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Search results

  1. J

    Adapting Curse of the Crimson Throne for Regency England

    In a couple of months I'll be starting a new campaign, and after seeing the first couple issues of "Curse of the Crimson Throne" thought it would be not too difficult to adapt to 19th-century London. Class divisions, gypsies, exploited orphans and mysterious oriental societies are all key...
  2. J

    Suggestions for comic evil campaign?

    My next campaign is going to be a light-hearted, "take-over-the-world" game with lots of action. Trying to get a feel somewhere in-between Order of the Stick and Munchkin. I'm looking for suggestions to help me pull this together on short notice (first session is Tuesday!). Resources such as...
  3. J

    Why I only buy open content

    Role-playing is a culture of remixing. Take some Scarred Lands, add in Freeport, mix in some Arcana Evolved classes, maybe a race and some equipment from Rokugan, and hey presto, a campaign world! Not necessarily a cut-and-paste world, but something unique and organic that never comes out the...
  4. J

    Any volunteers to provide hard data?

    OK, I'm sure many of you have seen the latest eruption of the piracy/IP permathread. One of the things I've noted the last few times is the lack of hard data for various positions, at least with regard to the RPG industry. I want to change that - better data should at least make for better...
  5. J

    Campaign setting - request for comment

    So, I've been working on a campaign setting ever since Wizards announced the contest that culminated in Eberron. I've gone back and made major changes, wikified everything, and am in yet another round of design. Sometime before Christmas I intend to have all the content double-checked for open...
  6. J

    Adapting Blake's 7

    Here's a synopsis of the Blake's 7 plot adapted to a fantasy setting. The players begin en route on baord a ship to a penal colony. One or more of the players was set up/framed/a political prisoner. Most players will attempt to engineer a mutiny; give them time to get to know one another, then...
  7. J

    Using Blue Rose magic system

    I'm looking at the possibility of using the Blue Rose magic system in my games; one of my spellcasting players has gamely decided to playtest the new rules with her new character. Now, in Blue Rose, there is only one spellcasting class, but in my campaign world there are at least five. So, I'm...
  8. J

    Historical castle maps?

    I've been watching "Castles of Scotland" on our local TV, and it's got me looking for historically accurate maps or floor plans so I can stage some adventures. I'm particularly interested in using Glamis Castle or Inverness Castle since they have reputations as 'haunted' locales, with...
  9. J

    TWO sessions with zero encounters!

    OK, I admit it, I was stalling for time. See, the thing is I sent my players out to Nightfang Spire (from the WOTC adventure of the same name), but realized at the last minute that I needed to rebalance the encounters. So - I did something completely unexpected: I removed *all* the...
  10. J

    OGC Speak Language alternates?

    I've decided that the default Speak Language rules just aren't realistic enough. Before I start designing my own version of this skill, I'm wondering if anyone is aware of any Open Content variations. (It needs to be open since I will incorporating the rules into my eventually-published campaign...
  11. J

    House Debate Rules

    I just thought I'd comment on some changes I've made to the complex debate rules in Dynasties and Demagogues. Overall the system works really well and draws the players in. This was a little bit of a surprise for this particular group since they lean a bit towards the 'kick in the door' style...
  12. J

    Open Content in BoEM - changed?

    I was in the store yesterday and noticed the Complete Book of Eldritch Might. I flipped through it to see some of the changes (I already own all three), and, out of habit, checked the Open Content declaration on the cover page. First of all, let me say this is probably the *clearest*...
  13. J

    Creative Commons and PI

    Some time back I posted a question in the main publishers forum about license compatibility. I posited that an Attribution-ShareAlike license was identical in spirit to the OGL, if wider in scope. One of the replies pointed out that the OGC must be under the OGL, but the PI could in fact be...
  14. J

    OGL and Creative Commons

    I'm looking at releasing some free OGL material, and was wondering if anyone else has thought about the implications of using a Creative Commons license. Ideally, I would release the material as public domain material, but I believe that is incompatible with the OGL and d20 licenses. After a...
  15. J

    Distribution in New Zealand

    I've been talking to my FLGS, and discovered that their distributor is WOTC. There don't appear to be any other distributors offering service in NZ, and as far as I know there are only 4 FLGS in the country. The issue, of course, is that only a handful of non-WOTC material is available (mostly...
  16. J

    d20 rules as XML

    I'm pretty much a new DM and I have been absorbing the huge amount of d20 information out there. I've pretty much decided that there is a LOT more good, useful, and interesting material than I can hope to keep track of on my own. One thing that is absolutely essential for me is a variety of...