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  1. A

    What would this look like?

    In the smack down thread there's a simple paladin build (Ayla Smack down) where the paladin uses a lance to devastating effect generating some 250 damage in a single blow (spirited charge + power attack + smite + holy sword = hurt). Right now I have a paladin of Helm who is heading in the...
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    Are these feats too powerful?

    A player in a game of mine has a half-dragon paladin and has taken these two feats: "Lucky" grants the 'luck' ability (you know, reroll any one roll a day) he found it in "the book of feats". and a feat he made called "Draconic spell resistance" which gives him SR of his level + 11 I thought...
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    Low level spell combos/tactics

    I'm talking about 4th lv. spells and lower. Things like casting Darkness and having a bat familiar tell you where people are or fog cloud/true strike/melf's acid arrow. I'm playing the wizard for a group of people(new to game kind of) who don't think of a wizard as anything more than a...
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    There is no emoticon for what I am feeling

    A while back I posted about my first time as 'GM' and how my group was extremely powerful but were defeated by smart enemies using simple tactics. We've played around 4 or so games now and things are great. I didn't know if I was going to be a good GM but I'm rockin' it. All my players are...
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    How do you fight a god? Four gods?

    So I've taken the group from my brother and am DMing it for as long as he needs a break from DMing. This is fine and all and told him to roll up a character. 12,14,14,16,16,18. A strong character but he chooses a wizard so he only gets a better dex/con than most wizards. He chose to be a...
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    Save... OR DIE!

    This is the first time I've ever spent two weeks on a character, getting pumped to play an awesome paladin of Torm and he goes down in one spell. Rolled 1 + 'slay living' = good bye god child. Man that was a kick in the jimmy. The worst part about it was almost immediatly after I fell, the...
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    Power Crit + bless weapon = auto crit?

    The power critical feat (MotW) allows you to make one attack a day that is automatically a threat if it hits. the paladin spell Bless Weapon says that if a threat is rolled against an evil creature it automatically is a critical hit. It seems very effective when you toss in Smite, power...
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    Is the Wizard the most powerful class?

    The Cleric has powerful spells, but he has to ask for them. The Sorcerer is strong but doesn't understand the 'why' just the 'how' The Druid looks too inward (only in the forest) The Wizard not only can cast his own spells (not given to him by the forest spirits/diety) but he also...
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    Roll Player -> Role Player .. hopefully

    So we're in a ship drawing from the deck of many things. You know, everyday stuff, when the group power gamer takes his turn to draw. He's a half-orc barbarian with 20 str and a great sword. Just basically kills stuff with his great stats (18, bunch of 15's. He's pretty smart for a...
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    Alignment change - Playing Evil

    So my group is walking through the forest when an orc shows up (one of the players was new/entering the game) and on him he had a deck of cards. Yes, these turned out to be the deck of many things. After all is said and one (3 imprisonments! which were followed with 3 wishes and a huge sigh...
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    Attune Gem

    I was reading about this feat in MoF (I think). To me it's basically scroll with a contingency on it that anyone can use. What am I missing that evens this feat out?
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    NOOOOOO ... not a bard... :'(

    So the game I threw together with my friends is soon to start. As cool as this is, it's making me nervous. Our group consists of five people. Girl1: Half Orc Bard. I knew she wanted to play a 'crazy' character but damn. She rolled awesome stats though so they should carry her though (18...
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    Hidden Gamers

    I've been waiting for a game to pop up for the longest time. I'm in one that's about to start up on Mirc but I've always wanted to play IRL with maps and such. I could never find a group though and most of my friends weren't into it... or so I thought. I just got a game going with 2...
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    Ghosts and Holy "Spirits"

    I was surfing the internet when I stumbled upon this picture: And it got me to thinking: "Do ghosts get wasted with holy water?" Alcahol is a poison after all. Wippitguud ( i was on mIRC #dnd3e when I got this idea), suggested that it would be like drinking acid. Now, we drink Coke...
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    Can an axe be a good ranged weapon?

    I began thinking about making a character who's main theme would be "masked lumber jack" who's main attack would be to hurl an axe at apponents. As much as I'd like to play this character I don't know how effective a ranged-axe-attack would be. Have any of you made a sword-tossing character...