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Search results

  1. K

    D&D 4E Any ideas on a 4E conversion of the A1-4 Slavers series

    I realize one of the things I love about 4E is adventure creation is greatly simplified and fun, and that a conversion of the A1-4 Slavers series form the old days would not be to hard to do even on the fly. But.... I'd like to know if any one has done so already or anyones thoughts on how they...
  2. K

    Where are the Dinosaurs?

    I need 4E dinosaurs. I'm out of town without my books trying to prep for a new campaign starting this weekend, and my DDI-Fu is failing - or they don't exist. Can someone point me to them or tell me I'm out of luck? Looking to do a King Kong/ Skull island vibe to kick things off, I suppose I...
  3. K

    D&D 4E 4e conversion of White Plume's hot mud room

    I'm selectivly pulling pieces of White Plume out for an adventure and am curious how others would run area 7 the hot mud room? Thanks, Andy
  4. K

    Calculating XP for defeated NPCs

    Silly question I'm sure, feel free to just point me to the correct page and book to look it up myself - I just can't find it on my own at the moment. I have a handfull of NPCs, 4th lvl Hobbit Psion, 6th lvl Minotaur Monk and 2 2nd lvl human fighters and I need to know how much XP they are worth...
  5. K

    DDI Encounter Builder question

    Am I missing something? I can access the Encounter Builder and create my encounter, but when I hit Display & Print and then Formated Encounter a blank Pop-Up window appears. Thanks, Andy
  6. K

    Giant Praying Mantis

    I'm working a conversion for Castle Whiterock and need a Giant Praying Mantis. This is the Big fight for the level, and is level 1 encounter. Can you tell me if this seems well thought out? Thanks, Andy Giant Praying Mantis Solo Brute Initiative +2 Senses Perception +7 HP 200; Bloodied 100 AC...
  7. K

    Castle Whiterock conversion thoughts?

    Back in the early days of 3e these forums where crazy with conversions. I just bought Castle Whiterock for $5 - to good to pass up. Anyone have thoughts on converting it to 4e? Thanks, Andy
  8. K

    D&D 4E 4e adventure for 10 & 11 year olds

    Christmas break has begun- and just like when I was 10 my son and his buddies want to fill it with D&D- and I get to ref, now that’s a gift! I need a short minimal plot adventure –railroading is ok, that can be downloaded. We start tonite. Much like it was for me 30 years ago we have enough of...
  9. K

    D&D 4E Familars in 4e - are there?

    Are there rules for Familars in 4e? If so where might I find them? Hopefully not somewhere obvious - there by making look foolish. Thanks, Andy
  10. K

    D&D 4E Old School dungeon crawl w/ 4e -anyone doing it

    My son and I got to play a little 1st edition dungeon crawl at Gen Con this year- it was awesome. It got me in the mood for a big ol' multi level dungeon of doom. my initial reaction is to go 1st edition or C&C, but I was wondering if 4e can do it well enough and if others are doing it, and how...
  11. K

    Kids only 4e event @ GenCon

    There was a thread about a kids only event for 4e at GenCon awhile back that I can't find. Can some kind person with search abilities post a link? My son is interested in this event- but the parent in me wants to do a little research first. Thanks, Andy
  12. K

    4e with 1 player- and a 10 yr old at that

    Long ago my group broke up, moved away and /or had kids. Once or twice a year we get together for a quick one shot. Whaaa! poor me! Anyway my 10 yr old son has recently bought in to the 4e hype and so have I. We own the books and have read them. He wants me to run a campaign. I'm good with that...
  13. K

    Forgotten Realms- Cormyr Specific Prestige classes

    I'm looking for a list of Cormyr specific prestige classes, and then general Realms -yet approproate for Cormyr prestig classes. Does such a list exist? Thanks, Andy
  14. K

    Virtual Tabletop Software - MAC freindly

    I'm looking for some recomendations on Virtual Tabletop Software. I'd be hosting/ DMing a non-D20 game on a MAC, but most of my players will be on PC's. Any help would be great. Thanks, Andy
  15. K

    Why di WoTC lie to us?

    I’m not upset by 4E- we knew it would come, probably sooner rather then later, and it’ll probably be a fun game earning my money and time. What miffs me is the flat out denial that 4E was coming and hinting that we where foolish and worried for nothing all the way up until Thursday the 16th...
  16. K

    Questions About the Articles Detailing the Faiths of Greyhawk

    Sometime after I quite reading Dragon (years ago) they began running articles about the faiths of Greyhawk and some of the Demon Princes. I recall people raving about them. How detailed where they and what did they cover- things like church organization, holy days dogma followers etc? Which gods...
  17. K

    Bleeding Edge adventures-your reviews and thoughts

    I'm looking at the Bleeding Edge adventures by Green Ronin. Anyone hove thoughts opinions or reviews of them? I'm looking at them for a online PbP / occasinal Micr type game. Thanks, Andy
  18. K

    DM game management tools- help getting my mojo back

    My son has renewed my interest in D&D, 3.0 had renewed it and we had a blast but then a glut of rules and high-level game management wore me out. I’ve been doing a bit of C&C and Mythic Russia, but now I wish to get back into the gaming geek I’ve suppressed for the past few years. At low levels...
  19. K

    Game shop in or around Deerfield Beach Fl.

    I've got a few hours to kill in Deerfield Beach Fl, any good shops around? Thanks, Andy
  20. K

    Mac based mapping applications?

    I'm looking for a "good" mapping program that will run on a Mac. Is Dunjini my only option? The samples I've seen of this application look great but I've some worries about it based on the Dunjini forums such as ownership change, lack of tangible updates, and inability to adjust scale and size...