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Search results

  1. J

    D&D 4E Should 4e martial artists have "monk" flavor?

    The nature of the D&D monk has always seemed a little odd to me. When people hear the word "monk," some people think of this: ...while others think of this: (And a few might think of this.) The D&D concept tends to be closer to the Shaolin monk, but settings like Forgotten Realms and...
  2. J

    Locations in the POL world

    To satisfy my nerdy need to categorize information available to me, I'm trying to come up with a list of the what we know about the geography and civlizations of the default "Points of Light" setting. Here's what I've seen: "As kingdoms and empires grew and collapsed -- the human realm of...
  3. J

    Video Game Survey: can you help?

    I am a loyal (albeit lapsed) ENWorlder who needs your help! I'm working on a class project about video game advertising, and for our final presentation we need some decent survey results. It's going well so far, but we'll only have the survey open for about 10 more hours and we still need more...
  4. J

    Eberron Designer Chat Transcript now online!

    An edited transcript of last night's informative Eberron designer Q&A from chat.psionics.net is now available. ENworld forum member BrooklynKnight moderated the Q&A session, which featured Bill Slavicsek, Christopher Perkins, and Keith Baker. The chat provides plenty of new details about the...
  5. J

    Dungeon 114 Cover

    What do folks think of the new look of Dungeon magazine? One of the stated goals of redesigning the logos was to make them easier to read. Do you think this will help them stand out on the newsstand? While I'm at it, what do people think of the new "Dungeon is for DMs, Dragon is for Players"...
  6. J

    Placing "Complete" classes in Eberron

    It's been a while since I've pimped the Eberron Journal, a site that started out as an informational preview resource for the campaign setting and has morphed to a collection of content created by and for fans. We've also added a regularly updating news page, the Breland Ledger. The biggest...
  7. J

    [request] Art needed for free D&D adventure

    Short version: I need a fantasy artist who can work quickly for a free project with pretty good visisiblity! Interested? Shoot me an e-mail at jhonenolain@yahoo.com Long version: As you may know, Wizards of the Coast is days away from releasing its all-new Eberron campaign setting. For the past...
  8. J

    True Strike balance?

    Forgive me if this has been discussed before, but I'm looking for some critical evaluation of True Strike. I can see how it wouldn't be a big deal for the party wizard to get a +20 on an attack roll with a dart, but it seems pretty nasty in the hands of someone with any real attack ability. A...
  9. J

    Help me decide when to set my Greek campaign!

    I'm a big fan of Olympian mythology and Greek history, and I have run a few one-shot adventures set in ancient and classical Greece. I have a bunch of notes that I'd like to publish as a free "mini-campaign setting" PDF, but I'm wondering what time period folks would find most interesting...
  10. J

    Skill-based magic variants?

    Is anyone here aware of skill-based d20 magic variants designed to replace the slot-based fire-and-forget system? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind fire-and-forget, but after playing Star Wars d20 I feel like a skill-based magic system could be more elegant. I also see a lot of problems, though...
  11. J

    Eberron Fan site

    I don't think so! "Jhonen Olain" here, and I'm glad to see so many people are checking out the site. I once mysteriously sold my soul for a lifetime of no-strings-attached awesome web space, so it's not often that the site goes down. When it does, it's usually back up in a flash. Coming one of...
  12. J

    Klooge Werks and Online Play

    Having recently moved to NYC, I've lost access to my old roleplaying group. I've been looking for a way to organize long-distance play. At one point, I was resigned to using Instant Messenger to do it. But then I heard about this: http://www.kloogeinc.com/werks/ Unfortunately, I can't seem to...