• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. T

    D&D 5E Campaign Confounders (idea discussion)

    I GM a group of six level 10 characters, and our combats are pretty dull. Enemies show up, characters close, and then everyone just sits there trading blows. I've tried adding in some environmental factors, interesting scatter terrain, varieties of monsters, etc., but things almost always...
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    Looking for Bioshock encounter ideas

    I'm running my group through a Bioshock-inspired adventure at the moment. Well, it's a Bioshock-inspired Dark Heresy game converted to 4e D&D (gives me a headache too). Anyway, I'm looking for ideas of interesting tactical encounters, for example, fighting in knee-high water which slows...
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    Experience with Rackhan's AT-43?

    I enjoy the world of WH40k but I'm not good/too slow at painting minis, plus GW prices are a little higher than I'd like. I saw at FFG's website today that they have a sale on for Rackham's AT-43 wargame which uses pre-painted plastic figs, which seems ideal for me. Anyone have experience with...
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    Help with an encounter vs. a rogue

    My 3 players are going to corner a local thug at the inn he's staying at. I'm a bit at a loss on how to make this battle interesting/exciting. The players are 1st level, so the rogue could go up to 5th potentially. This isn't meant to be a final battle, but I'd like it to be more than a speed...
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    Sanctuary [Sci-Fi]

    With Stargate Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica ending after this season, I was excited about this new series. After watching the pilot I'm left....underwhelmed. The visuals were nice but it didn't really "grab" me. I'll probably give it another episode or two, but thus far I'm not terribly...
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    Wall cleric domain (channeling Piratecat)

    In Piratecat's excellent story hour, the party cleric follows a god of walls (essentially, it's been awhile since I've read it). Does anyone know if Pkitty ever posted details of this domain, i.e. domain spells? I'm interested in creating a cleric and this seems like an interesting idea.
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    [DawningStar] The Great Unknown (Updated 11-5-07)

    The Venerable Nebraska hung silently in the void of space. On the bridge, crew went about their assigned tasks with a sense of nervous anticipation. Elsewhere on the ship, personnel sat on their bunks or huddled around tables, listening to the open intercom. Captain Tsekai gazed out the...
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    Third Eye Sense question

    The Third Eye Sense entry in the Magic Item Compendium indicates that spells/powers can't be cast/manifested through it. However, it allows a character (a divine mind in my campaign's case) to "see" somewhere without necessarily having line of sight. An example would be they could see and hear...
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    Mindblade vs. PR

    Quick soulknife question that came up at last night's game. Does psionic resistance work against a mindblade? I.e. everytime I attack a foe with PR, do I have to overcome PR to damage that foe? I couldn't find a definitive answer in the SRD. Thanks for the assistance!
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    Darkwalkers: The Evil Within

    Darkwalkers: The Evil Within starts with the following introduction: Evil player characters, as a rule, are frowned upon by most role-playing groups. Having an evil character within a group of adventures tends to run contrary to the overall theme and ideals of classic fantasy where the good guy...
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    Attack the orphanage!

    I need some help fleshing out an encounter. Very evil people frequent here. It's a natural place to ask. The PCs are in a city where some strange things have been happening. Unfortunately for them they can't narrow down who's doing these things because it appears multiple people are...
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    Cerebremancer experience?

    One of my players is thinking about picking up the Cerebremancer PrC from the XPH. At first blush it looks like it might be a little strong, gaining both spellcasting and psionics levels over 10 levels. Has anyone seen this in play? What are your feelings on its power level?
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    Banewarrens Grail Quest Team 2

    I'm running Banewarrens for my 9th level party in the Oathbound campaign setting. They're about to obtain the "key" to the warrens, and once they gain entry they're going to get smacked by Grailquest team 2 from the Pactlords. I'm ignoring the composition of the team as written, because I'm...
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    Oathbound Player's Guide preview

    The Oathbound Player's Guide contains every race and prestige class from all published Oathbound products, as well as a few not seen before. The prestige race mechanic has been redesigned to prestige racial levels, and insight into the religions of the Forge has been included. Your favorites...
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    [Oathbound] Mysteries of Arena OGC posted

    Oathbound fansite the Hub has posted the Open Game Content from Mysteries of Arena. Included are all the Prestige Classes, Player Races, and Prestige Races from that book. Of course, the OGC from previous Oathbound releases can be found as well. The weekly newmag the Penance Proclaimer, fan...
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    [Oathbound] Mysteries of Arena OGC posted

    Oathbound fansite the Hub is pleased to announce that the OGC races, prestige races, and prestige classes have now been posted. There are all kinds of Oathbound goodness to be found: Player Races Dwarf, Rockbiter (Ugruu): The ugruu were once great warriors and leaders who inhabited a harsh...
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    Adding a feat to a magic item

    My druid PC Ursa is going to hit 12th level very soon, and he needs himself a staff. For that reason I plan on taking Craft Staff as my feat. Here's my question: I want to make this a "summoner's staff" and have it grant me Augment Summoning (among other things). I can't find any guidelines...
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    [mod] Thread getting unpleasant

    Howdy Mods, I tried "reporting" a thread, but got an "email has been deactivated" message, so here I am in meta. This thread in the Publishers Forum: http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=88143&page=4 is tending towards the personal attacks. It seems to be one person in particular who...
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    [Mods] Thread getting a little "flamey"

    I don't see the "report thread" button anymore, so I thought I'd throw a shout-out here. This thread: http://enworld.cyberstreet.com/showthread.php?t=78572&page=4 is being somewhat hijacked by a potential little flamewar between a couple posters. Its a good thread and I'd hate to see it get...
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    A Tainted World (5/18/04)

    Hopps Spring Eternal Its been seven years since my self-imposed exile from Zardok Grove, and truth be told the solitude has left me feeling somewhat lonely. I happened upon a young human bard with the illustrious moniker of Linder Goldentongue recently. The boy was quite friendly and asked me...