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Search results

  1. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E Three Failed Death Saves...

    Well, the time has come to bid you all a fond farewell. I've come to the sad realization that D&D and this community is no longer for me. Many of you I've had incredible discussions with and I thank you for that; and some of you--well, not so much. ;) It is time to move on. Good-bye...
  2. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E Ruling Question on Shapechanger & Hold Person

    So, interesting situation today. The PCs encountered a Death Slaad, which had used its Shapechanger feature to polymorph into a medium humanoid prior to encountering the PCs. Since they saw a humanoid, the Wizard cast hold person when combat began. How would you rule? I've looked into...
  3. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E DM getting to PLAY!!! Woo-hoo!

    Hello all, 95% of the time or more, I typically DM for 2 groups and soon I will relish in the chance to play once again, but I am curious if any of you might have some insight. First, I am a fan of the core "original" races (a la Tolkien and AD&D), but might consider others (please no...
  4. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E Invisible Stalkers and Grapples

    Did a quick search without seeing anything relevant, so here we go. 1. I know grappling is a skill check and not an attack roll (I disagree with the RAW here, but that is neither here nor there). 2. I know Invisible Stalkers are immune to the grappled condition. So, my question is, can an...
  5. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E Forced March and Carry Capacity (random thoughts)

    Just something I was thinking about on Christmas Eve (don't ask me why... :) ): So, a character with STR 10 can carry 150 lbs all day long, every day, without worry about getting exhaustion, BUT if the same character just wearing clothes dares walk 9 hours in a day instead of 8, they risk...
  6. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E Spellcasting Using the Recharge Mechanic

    First, I love the concept of the recharge mechanic, so for several months now my Saturday group has been using the Recharge mechanic for cantrips. In other words, if you cast a cantrip, to cast a cantrip on your next turn you have to roll a successful recharge (a 5 or 6 on the d6). It has been...
  7. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E Great Weapon Fighting Style *Fix*

    Let's be honest: Great Weapon Fighting Style sort of sucks. The effective bonus to damage is a paltry amount and make the style hardly worth taking as it is written. d10 => 6.3 average, 0.8 increase d12 => 7.33 average, 0.83 increase 2d6 => 8.33 average, 1.33 increase Considering the trade-off...
  8. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E What is REALLY wrong with the Wizard? (+)

    First, THIS IS A (+) THREAD. Please do not post something like "Everything LOL". Justify your reasons (hopefully more than just "I don't like them."), or please don't bother posting. Thanks! :) Common issues I see complaints about are (in no particular order): Poor players who feel Wizards...
  9. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E Choose 3 to protect you (a poll)

    Based on @merkili's thread here: D&D General - Choose 3 to protect you The options are, left to right top to bottom: 500 kobolds, 1 red greatwyrm, 4 Solars, 20 tyrannosaurus rex, a level 20 party, 5 purple worms, 50 nilbogs, 8 beholders, 5 storm giants. For the sake of you not getting killed...
  10. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E Ruling Questions: GWF Style, Great Weapon Master, Polearm Master...

    For ease of reference: So, time to dive in... Weapon: Halberd (heavy, reach, two-handed) Situation: You are using your bonus action to make an attack with the opposite end of the halberd for d4 damage. Questions: 1. If you roll a 1 or 2 for the damage on the d4, do you get to reroll it due...
  11. DND_Reborn

    D&D General XP Awards for -- what????

    I was thinking about XP awards, adventure pacing, etc. tonight and was curious how tables run their games regarding XP, or if they even use it? So, pick whatever options you (or your DM) awards XP for, or pick an option if your table doesn't use it. Thanks for contributing to my curiosity! :)
  12. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E What Wizard subclasses do you play?

    This is a simple poll just out of curiosity really after the discussions about Wizard subclasses in the Survivor thread. You can choose up to three options. Please only select options you ACTUALLY play, not just ones you LIKE. Thanks!
  13. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E Tired of using CON modifier as a bonus to HP? Here's a simple alternative...

    Max out the HD... Don't roll--Ever. Stop making CON a nearly essential ability for every PC. That's the core of it. This works out so: d6 would have about +2 hp per level (in the long run). d8 would have +3 d10 would have +4 and d12 would have +5 Since most PCs (IME anyway) have CON 14 or...
  14. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E Test Your Players with this simple PC Quiz!!

    My players are fun... but they take a long time deciding what to do and having to figure out things that I feel they should really just know about their PCs at this point. So, to this end I have made up a little Character Quiz: If your players don't know their PCs well, challenge them with...
  15. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E Giving Classes an Additional Saving Throw? (+)

    Out of curiosity, if you were to give each class proficiency in one more saving throw, what save would you give each class? Why would you give the class that save? Below are the classes from the PHB and their current saving throws: Barbarian (STR / CON) Bard (DEX / CHA) Cleric (WIS / CHA)...
  16. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E When Are Ability Scores Used?

    I know there are only a few times when Ability Scores are important to the rule since nearly all the time just the ability modifiers are what is used. For example, one such time is with the Barbarian's Indomitable Might: which allows you to use your Strength score if your check is lower. I...
  17. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E The Decrease in Desire for Magic in D&D

    So, this post by @James Gasik really hit home and got me thinking about something... For some reason (I really cannot tell you why!) the last few years I've been playing 5E I've desired a "low-magic" style setting/game. I have been all of keeping it more mundane, heroic but not "superheroic"...
  18. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E What is your "Sweet Spot" of Success? (poll)

    Here's the scenario: Your PC is "good" at a task (whatever "good" means to you), not great, but definitely above average. You are trying a "difficult" task (whatever "difficult" means to you). What chance of success is perfect for you, the "sweet spot" if you will; where the enjoyment of...
  19. DND_Reborn

    D&D 5E D&D Without Adding House-Rules/Home-brew

    For this poll, using your own world (map) is fine, but: You CAN REMOVE content not appropriate to your world. You CANNOT ADD or ALTER content, however VARIANT OPTIONS in the PHB and DMG ARE ALLOWED. No 3PP material, only official WotC published. To be clear, by CONTENT I mean: rules, races...
  20. DND_Reborn

    D&D (2024) One D&D is one D&D too much (-)

    Having time to read the new UA for 1DD material, here is my in-depth critique. Notice, this is a (-) thread, so feel free to disagree all you want. :) //// BEGIN RANT //// Determine Your Origin - Children of Different Humanoid Kinds: Oi... So, you have the TRAITS of a Halfling, but look like a...