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  1. P

    D&D 5E DM's: How Do You Justify NPC's Having Magic/Abilities That Don't Exist in the PHB?

    Looking for some input on how you DM's justify in-game mechanics or magical effects that some npc's may have, but aren't listed in the PHB? For ex., you want your BBEG to appear in hologram/projected form before the pc's and kill one of his own minions with Power Word: Kill. His projected image...
  2. P

    D&D 5E Is This Legendary Sword Overpowered?

    I'd like to give the 9th level Vengeance paladin in my party a legendary sword that uses the Devour the Weak strength-stealing mechanic of Craven Edge, a homebrew item given to a player in Critical Role. Craven Edge It will be a +1 weapon for now. However, as this is a good-aligned sentient...
  3. P

    D&D 5E How Do I Make A Melee DEX Fighter Like THIS Guy (video link included)?!

    Like the title says, I'd love to optimize a dude like this Shadow Warrior from this Warhammer cinematic. However, I don't care much about the ranged so I'd prefer not to go into feats or a fighting style to support ranged. https://youtu.be/2iO9cGopQq0?t=3m2s Rather, I want to be an insanely...
  4. P

    D&D 5E Oh, Man, Do I Need Some DM Tips. . .

    My group and I are meeting about every two weeks now for three hours, which is great for us as we all have hectic schedules. Tonight they fought the BBEG and her minions to end the first chapter of an old AP we're running (RotRL converted to 5e). Man, I was horrendous. I did my best to come...
  5. P

    D&D 5E Need Image or Thoughts on BBEG's Appearance, Please Help!

    TL;DR at bottom. I'm running Rise of the Runelords (a Pathfinder adventure path) adapted for 5e, thus I'm placing this question here. The final BBEG, dude named Karzoug whom the party won't encounter for a very long time (not until level 20, they're currently lvl 3) is starting to make...
  6. P

    D&D 5E DM Needs Help Finding Pacing/RP Balance

    Warning; wall of text and slightly nebulous question incoming. So I just finished another session of Rise of the Rune Lords which I'm adapting to 5e (primarily using pre-adapted versions of monsters I've found online). It was. . . fine. My players were pretty solidly involved for the first...
  7. P

    Is This Homebrew Magic Item OP?

    My players are level three at the moment and I'm considering giving them a magic item. Would an item that did the following be OP? 1.) Grants its user 1 extra attack per day, or 2.) Grants its user 2 extra attacks per day. 3.) What if the attack(s) were made with advantage? Thanks in...
  8. P

    D&D 5E Help! My Players Are Leveling Too Quickly

    New DM looking for some help. I'm running Rise of the Runelords adapted for 5e and so far all of the action has been fueled by a fair amount of urgency (solve the goblin problem before the next invasion occurs, etc.) Because of this, the PC's have reached level three in one week's time and in...
  9. P

    D&D 5E New DM Having Tough Time Relaxing with Published Adventures!

    Strange title, I know, but it's true. I'm currently running Pathfinder's Rise of the Runelords adapted for 5e. My problem is that, despite hours and hours of prep time, I find it difficult to run the adventure fast and loose and allow the party to go off the rails if they like. Or I'm...
  10. P

    D&D 5E Actors Having a Tough Time Roleplaying

    Hi All, Looking for some advice. Hopefully this poor horse hasn't been flogged too much already. Will try to make this short. I'm running a converted Rise of the Runelords campaign in which I and three of the four players are professional actors. However, getting roleplay going around the...
  11. P

    D&D 5E Out of the Abyss or Curse of Strahd?

    Just like the title says. . . I'll be finishing a converted Rise of the Runelords campaign in a month or so and am looking into what I'll be running next. This ROTRL campaign has been the first time I've DM'd in almost 30 years and it's been a blast but I've made tons of mistakes (railroading...
  12. P

    D&D 5E Out of the Abyss Question with MAJOR SPOILER!

    I just saw a review of the adventure by Draven Swiftbo on Youtube. He alluded to the fact that the endgame, as it were, of the adventure has the pc's each playing a different demon lord in an epic battle against each other. Can anyone confirm or deny this? If it is true, could anyone who...
  13. P

    D&D 5E Convert ROTRL or wait for Out of the Abyss?

    Hi All, My group is only two sessions into my ROTRL conversion. So far I've just been using the conversions available online. However, those only go up a few levels, after that I'll have quite a bit of math ahead of me. The group likes their characters and the adventure, however we can only...
  14. P

    D&D 5E Can Someone Please Clarify Surprise?

    It says in the PH that, "If you're surprised, you can't move or take an action on your first turnoff the combat, and you can't take a reaction until the combat ends." (p. 189) Does this mean that if a party of PC's surprises a group of adversaries by using the attack action, the PC's get to...
  15. P

    D&D 5E Can I Move, Dodge AND Attack in the Same Round?

    Question asks it all. If I have 30 feet of movement, can I use, for example, twenty of it to run to my adversary while dodging and then attack? Can I move at all while dodging? If so, why would I ever choose NOT to do this as it gains me disadvantage on my attacker's attack? Thanks in...
  16. P

    D&D 5E Have You Used These Conversion Tools for RotRL?

    I've decided that I'd really like to run Rise of the Runelords in 5e. Wondering if anyone can vouch for this conversion; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kloyX_I_8wP9WGzwzKj-tJMh-TfyGcotrIu7xuHUjF8/edit?pli=1#heading=h.vn37mex8c50c or this conversion formula...
  17. P

    D&D 5E New DM Starting 5e. . . go with adapted RotRL or HotDQ?

    I'm a new DM who is about to start a 5e game with a bunch of guys who haven't played D&D (or any rpg) for literally 30 years (myself included). I started one session as GM of a Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords campaign not long ago but found PF to be awfully rules heavy which slowed me down...
  18. P

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Looking For a Group in New York City!

    Played AD&D ages ago as a kid and recently picked up the Pathfinder books on a lark and now seriously jonesing to jump into this game. Very easy-going, creative, down-to-earth guy with a full life but hoping to carve out time for a consistent campaign. Would prefer starting a character at...