes and prestige classes being +2/+0/+0. The +2 is too...
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    Changing Alignment

    I've been DMing the same campaign for over a year now, and over that time I've gotten a pretty good idea of how my PC's will react to different situations. The problem is that how they tend to react doesn't agree with their alignments, at least not anymore. It's usually just one step away from...