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Search results

  1. Nullzone

    Review of Innistrad Decks: Deathly Dominion & Carnival of Blood by Wizards of the Coa

    In terms of newbie-friendliness, I would have to say that Spectral Legions is a lot easier to grasp for a new player, and is still an amazingly powerful deck; there are a few cards in it that are perhaps a bit strange, but overall it's really quite an amazing piece. Carnival of Blood is great...
  2. Nullzone

    Revenant Tempest Weaponmaster

    Was looking at a twitter friend's weaponmaster build a bit ago and got to tweaking it. I kind of like where its head is, wanted to see if there were any glaringly obvious things that could be done better or other ways that people might tweak it around. ====== Created Using Wizards of the...
  3. Nullzone

    Subscriber halp

    Okay so my subscription was due to run out today, and I fully thought it was going to since I couldn't find anything in Paypal about upcoming scheduled payments. Instead, it renewed. I wanted to let it drop so I could bump up to Silver for ZEITGEIST. Halp? I'd like to not pay for two 4 month...
  4. Nullzone

    Help me polish my "Harassment" Swordmage?

    I've started tooling with a Swordmage for LFR play, and thought I might share it here for feedback; for character concept, I consider her an arcane scholar who is highly attuned to and exploitative of Thunder/Lightning magics, being a Stormsoul Genasi...but having spent time in the City of...
  5. Nullzone

    Persistent Harrier

    Rules question time- Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack for the first time during an encounter What's the "statute of limitations" (so to speak) on this power? If there are 4 monsters on the field, and I would prefer to use the power on monster 4, but monster 1 attacks me...
  6. Nullzone

    Roll A d6

    Not sure if this is the best place for this...please redirect as needed. https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150571021865696&oid=128296190580352&comments Music video with the musical stylings of "Like a G6", but adapted to our favorite pastime. :)
  7. Nullzone

    [Saturday PM] FOURTHCORE: Revenge of the Iron Lich (D&D 4e/FOURTHCORE) *FULL/STANDBY*

    This is a 16th level delve written by Sersa V and Jerry LeNeave over at saveversusdeath.com; some of you may have already seen it. I've been wanting to run it for a while now and figure what better time than this? :) Even those of you who may have read or played it already stand to get...
  8. Nullzone

    Greatbow Ranger and Sneak Attack

    I see this a lot in charop, and occasionally in Organized Play, so I'm trying to get my thumb on it once and for all because it strikes me slightly absurd; CA aside, can a Greatbow Ranger even use Sneak Attack (via Rogue MC)? Based on the compendium, I'm thinking not: So if that first line in...
  9. Nullzone

    Hybrid defenders and marking

    Ok, I already know stuff like in order to mark as a hybrid Fighter, you have to use a Fighter power. But if you hybridize two defender classes like a Fighter and Battlemind, can you enforce your Fighter marks with Mind Spike? My read says yes, but wanted to get opinions... If so/not, are there...
  10. Nullzone

    Action Points

    I have an idea to change action points from giving you an extra action to letting you recharge powers (1/power, and powers with multiple charges only buy you one charge). You can use this on any power you like; encounter or daily, including Second Wind. Recharging a daily power can only be done...
  11. Nullzone

    Tactical Maps

    Are there any map resources available for Scales of War that don't have "DM notes" all over them? Googling turns up a lot of clamoring of people who would like to see such, but no actual results. :erm: And I'm not sure if I could take the noted up ones and make them usable via photoshop...the...
  12. Nullzone

    Cloud of Darkness

    Here's how I read Cloud of Darkness: An effect that is not strictly a lack of light, but rather a miasma that cannot be penetrated by any means; a creature within it is blocked from line of sight. Further, you are only immune to the effects of your own CoD; if there are multiple Drow present...
  13. Nullzone

    Skill Checks: Who Should Run Them?

    Hi there, I had a DM recently that did something interesting that I thought I might pick the brains of the collective wisdom here about. This DM has an interesting rule that I'm waffling about incorporating myself: skill rolls are all done by him, behind his screen; we just provide our check...