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  1. S


    I always frowned upon the scenario of missing for a couple of rounds against a minion. I don´t like how they can waste so many PC actions, in such a non-fun way. So I added some options for minons: If you attack it, it dies This option makes it very easy and clear to see that the minions are...
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    Ideas for a "Repair the seals" campaign

    Hello! I'll be running a 4e campaign in Eberron, Eldeen Reaches. 2 Druids, 2 Barbarians (one with a Defender build) From level 1 to level 5. Loosely, the structure will be: Investigate strange events in the vale Figure out that the seals containing an ancient evil are broken Repair the seals...
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    Thread about Eberron Campaign Ideas

    Hello, I was trying to figure out where I can post a thread asking about ideas for an Eberron campaign. This is not system specific, although I will run it in 4e. It seems "General Roleplaying Games Discussion" should be the appropriate forum Am I right? (sorry I have to ask this, I'm a...
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    Dwarves and Dianoem [SPOILERS]

    Could you spoil this a bit more for us, DMs?
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    Shouldn't Monsters Recharge at End of Turn?

    I love telling players lots of info about monsters attacks and defenses. I find it keeps them making meaningful choices. But lately I've found that when a monster recharges a power at the start of it's turn, it usually uses it right away. The problem with this is that PCs can't plan...
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    Handling Monster Information

    I wanted to share this experiment I'm currently running with my players: Easy DC: - You tell the player the monster's role (or describe the role if you don't want to tell it explicitly) Medium DC: - You tell the player the tactics the monster/s will use - You tell the player all the useful...
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    Escaping Innenotdar (spoilers)

    SPOILER! In a nutshell: How can the campaign move forward if the PCs escape the forest? (this question is also valid if the PCs skip the adventure entirely) The long version: WotBS #2 gives the PCs the choice of escaping the Fire Forest. This choice is presented to the players in when...
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    WotBS WotBS Map Drafts

    I've found these drafts on a site devoted to preserve paper drawing from RPGs: PlaGMaDA Enjoy :D
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    Damage progression of PCs

    Has anybody calculated this? From level 1 to 30, the obvious damage that PCs increase is: - 6 from items - 4 from stat increase - 3-5 from epic tier at-will damage increase at level 21 - any other? Some items add more damage to this. But I don't know how often, or at what levels. And each...
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    Spell List Generator

    Some years ago I've found a site where you could select a class, different book sources, some other filters, and from that, a spell list was generated. It was really neat, because each spell had, in it's line: Name, Description (short), School, Components, Time to cast, Range...
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    Epic Destinies and coming back to life

    From the fluff it seems that once you reach the Epic tier, you are pretty much an immortal. Yet only some of the Epic Destinies have a mechanic for coming back to life. This seems obviously and grossly unbalanced if only some ED can come back to life 1/day and others not. Am I missing...
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    Monster NADs

    Monsters have 2 less in their FRW defenses. But in the creation rules, they suggest to add on top of that the difference between their stat and the average: DMG, page 184: For every 2 points the ability score varies from the aver- age, adjust the defense by +1 (if higher) or –1 (if lower). I...
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    D&D 5E Until end of next turn vs Save Ends

    I'm still bothered by tha fact that ueont durations (and the like) are generally cheaper and sometimes outright better than save ends. One simple house rules: Whenever you grant a saving throw to an ally, he can use it to end a condition that ends before the start/end of someone's turn. Maybe...
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    Custom Monster: Slow Giant

    I always wanted to make a monster like this. A Giant that felt you couldn't stand ground against. But that it was slow and you could easily outmaneuver. I made it as level 1, but the idea is to scale it to whatever level you need it. The Giant is also missing encounter powers. But I wanted...
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    Success chances for Skill Challenges

    Since the forum is in a fever of programming things to analyze the system, here's my 2 cents. The basic question is this: What's the chance of succeeding in a Skill Challenge of Complexity X if the individual chance of success of each skill check is Y? Which is answered in this format...
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    Myconids, how to use them?

    I'm about to use some Myconids, from MM2 in an adventure. But I fail to see how could they effectively work together. Myconid Rotpriest The Rotpriest's best attacks work best in melee or amid enemies. Yet it has two other abilities that work best far from enemies and adjacent to allies...
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    WotBS Running Innenotdar WotBS #2 (spoilers)

    Today I begun running The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar (I loooove spelling it all) to one of my groups. In the first encounter I wasn't totally sure about how I handled it. Is it as simple as putting the fire out of Durval and that's it? He's alive? Wasn't he an undead? What if he...
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    SCs: Tailored to the party?

    DMG2 states: "Know what skills your player character's are good at, and tailor your challenges to those skills." This brings several problems: - You can't have "general" SCs (as in modules, or for typical situations) - Adds the burden of knowing your characters to the problem of making a...
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    Spoilers needed for Innenotdar (SPOILERS!!!!)

    Hi, I'm in need for a little more background on the Innenotdar Forest. AFAIK, a unique dragon, which seems to be imprisoned by Ragesia, and whose mother was slain by Coaltongue, planted the first tree of this forest. Now, dreams from that Dragon arise as Trillith. Since the Seela has a...
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    Dealing with Shealis (spoilers)

    I wonder how did other groups handle dealing with Shealis. In the groups I ran this is what happened when Buron told them they had to delay Shealis: Group 1: "No way! We can do nothing about it, the only thing we can do is go and confront her (talk to her)" (with Diogenes bubble up) They made...