• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Kristivas

    D&D 5E Seeking details for 5e Neverwinter beyond SCAG.

    My google-fu is failing me on finding more in-depth information for 5e Neverwinter. Most of the wikia info goes up to 4e. I have the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, and it's not as detailed as I'd prefer. What I'm looking for: Specifics about the various districts. Why is it "Bluelake" and...
  2. Kristivas

    D&D 5E Death Clerics, Death Touch, and Vampiric Touch

    To those of you that allow Death Clerics, do you allow the Death Touch ability to enhance the healing from the Vampiric Touch spell? Of my D&D group, only two of us are regularly DMs. I like to read optimization guides and one such (found here...
  3. Kristivas

    Teaching my younglings to play. Here are the details (long read). Comments welcome.

    I'm teaching my kids to play D&D with 5e. They've been after me for awhile to learn, and I finally said "you know what, I'll give it a shot". I'd been a little worried they weren't old enough, you know? I didn't want my son in particular to play his character like a chaotic neutral Superman...
  4. Kristivas

    D&D 5E Dual Wielder with Shield (and Shield Mastery)

    Human fighter (variant), level 4. Two weapon fighting style + Dual Wielder feat at level 1. Add shield mastery feat at 4. Could you use your bonus attack with your shield? If so, how much damage would it do? Also if so, would you still gain your Shield's AC bonus when attacking?
  5. Kristivas

    Nondetection (or similar) on a Galleon.

    Basically what the title says. Is there a way to cast nondetection or a similar spell on a Galleon, and is it able to be made permanent? The target of nondetection is "creature or object touched", but I don't think that object can be a colossal-sized vessel. Can it? I may very well be...
  6. Kristivas

    Building/Maintaining/Upgrading a Base of Operations.

    My real life game sessions are on hold for a bit as one of the players move. I'd decided to start an online D&D thing, in this AOL RP group I've been around for like 10+ years. This is currently in the design stages. This will start at level 1, though may involve multiple adventuring parties...
  7. Kristivas

    *groan* Cohort Questions.

    First off, I'd like to start by saying that I don't want to ban the Leadership feat. Let's just get that out of the way. It fits for my game, because the PCs are flying around in an Airship (and are going to try and create a base) that really needs a crew/bodies. The followers minus a cohort...
  8. Kristivas

    Need advice for an adventure in Hillsfar.

    I'm looking to build an encounter in a tower in the city of Hillsfar (Forgotten Realms), but I'd also like a little advice as to how to get there. The PCs are chasing down the heads of an organization that's hunting two of them, who are to be sacrificed for an evil ritual if captured. In a...
  9. Kristivas

    Roll20 question.

    I'm looking for a roll20 game to join, and was wondering where I should post to do so? Gamers Seeking Gamers was my first thought, naturally, but it's filled with real life games and nay a single skype/r20. I imagined such an option for gaming would be used by more people here. I didn't want...
  10. Kristivas

    Forgotten Realms Campaign, with a few additions.

    Summary: My best friend's kid wants to learn to play (most of the things listed here, he probably won't care much about/notice at first, and that's cool). I'm going to DM over Skype/Roll20. We're playing in 4e Forgotten Realms, with 3.5 rules. This is a level 6+ game. Just looking for...
  11. Kristivas

    D&D 3E/3.5 Spellscar rules for 3.5?

    My friends and I would like to play in an updated Forgotten Realms with the 3.5 rules. Are there any rules out there for playing a Spellscarred character in 3.5?
  12. Kristivas

    D&D 3E/3.5 Help with 3.5 Elven Cleric of Selune

    Alright, to sum up, I'm helping my Wife build a 3.5 Elven Cleric of Selune. We will be level 4. She can choose from the following rolls (arrange anywhere): Set 1: 18 - 14 - 9 - 17 - 14 - 12 Set 2: 12 - 15 - 9 - 14 - 16 - 17 I don't have the most experience with clerics, and certainly not...
  13. Kristivas

    Would love some input on my Homebrew Pantheon.

    Greetings! I'm in the very early stages of a Homebrew campaign creation. I like to take the "Top-Down" approach, and I began with the Pantheon. I wanted to steer clear of "Good Gods vs. Evil Gods with Neutral Gods in the middle". Instead, I began drifting toward an "Control vs. Passion" or...
  14. Kristivas

    Make a paladin better!

    Getting the feeling that paladins aren't as good (combat-wise) as other characters, I was wondering what multiclass and PrC choices I could make to have a better character? Some feats to get, ect. Assume starting at level 1 as a paladin and keeping that as the main "theme", but adding other...
  15. Kristivas

    Cheesy In-game things that make you want to scream.

    I was thinking about this the other day, and figure I'd post to see what cheese you've been exposed to in-game. What are some of the lamest, cheesiest, annoying, maddening things you've experienced? One of mine is: The Load-Bearing Boss - You've entered a grand hall to confront the BBEG...
  16. Kristivas

    Just looking for a few ideas.

    I write epic campaigns in my spare time, and I was struck with inspiration in reading a thread that talked about how TSR flooded the market with campaign settings and such back in the day. Rather than just a Forgotten Realms or just an Eberron game, I would like to run a multi-verse spanning...
  17. Kristivas


    Has anyone here seen or even created one of these monstrosities? If so, could you tell me where or post stats? If not, no better time than the present!
  18. Kristivas

    Detect Evil as a Lie Detector??

    OK, a friend of mine and I had this disagreement. He thinks he should be able to use Detect Evil while someone is talking. If they lie, he should know because, as he said, 'lying is an evil act'. Does this have any merit what-so-ever? I told him he was full of it, and Detect Evil didn't work...
  19. Kristivas

    Dawn of the Dead in DnD?

    After watching Dawn of the Dead a few times lately, I've begun to wonder: How could you do it in DnD? Zombies don't seem like much of a threat to PCs after a few levels. A few turn undeads will take care of things. At higher level, even moreso. Another thing is, how can the zombie-fication...
  20. Kristivas

    Omg help!

    After the next patch, I'm disenchanting a purple in my bank for a Nexus crystal, then I'm scrapping enchanting for a better trade on Nakaya. I was thinking engineering. Feign Death + Goblin Jumper Cables = Common Sense. However, what are some other nice engineering trinkets that I would do...