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    Constantine opens tomorrow

    Constantine is another comic book adaptation. I doubt that most theater goers will know that, so it hopefully won't hold the movie back ;) . I saw an advance screening on Tuesday. <a href="">(I posted my review on the sci-fi news page)</a>. Great...
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    Get Fuzzy - D&D reference

    "Get Fuzzy" cracks on D&D. I love this strip.
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    [Dungeon 120] Back cover - 2 questions

    1. Where can I get the poster. 2. Where can I buy the outfit for my wife.
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    Does this sound like anyone you know?
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    Foxtrot has another allusion to D&D today. I like this one:
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    Why were no WotC products included in the nominations? The most glaring ommission seems to be Best Campaign Setting where Eberron wasn't even nominated. Is it because WotC didn't participate?
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    Interview teaser

    EN World's next interview is with the novelist and comic book author Kevin Anderson. Did you know Kevin recently signed the largest science fiction publishing contract ever for a Dune prequel series to be cowritten with Brian Herbert? This interview will mostly focus on the July release of...
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    d6 the future of d20?

    WEG is rereleasing their d6 system made famous (infamous?) when they had the Star Wars RPG license. It looks like they want to be all things. They have Fantasy, (modern) Adventure, and Sci-Fi handbooks. I realize people here are biased, but what are the pros and cons of d6? I've never played...
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    Bought Eberron FLGS!

    I did it. I went to the newest FLGS in the Denver area (The Forge at Wadsworth and Coal Mine for the locals). He's only been open for three weeks. Met the owner, Wes. Great guy. And you know what? He was friendly! It's amazing how just a few kinds words will part one from one's money. You see...
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    Downer - I just don't get it

    Is it me? I just don't get Downer. I've tried to follow it hoping it gets better. The story just doesn't make sense. Is there a plot? All I can figure out is that someone is in a city called Oubliette. I have no idea what they are trying to do. I can't figure out from one panel to the next who...
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    Is Fantasy changing?

    The newest Dragon editorial mentions that the Fantasy is changing. Younger fans think fantasy is Pokemon (and maybe Magic: The Gathering). Fantasy is changing. The average age of the D&D player is creeping up on 30. D&D must change, hence, Eberron. So, is Swords and Sorcery on its way out? The...
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    Does anyone read books anymore?

    Aside from the obvious (Hickman, Weiss, Salvatore) what authors interest you? EN World is building contacts in the publishing world and we may be able to get some news scoops about your favorite authors. Who do you want to read about?
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    Last chance for Hickman interview questions

    I am interviewing Tracy and Laura Hickman today. I'd welcome some more input from EN Worlders. There is exactly 1 hour left to get in some questions.
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    To multi-class or not

    My group is starting a new campaign on Sunday. I've been thinking about multi-classing. The problem is that I'm not convinced a multi-class character can really hold his own. Say a Sor5/Ftr5 is fighting a 10th level Fighter. The multiclass fighter would'nt be a match for the single class...
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    EN World Tracy and Laura Hickman interview

    Tracy and Laura Hickman have agreed to an interview with EN World. Mystic Warrior, the first book of The Bronze Canticles, is due to be released on Friday, April 16. The interview will center around the release of the new book but I will also be asking a variety of questions about the industry...
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    EN World Tracy and Laura Hickman interview

    Tracy and Laura Hickman have agreed to an interview with EN World. Mystic Warrior, the first book of The Bronze Canticles, is due to be released on Friday, April 16. The interview will center around the release of the new book but I will also be asking a variety of questions about the industry...
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    Sci-Fi and Fantasy news content

    I sent Morrus an email with questions about the SFF news section. Since I haven't heard back, I'm assuming at least one of these three: 1. He didn't like my suggestion. 2. He doesn't read his email. 3. He doesn't know me from Adam, and didn't read MY email (understandable). Is there anyone...
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    Real Barbarians

    The History Channel is showing the first of a two part special this evening on barbarians. What it and let me know if your barbarian matches up.
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    Stupid anti-magic field

    My group is having a debate about the anti-magic field. A 12th level PC cast the anti-magic field. An 18th level cleric then cast Storm of Vengeance. In the 2nd round, acid rain starts falling. I ruled that the acid becomes real and is not stopped by the field. I reasoned that the field could...
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    [OT] Hasbro profits up.

    For those interested in the business end of gaming, WotC's parent company Hasbro declared earnings today. Good news for the company. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hasbro Inc. (NYSE:HAS -...