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  1. C

    Middle Earth d20 Conversion?

    Hey all, There are a bunch of old threads by Wolfspider, ColonelHardisson, et al about a conversion of Middle Earth to d20, but most of them refer to even older threads that were lost during some server upgrade or something. And the website where the conversion was hosted (d20reviews.com) is...
  2. C

    gimme back my narration

    I figured out why I'm having a hard time getting into 4e D&D, despite all the improvements they made to tactical cr0mbat. They stole my narration! For a while now I've been trying to figure out why my mental picture of the game isn't as cool as it used to be. I think it's because of powers like...
  3. C

    4e "getting back to D&D's roots" how?

    I've heard lots of people say that they like 4e because it's getting back to the roots of the game, the feel of some of the older editions, etc. I'm playing in a 4e game right now (just started) and I'm liking it, but I don't see much that reminds me of Basic or AD&D. Do you think it's getting...
  4. C

    Game Night banner ad not redirecting

    Hi folks, I clicked on the banner ad for Game Night and was sent here: http://www.enworld.org/ads/resolve.php?recordid=6692 Which displayed this: document.location='http://www.jonnynexus.com/gamenight/'; And didn't forward to that url, as you'd expect. That means Mr Nexus might be getting...
  5. C

    KotS: can I run it w/out the story?

    I'm running a sandbox game and thinking of trying 4e on for size. I'd like to take KotS and drop it into a location on my world map that's a ruined Keep. Does the adventure make any sense without the backstory about Orcus (all I know about the module is from the WotC site)? Can it handle repeat...
  6. C

    D&D 3E/3.5 getting rid of full-attack in 3.5e

    There's been a lot of talk about how 4e is getting rid of full-attacks. I think this would really help eliminate the "5' step and attack" that a lot of combats turn into. If you were to eliminate the full-attack from 3.5e, how would you do it? For PCs, it'd be easy enough, just drop the extra...
  7. C

    d20 SRD Wilderness entry

    On d20srd.org, in the section on getting lost does anyone know what the tables with the terrain types and percentages are for? At first I thought it was percent of the given area (eg Forest) that was of a certain type (eg sparse, medium and dense), but then I noticed that the percentages don't...
  8. C

    running a sandbox game: tips?

    Hey folks, I'm going to be running my first sandbox game, most likely with 3.5e D&D, though I'm still sorting it out here. At this point 3.5e is most likely, since my players want to start now. I've never run a sandbox game before. Does anyone have any tips, gotchas, etc? I've got a wiki set...
  9. C

    D&D 4E Sandbox game: should I 4e?

    I'm going to start up a sandbox game, modeled very closely on the West Marches game at Ars Ludi. It's nothing terribly pressing--I could start now as an alternate to our regular 3.5e game or I could start in a couple of months when the guy DMing the regular game is finished. Today the players...
  10. C

    instead of Bard spells, Ritual songs?

    I've been playing a Bard for about six months now in a friend's Freeport campaign and to my surprise, enjoying the heck out of it. But one thing has always bothered me about the Bard. The archetype generally is of a performer so talented that his songs enchant or otherwise bamboozle his enemies...
  11. C

    Beardless combat rules...

    It's *obvious* to anyone paying attention that Wotc is prejudiced against beardless gaming, and 4e continues this trend. A quick perusal of the attached screenshots proves my point. The question is, can 4e be played beardless?