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  1. delph

    D&D General weight of equipment

    Hi, I'm doing my halfling paladin mounted on mastiff. And when I was watching mastiff carrying capacity, I've started looking for weight of halflings. When I compared it with weight of splint armor, than was just "wait a second! wtf is that?" moment. Armor was heavier than person... I believe...
  2. delph

    Critical Role Vital Sacriface questions

    Hi, I have some questions on this feat: second point of feat: when casted with AOE spell like fireball - it deal 2d6 to everyone? - IMHO: yes when casted to multitarget spell (EB, Magic Missile, Scorching ray)? - IMHO: no but*? when casted on single-target spell but twined - IMHO: Really...
  3. delph

    D&D 5E What to level up? Sorlock

    Character on Beyond we do level up, but I'm now very undecicive what to choose. The first problem is that "The Silver King Necklace" - it's really powerful item. But with a very big backstab. I can't cast more than cantrips from my spell list and use my abilities (metamagic, invocations, Hound...
  4. delph

    D&D 5E How to get a continuous advantage?

    Hi everyone, I'm curious about how to get continous advantages on attacks. I know just 4 ways: raging barbarian vow of enmity by Vengeance paladin darkness and devil's sight or shadow sorcerer (but I'm not fighting alone and it need concentration) fighting spirit by samurai fighter (but only...
  5. delph

    D&D 5E Slow vs legendary actions

    Hi, I'm coming up with a question I've got last season. We met a group with legendary actions - 2 attacks, 2 attacks from legendary actions, and 1 commander attack (give attack with reaction to another companion), so they've been attacking us with 4 attacks per turn... I've use Houd of ill omen...
  6. delph

    D&D 5E Eldritch Knight+ MC wizard tank ideas?

    Hi, I'm sure I wanna play my Warforged EK (lvl3) with MC wizard. But not sure how. Now I'm based in I will get on 4th lvl and take warcaster feat. Then probably go to a wizard. for 2 lvls. And probably war school for 2 AC/ +4 saves... And then I'm lost how to choose. I wanna play undestructable...
  7. delph

    D&D General System and RP NPC interactions

    Hi, I'm here with one frustration from talk after play.... Our GM has a problem with our interactions with NPC through using the system because it's not "RP" and we have to persuade/intimidate himself. Or use a subtle Suggestion spell. It's almost banned. Doesn't matter that sorcerer with...
  8. delph

    D&D 5E were-curse and races

    I have a question about how work were-curse. When a werewolf bite human/elven/dwarf,.. he could be a werewolf, when it's a weretiger he will be a weretiger... and so. but what will do when wherewolf bite Aaracocra, Tabaxi, Loxodont, Yuan-ti, Genasi, Kenku or big question - Warforged? This...
  9. delph

    D&D 5E How to role play warlock

    I'm actualy playing sorlock - Hexblade Shadow Sorcerer, but his RP Is warlock. But I can't catch good RP to feel "warlocky" I've just spend time to time on graveyards, meditating, but that's all. How I can get more from "serving to my patron"? Get some new fellows for my Queen... Some...
  10. delph

    D&D 5E Usefull falling damage?

    Hi, I had curious idea: If character get damage from falling from high to ground, It should get same damage from objects falling on them from same high... Now very specific situation: Tabaxi Monk with Mobile feat have insane move, reduce falling dmg, can move on vertical surfaces or have...
  11. delph

    D&D 5E Hard world healer

    Hi everyone, we started a new campaign where we have some difficulties: short rest is 6 hours sleeping with 2 hours resting (like keeping watch, prepare food,...) long rest is 5 day resting death points - we've got 4 death saves, and when you get to 0, you can choose if you stay standing and...
  12. delph

    Catchphrases for death cleric

    Hi, I play deathcleric. Inspired with mexican celebration of deaths so she has flowers, butterflies, glitters,... and a morbid sense of humor... So I'm seeking catchphrases for her. They have to be around death, grave, postmortem living. Nothing about undeads. Thanks for anything.
  13. delph

    D&D 5E Eldritch spear + spellsniper + distant spell

    Hi, I have a quick question. On some FB page I have a discussion about using EB with eldritch spear + SS + distant spell. One guy said it can't be combined, because "general rules overridden by specific rules." and EB with ES will be always only 300 ft. I never read Eldritch spear by this way...
  14. delph

    D&D 5E Metamagic for wizards not for sorcerers?

    After some thinking about metamagic I'm wondering why it have sorcerers and no wizards? As I understand wizards as men who learning how to use, handle, work with magic in the smallest details. Then it made me a sense to give them the ability to made theirs spell empowered, quickened, subtle...
  15. delph

    D&D 5E Crazy builds for one insane stat

    Hi, this is a thread for play with rules to get the highest one stat, without care about RP, or usefulness in game. But it can be inspiration for build for some not so crazy builds... There are 3 levels what can we count: Only character, without artifacts - It's only was how to guarantee you...
  16. delph

    MC Knowledge Cleric + Lore Bard vs Kensei Bladesinger

    Hi I'll have one shot play on 5 lvl with longtime player's groupe as a guest. I'm thinking about try some little crazy builds. Point buy, can take everything from every official source. First is Vuman (feat Linguist, Prodigy, Skilled or Observant) Knowledge Cleric 2 + Lore Bard 3 (background...
  17. delph

    D&D 5E How did you lead Trollskull Manor or another bussines?

    Hi everyone, As I'm going through Dragon Heist campaign I'm mannaging Trollskull Manor Tavern in my downtime. I'v got Durnans Guide to Tavernkeeping and my GM is using some rules from there. Is anyone other who take it seriously and is work with it? And not only this campaign and bussines. I'd...
  18. delph

    Pregnancy and newborns...

    Hi, my playgroup got new situation. One our party member is pregnant... So my question is - how usual is it in yours play, how did you deal with it. we are playing DnD 5, and She is Wild Sorcerer, so she can't cast, because mutating is in game... especially in crit fails. EDIT: I corrected...
  19. delph

    D&D 5E What play after Dragon Heist (no DotMM)

    Hi, we are playing Dragon Heist and we love this game and our characters. But what play after? Our GM describe us some things about DotMM and everyone answer "that's nothing we want play" Behind us are: ToA CoS
  20. delph

    D&D 5E Haste from higher slots...

    I'm thinking about haste. It's good spell fot 3rd spell slot, but it has it's limitation. What about push limits with casting from higher slots. My simple idea is: 6 lvl slot - same as Action surge (can do whole action, so can cast, made extra atacks) +3 (+4?) AC, not sure about duration. One...