• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. S

    A Cantrip That Does Fireball Damage?!?!?

    Wow, just took a look at the Sword Burst cantrip from SCAG, and... Wow... This thing has the potential to do 3rd level Fireball damage* as a cantrip?!?!? How did this pass the Whoa Police?!?!? *the tank EK is wanting to take it. If he is surrounded by 8 goblins (entirely possible and likely)...
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    How Involved Should The DM Be As A Warlock's Patron?

    As the title says, how involved should I be as the DM portraying a warlock's patron? I have a player starting a Celestial warlock in a new campaign. He is a younger player, with decent role-playing instincts, but none of my players have ever put a lot of thought or effort into a backstory. It's...
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    Lifestyle Expenses in Actual Play

    [PHB, page 157] Have any of you actually used the Lifestyle Expenses system in actual play? I think the system definitely has some merit, but I find that way too often I end up just like Inspiration, that is, I forget about it... I know part of the reason is that my players strongly gravitate...
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    D&D 5E Red Flags For Classes In Sources Beyond The Player's Handbook

    In putting together a Session Zero Payer's Guide, I have been hesitant on what to put in the Allowed Sources list. I know of a couple Red Flags (e.g. the Hexblade, and the Zealot). What classes / subclasses would you put on your 'Not Gonna Happen List'?
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    D&D 5E Existential Crisis With The Life Cleric

    I was helping one of my players update his character sheet [High Elf, Cleric w/ Life Domain] upon leveling up, and something jumped out at me, leading to a slight existential crisis: The Disciple of Life and Blessed Healer class features both use the term ‘spell level’ when talking about a...
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    D&D 5E The Intent of the Forbiddance Spell

    In the last paragraph of the Forbiddance spell, it says: "If you cast forbiddance every day for 30 days in the same location, the spell lasts until it is dispelled, and the material components are consumed on the last casting." Do you think the intent of the spell is: - a) only 1000gp of...
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    D&D 5E Older En5ider Content

    How the heck do I get older content off of En5ider?!? I found an article, but it says: "Give Chase is now available to Patrons on the Creations tab!". I don't see a Creations Tab anywhere on the site...... If it matters, I have been a Patron since it started.
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    D&D 5E Rest Mechanics: Decoupling Class Feature Recovery & Healing Dice/Hit Points

    First of all, I absolutely love 5E. The following is not a knock on the great Game at all. It’s just that my preferred DMing style doesn’t fit well with the 6-8 Encounters Per Day paradigm. While I occasionally throw in a dungeon crawl, or string several encounters together, I typically prefer...
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    D&D 5E On Attunement and the Activation of Magic

    In the DMG the Mace of Disruption is referred to as a "magic weapon", and the recent Sage Advice says that a magic weapon can pierce resistance and immunity regardless of whether it has an enhancement bonus or not. [Side note: not sure I agree with that, but that's a topic for another time...]...
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    D&D 5E Mapping Software Input [What's in your wallet?]

    I have never used any mapping software, but would like to begin doing so. Are there any that are a cut above the others? Any favorites? Something I should try as a first time user? Thanks for any input..!
  11. S

    D&D 5E [Math/Power] Question for Advantage & Disadvantage

    A short bit of context: My PCs were on a small island surrounded by lava, examining a magic circle. For each botched roll, the island sank a few feet, and the lava encroached... muwahahahahahaha. As you might imagine, the pucker factor rose in relation to the island sinking, and the Party...
  12. S

    D&D 5E How To Invoke The True Enmity Of A Devil

    I have been playing D&D for along time (1E Blue Box, B1: In Search of the Unknown), and one of the really cool aspects of 5E is the incredible sense of nostalgia that I have felt playing it. In light of that nostalgia, I have taken steps to bring back some of those truly memorable elements from...
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    D&D 5E How To Run A Pie Eating Contest

    My players will be in the town of Silverymoon for the Midsummer and Shieldmeet holidays this year, and I wanted to do something different, so I will be running a sort of Fair/Carnival/Tournament extravaganza kind of thing. I have a bunch of ideas and the game mechanics for just about everything...
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    D&D 5E Figuring the Offensive CR of a Spellcaster

    The DMG says to take three rounds of attacks when computing the offensive CR of a creature. Say I have a sorcerer who plans on casting three Fireballs in the first three rounds of combat... - Round 1 = 28 (8d6) average damage - Round 2 = 28 (8d6) average damage - Round 3 = 28 (8d6)...
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    D&D 5E Countering the Druid's Wildshape (In Game...)

    If I was an evil Cultist and had captured a druid, is there any way I can counter a druid from wildshaping? Does he need a verbal element? Just a thought and BAM!, he's a turtle? Any thoughts and input are most welcome... [Note: at work, no books with me...]
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    D&D 5E Mage Hand and the No Good, Low Down, Dirty Rotten Arcane Trickster

    Just kidding:D The pertinent parts of the Mage Hand spell: “…You can use your action to control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand...
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    D&D 5E Mitigating Critical Hit Devastation

    A couple of weeks ago, I rolled three critical hits in one night, two of them resulting in a PC death (the third was against the raging barbarian who made it through). This caught my players by surprise as we had very few deaths in all of our 4E playing time, and brought to the fore something...
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    D&D 5E Multiple Backgrounds

    One of my players was lucky enough to receive a Dungeonscape Beta invite, and has reported something odd. He says that the system is asking him to choose two Backgrounds. I have always had my players choose one and only one Background for their characters. I don't have my PHB at work. Can...
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    D&D 5E Has Anybody Heard...

    ...anything, from anyone, via any medium (twitter, reddit, an owl, etc) about how altering a creature's abilities affects its CR? If not, can one of you Twitter Warriors ask Mike Mearls about a possible Legends & Lore article addressing this issue? In a couple of weeks I'll be putting my group...
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    D&D 5E The Divine Domain of 'Magic'

    Has anyone created (or how would you do it) the Divine Domain of Magic (e.g. for a cleric of Azuth: Patron of Magic, Lord of Spells)? I have a player who wants to play a cleric/wizard, but has concerns about the limitations of multiclassing. We both understand that the levels of each class...