• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. F

    D&D 5E Does Anybody Think Monsters Have Far Too Much HP?

    The hit point bloat from this edition and the one it most resembles, 3.5 edition, is rather incredible. Bone devils went from 10d8+50 to 15d10+60 for instance. A 5E CR 8 Hydra has 172 HP! Here are some HP values for CR 1 monsters... 4d10+4 (26) 5d8+5 (23) 6d8+12 (39) 7d8+7 (38) 5d10+10 (38)...
  2. F

    Why Did The Game Wimp Out On Monks?

    Flurry of Blows happens as though the Monk had Full BAB. They had an ability that allows them to be treated as having full BAB for combat maneuvers. Why weren't they just given full BAB?
  3. F

    Does anybody else hate the Point Buy Sell Off?

    I was really happy to see that Pathfinder point by started at 10. I like everybody being at 10, 8 at the worst, with most of their stats. To me, having people on the very low end of a bell curve doesn't strike me as too heroic. I've never played things with dump stats and I groan when I see 6...
  4. F

    Overlooked Items in Less Used Slots

    Do you have an idea what good deals are relative to their cost in both money and slots? For instance, I always have trouble deciding what to do with the head and throat slots for martial characters. Just looking for bang for my buck.
  5. F

    The new Magic:The Gathering cardface is hideous

    I saw the previews for the Future Sight cards and it bummed me out for the whole day. The new card, Seht's Tiger, is a radical departure from the old look. The old look was deliberately outdated, arcane, eldritch, you know? The mana symbols are sliding down the left instead of the right, the...
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    Counter-intuitive monsters

    What monsters just make no sense to you? I'll start with one that has been sticking in my craw for a long time:The Barbed Devil. The Barbed Devil causes fear as a supernatural ability. Fear makes people run away. Why would a grappling creature want someone to run away? The Barbed Devil casts...
  7. F

    Dennis Rodman Monsters

    I have a few bones to pick with the CR system. One of them being the goofy assumption that an NPC character with levels equals a CR appropriate to that level. The other main beef is the "Dennis Rodman monster". Remember Dennis, the crossdressing psycho rebound machine for the Pistons and Bulls...
  8. F

    Always wanted to fight/Never want to fight

    Post all of the fights you've wanted to happen but never have and some of the fights that you fear. I've always wanted to tango in-game with a Huge Krenshar. CR 5, attacks at +15, HP for days, and a nifty ability. I never want to have to fight a Dread Wraith. An elite 20 dice Dread Wraith is a...
  9. F

    Bread and Butter Low Level Spells

    The first level spells thread got me thinking that the vast majority of the game is usually played at or below level 10 so picking the low level spells correctly is more important than the high level spells. Here are some examples of spells that I consider to be bread and butter second level...
  10. F

    All CR are equal...

    But some are more equal than others. The Monster Makeover threads have gotten me thinking about creatures that aren't mechanically weak, but just weak period. Monsters that need some retooling, some beefing up. An admission of "All CRs are equal, some are more equal than others" and then some CR...
  11. F

    Whatever happened to Monster Makeover?

    Anybody else really want to see what the makeovers could have accomplished? The discussions around the 3 makeovers were some of the most fun and thought provoking things about monster creation, tweaking, and design I'd read on the intratubes. I just bought Mearls Monster Handbook from the FFG...
  12. F

    Any interest in point spread Pick 4?

    Hey, there is a pretty fun game over at the Vikings message board. You pick 4 teams to win versus a spread. A win is worth two points, a push is worth 1, and a loss is worth nothing. You just see the spread, pick your team, say if they're the home team by writing it in caps, and follow it with...
  13. F

    I'm a bad DM

    Why? Because whenever people talk about problems as a player or a DM with friends who always blow off sessions and ask for advice I don't sugar coat it. My way of thinking is screw the problem player. Well, problem person, as Fill in the Blank is too inconsiderate to even play. I understand...
  14. F

    The Tyranny of Choice

    I'm frustrated over choice. Not the limited scope of it, but rather the preposterous scope of it. Hundreds of 1-20 classes with hundreds of prestige classes, thousands of spells and races, and who knows how many bloody feats. The information overload actually makes it harder for me to make a...
  15. F

    Dual cover runs?

    I'm a real system/setting addict and one that has my attention is Ramlar, I'm really thinking about preordering this puppy. Anyhow, the publisher is doing softcover and hardcover versions of the books, with the hardcover versions costing 5 more dollars. If more companies would do this would you...
  16. F

    Flaws in your game

    I'm just wondering what everybody's weak spots are when it comes to roleplaying. I'm a gamist and as such I have mechanically strong characters. The problem is that I love combat too much and am totally gung ho. I put myself and the party in risk needlessly because I want to do something cool or...
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    Artesia from players

    I've read several reviews of this product, and they've all been solid endorsements or fanboyish raves. I've yet to see the product get slagged, which is always a good sign, and I'm so intrigued by its system that I'm just this close to buying it. Add in the fact that I found a place where I can...
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    Favorite System that Never Caught On

    What was your favorite system that never caught on? Mine is Waste World. Lightning fast task resolution, gritty and hyper deadly combat system, and I loved the setting as being gleefully, unabashedly over the top.
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    Surprised by the non-suckage

    This is the thread for the things that are generally viewed as bad or poor quality that you said "You know what? I don't know whats wrong with everybody, I dig this." I'm just going to give one example for the sake of brevity. Magic of Incarnum: Bought the book brand spanking new for 12 dollars...
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    Beebe is my homeboy

    http://www.everydayshouldbesaturday.com/?p=2340 Funny article about labels given to white wide receivers.