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  1. S

    More Infos About DDI / Campaign Tools

    I want to bring you another thread with some interesting news, this time about the DDI respectively the Campaign Tools. Let us hear what Trevor Kidd writes (can you smell it?): D&D Insider Tools Information - Wizards Community My last thread about the GTS seminar became a very interesting...
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    GTS 2009 D&D Seminar - the Rouse discusses D&D

    Hi, I read this blog post : http://www.livingdice.com/1639/gts-2009-dungeons-and-dragons-seminar and thought that it would be interesting for this community. I want to quote so that you don't have to go there but can just comment here:
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    @MODS: I cannot see my blog post if I am not logged in

    Hi dear Mods, An hour ago I made a blog posting. I have saved the posting and then went to the EN World D&D / RPG News - Blogs page to look if I can see my posting. Because I was logged in I could see it. Then I looked at it after logging off. It was not there. :eek: So I created a Category for...
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    Pathfinder 1E I don't understand the Pathfinder Society Open Scenario Call

    Hi, I want to participate in the Open Scenario Call of Paizo but I don't know what they really want from the fan writers. It is written that we should write 700 words about the next scenario. But the outline is already given. For example for the number 17: This outline is similar to the...
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    What is the difference between push, pull, shift and slide?

    Hi , There are four types of movement inducing powers : push , pull, shift and slide. Example for push: Tide of Iron: push 1 square. Example for shift: Fox cunning: Shift 1 square. Example for slide: Curse of dark dream : slide 3 squares. Example for slide: I canot find a power which lets...
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    Rules for Initiative, Checks on Skills, Checks on Saves

    Hi to all, I read the threads here about the stats of the given characters of DDXP. But I cannot find info about the rules which use these stats. Can someone point me where I can find the rules about: a) how initiative is rolled and calculated b) what is the definitive order of combat phases...
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    @Admins . Great difficulties with connecting to enworld

    @Administrators of Enworld Hello, Since four to five days I have great difficulties with connecting to enworld. I try it with Firefox2 on Windows XP(SP2) and with Firefox( on Slackware. I checked if it is because of my net connection but no, every other webpage and forum loads just...
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    D&D Designers answer Slashdot crowds questions

    Okay, Here it begins http://games.slashdot.org/games/08/02/18/1459259.shtml Have fun :D
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    Searching for a way to get the Adventures written for "D&D Exp."

    Hello 4E community, Soon the D&D Experience event will be in Arlington. As many people of the 4E community I can also not attend. My question: Is there a way to get the Adventures (the written documents) a) Escape from Sembia b) Scalegloom Hall c) The Blackdread Caverns so that I can make a...
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    Fan-made material impossible until 2009?

    Hello to all, I read the information about the new OGL and the discussions about it on this forum. There is one thing I don't understand: If I want to write "free to use for all" material - for example a setting with adventures - for 4E _and_ publish it on the net, is it possible or have I to...
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    D&D 4E A (free) setting for 4E - Seven deadly sins

    Hello, As the fourth Edition of D&D will be a new beginning for me with D&D I began to write a setting for it. This is not 100% percent true. I made some thoughts about this setting earlier but _the announcement_ made me sit down and breath a soul into the flesh :cool: Some notes about this...
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    The team of developers/ writers/ managers for 4th Ed.

    Hi all, I am caustiously reading the blogs of the 4th Ed. team - as I am writing my setting for 4th Edition - . But I don't know what the roles of all the people there are. Can you, please, tell me what the following people do in the development of 4th Ed. ? I will after every answer update...
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    Muhahaha, Userfriendly has it nailed

    Hey, look at this :lol: http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20070824
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    @devs of PCGEN: A question

    Hello, As I am really happy looking forward to the release of 4E I am somewhat irritated by the fact that I will not able to use the software suite of WoTC as they are only targetting PCs (which falsely means for them Windows :uhoh: ). But because there is already a supported and ever...
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    Introduce me into FR, please

    Hello, I am really stunned: 4th Edition is coming. Great, great, great :) This is for me a new beginning of my gaming "carreer". And I want to start on the Realms. Without the last 4 to 5 years where "Life"(TM) made me to stop playing I played and GMed since 1998 in a vast array of genres...