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  1. G

    Wookies and armor

    so do you think a wookie would ever wear armor and if they would what kind would it be i am building a wookie hired gun and am wondering if i should even worry about armor since i am going to give him brawn 5 which means right out the gate he has a soak of 5 and higher than anyone else in the...
  2. G

    two-weapon combat ? how does the damage work?

    ok so i am trying to figure out how damage is applied to two-weapon combat so say i have two successes after spending a triumph to hit with my off hand weapon the two weapons are a basic lightsaber damage 6 and shoto lightsaber 5 so for the purpose of the question lets ignore breach 1 and...
  3. G

    working the black market

    ok so working on fleshing out the black market for my players and i keep on running across vanishingly rare in item descriptions do you guys have any idea on what would be a proper difficulty for the requisition of an item i was thinking 6 or 7 of the purple d8s would that be too easy or too...
  4. G

    Warcraft The RPG

    ok so I will be running sword and sorcery's warcraft/world of warcraft rpg any ideas of campaigns besides burning legion are jerks and want to destroy the world time line wise this will be right after vanilla but before Burning crusade so that illidan and arthas are still alive and if i wish to...
  5. G

    D&D 5E Legend of Zelda inspired campaign

    so i was thinking about a legend of zelda inspired campaign thoughts?
  6. G

    D&D 5E picking an adventure

    ok so what would be better/easier adventure to run hoard of the dragon queen/ rise of tiamat or princes of the apocalypse without the lost mines adventure? also which one is a better story or more fun for the players from your experiences just from what little i read it seems hoard is easier...
  7. G

    Warcraft Shaman conversion/homebrew

    my first major conversion/homebrew please critique i also did what i could to make sure the wording is not verbatim from texts. i do know that the spell list may need some trimming and that the bonus spells may be changing. Shaman Level Proficiency Features...
  8. G

    D&D 5E The story got out of hand need advice

    so i am a newbie dm (been playing for 13 years) and i let the players progress to fast and gave them custom artifacts thought it could be fun but the story and party are kinda spiraling out of control and it is causing me a bit of a headache it is a party of 2 (technically 3 but one is a healbot...
  9. G

    5th ed Headless Horseman For Halloween Need Review

    ok so realized i was posting in the wrong part of the forums and with a little over a week till halloween need some advice on a boss monster So i am running a small adventure for my group on halloween and need advice on the main villain the horseman I have one created however I am not sure...
  10. G

    D&D 5E Headless Horseman For Halloween Need Review

    So i am running a small adventure for my group on halloween and need advice on the main villain the horseman I have one created however I am not sure about his CR and if he needs more or less added. He is meant to go against a party of 2. a Sorcerer and a ranger are the players they are level 10...