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  1. C

    [GRIM TALES] A few questions...

    While we've got your attention Wulf *Obligatory just got Grim Tales and I love it blurb* In the Vehicle Chapter it states that a Maneuver requires a full-round action, but the Skills Chapter says that Drive checks take move actions. Just curious as to which batch of text is gospel? Thanks in...
  2. C

    GT and firearms?

    Thanks I appreciate the prompt responses. Thanks folks.
  3. C

    GT and firearms?

    Could any one give me an idea of how firearms are handled under the GT rules? Did Wulf use the d20 Modern approach or cook up something else?
  4. C

    25mm Sniper Rifle

    LOL...whoops...my bad...where did that come from?
  5. C

    25mm Sniper Rifle

    Damage ranges in D20 Modern are generally based on the caliber of the weapon. The Bushwacker (the 25mm cannon on the Bradley) is listed as doing 4d12, so by rights so should this monster. If you want to take barrel length into account, I'd say 4d8.
  6. C

    D20 Future Q&A With Rodney "Moridin" Thompson and JD Wiker!!

    I'm going to add my thanks as well. Its great to have this kind of support from the designers. You guy's are doing wonders for customer relations. Okay, obligatory flattery aside, I've got another question... The vehicles section gives a size code instead of a weight limit for the cargo...
  7. C

    Pet peeves of D&D gaming

    ~BBEGs that you can't beat! When the last player standing manages to score a 20 and back it up with a second 20, the last thing the DM should say is "okay, he takes double damage." ~Players that show up drunk or stoned. Sure, I've played a couple of sessions that were just an excuse for a party...
  8. C

    What's the longest running "inside joke" at your table?

    I was playing in a Dragon Lance campaign many moons ago, and when ever we'd encounter a wyrm, my fighter would scream out, "I'm gonna send you to Takhisis!" before charging head long into the fray. Of course at the climax of the campaign, the party encountered the diety in question... I'm still...
  9. C

    What do you like or don't like in sci-fi rpg

    I generally fall back on the concept of "eggshells with cannons" as far as starships are concerned. If a stray bullet has a chance of rupturing the hull, you want to minimize the number of stray bullets flying around. Of course since most ships in sci-fi games can take more of a beating than an...
  10. C

    Encounters with the Supernatural

    Man, this thread is just sweet...might as well add to it. When I was a kid, I lived on a farm in northern Ontario. Every year or so one of the farmers in the area would loose a cow. The only trace would be some extreamly large feline footprints in the pasture; no blood, no hint of violence...