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Search results

  1. Amazing Mumford

    Elemental questions...

    Okay, I have some questions about elementals. 1) If an elemental is in it's natural environment, is it any harder to spot? For example, if a fire elemental were inside of a fire, or a water elemental in a pool of water? What if an air elemental was just kinda floating around in the air? 2)...
  2. Amazing Mumford

    Question about the Ward effect in Silverymoon

    Question about a campaign in Silverymoon, referencing specifically Silver Marches-- Silverymoon has a Ward, much like a Mythal. The Ward has Prevailing spells/effects, described as "applying continuously". What exactly does this mean, especially for the antipathy effect? The usual target for...
  3. Amazing Mumford

    Food/Water needs for Large creatures/characters and mounts

    Quick question-- I don't remember exactly where the rules are for large sized creatures and characters, what are their food/water requirements? I know for medium-sized characters it's 1 gallon of fluids and 1 lb. of food in normal environments, and for small characters it's half as much-- is...
  4. Amazing Mumford

    Grappling question

    Okay, our group does pretty well with Grapple rules, the Rules Compendium helps out well and for the most part streamlines the process. Here's my question, not covered in the Rules Compendium (or PHB, from what we could find...)-- what happens when a monster with Improved Grab chooses to let go...
  5. Amazing Mumford

    2 Questions...

    Hey there, to all the very knowledgable people out there, I have 2 quick questions: 1) When a creature has to flee, do they do so immediately or not until their turn? For example, if an undead creature is turned, or if a character fails a cause fear save-- do they run immediately, or do they...
  6. Amazing Mumford

    Detecting/Identifying Cursed Items

    Okay, usually I don't use cursed magic items in my campaign. They tend to lead to player's not having a lot of fun... That being said though, there are a couple specific cursed items currently in the campaign that the PC's know about and need to retrieve. Without going into the exact...
  7. Amazing Mumford

    Negative level clarification question

    Ran into some undead yesterday, just wanted to ask about a negative level issue-- in the PHB and the SRD it states "-1 effective level (whenever the creature’s level is used in a die roll or calculation, reduce it by one for each negative level)." So what if, for example, a 3rd-level mage...
  8. Amazing Mumford

    Rogues and traps... Searching and Disarming...

    OK, I looked around and didn't see this particular topic here so I apologize if it has already been covered. I want to clarify Detecting Traps, just to make sure it's supposed to work the way our group thinks it does. First of all, a Rogue does have the option to Take 20 on his Search skill...
  9. Amazing Mumford

    Variant Class Features question-- Something for Nothing??

    Question about Variant Class Features-- seems like a lot of material that came out toward the "end" of 3.5 introduced Variant Class Features. These were for the most part pretty cool, i.e. for someone who likes to play a Druid but doesn't want anything to do with an animal companion, you have a...
  10. Amazing Mumford

    Opinions about Raise Dead, Resurrection, Reincarnation...

    OK, I would like to get a thread going with some opinions about how gaming groups handle the particular issue of bringing the dead back to life. If this topic has been extensively discussed recently, someone please direct to me to that thread-- I don't think this has been a recent topic. I...
  11. Amazing Mumford

    Older Realms adventures questions, coming up with CR's

    I thought maybe this post would fit better here... Hey, I am in the midst of doing some module updating, and I was wondering what some of your opinions would be on modified EL's for these two: 1) Nightmare Keep, originally 1E for levels 18-20. The two main "baddies" at the end are a Mature...
  12. Amazing Mumford

    Older Realms adventures questions, coming up with CR's?

    Hey, I am in the midst of doing some module updating, and I was wondering what some of your opinions would be on modified EL's for these two: 1) Nightmare Keep, originally 1E for levels 18-20. The two main "baddies" at the end are a Mature Lichling (converted to CR 11) and a Demilich, which in...
  13. Amazing Mumford

    natural attacks and touch spells

    Okay, I think this might have been answered, but I wanted to ask real quick-- say you have a monk/sorcerer with touch spells, or a werewolf/cleric with touch spells-- can you "hold" a touch spell and combine it's effects with an unarmed strike or natural attack? Like can the werewolf attack...
  14. Amazing Mumford

    Questions about scrolls...

    Hey there, I have a few questions about scrolls. 1) When a wizard scribes a scroll, is it automatically at it's lowest level or can the wizard decide what the CL is for the scroll? For example, a 5th-level wizard scribes magic missile, is it as a CL 1 spell with 1 missile or can the wizard...
  15. Amazing Mumford

    Finding a Hidden Camp?

    It's been a long time since our group used this, but it came up again-- where are the rules located for finding a hidden camp? The encounter guide for Forgotten Realms gives a percentage chance of an encounter vs. whether or not you have a regular camp or a hidden one... I assume it's probably...
  16. Amazing Mumford

    smaller creatures fighting ON larger ones...

    Any specific rules about, say, a small-size character leaping onto the back of a large (or bigger) monster, like a halfling with a dagger trying to jump onto a frost giant? And trying to stay on and fight it from that position? What about like a human leaping onto the back of a huge dragon who...
  17. Amazing Mumford

    Netherese Arcanist Prestige Class

    In the 3.5 book Lost Empires of Faerun, on pg44 in a sidebar there is a reference to a prestige class called Netherese Arcanist, which according to the sidebar is in the Player's Guide to Faerun. The prestige class is not in that book, I checked-- was this errated anywhere? Does this prestige...
  18. Amazing Mumford

    Where are these rules and conversions located??

    Okay, I apologize if these questions have been posted before, but I'm not sure about where to find a few things. First of all, the most recent and updated 3.5 erratas of Polymorph, Alternate Form, Wild Shape, and Lycanthropy. Second, is there a 3.0 to 3.5 conversion of divine/deity stats and...
  19. Amazing Mumford

    What can you do in an Otiluke's Resilient Sphere?

    The wording on Otiluke's Resilient Sphere is a little vague, and I was wondering exactly how this works. In many games, such as Icewind Dale 2 and Neverwinter Nights, the subject trapped inside the sphere seemed unable to move or do anything. The 3.5 spell description states: "A globe of...
  20. Amazing Mumford


    Does anybody have a homebrew 3.5 conversion for the individual and/or mature lichling from 2.0 Nightmare Keep?? I was thinking maybe CR 1/2 or CR 1, 2 HD undead for the individual? Crazy little fear-eating bug-things....