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  1. Impeesa

    It's that time of year again

    Yesterday marked the official kickoff for Penny Arcade's annual Child's Play Charity. You can read all about it on the site itself, but the general idea is that we buy toys and games off the Amazon wishlist for the children's hospital of our choice, or simply donate cash. The loot goes towards...
  2. Impeesa

    Puzzles, challenges, and articles about Magic

    There's an interesting article up on the official Magic site tonight. They have sort of a puzzle theme going on this week, and Mark Gottlieb is apparently something of a puzzle fiend. The article itself is a good read, particularly if you like using a lot of puzzles in your game (duh). One...
  3. Impeesa

    Ruminations on a quantum loot sack

    Okay, so our group is running through the original 3E adventure path. We're just about to finish up Speaker in Dreams, and already we've got a crapload of potions and scrolls that nobody particularly cares about. We haven't really bothered dividing them up, so on the odd occasion that someone...
  4. Impeesa

    Trying to obtain custom dice for christmas present - arg!

    So I've always liked the idea of gemstone dice. I decided that I'd try and get my girlfriend a nice set of amethyst dice for Christmas - bit of a long story as to why they'd be particularly appropriate (and kind of funny), but I know she'd love them. However, I wanted something a little...
  5. Impeesa

    [OT] If you though "lightning bolt!" was funny... The original is funny enough... but then they 'remastered' it.. classic. I've done my fair share of that with garden implements... but at least I've never taped it. :) Watch it while you can, Penny Arcade linked it so the server should be...
  6. Impeesa

    [OT] Need inspiration!

    So I have a good chance of getting a summer job as an instructor at the local 'youth university' (science camp, basically)... My interview is Monday, and I'm supposed to bring a program proposal - basically, an overview of something fun and with some solid theory to it that I could teach to...
  7. Impeesa

    Warcraft III?

    The War3 PHB has been listed as "Coming soon" on the main page here for ages. Presumeably, it was simply being held back until the game was released, but now the game's out and I haven't heard anything about the book. Has anyone else? I'd really love to run a game in the Warcraft world, but the...
  8. Impeesa

    Historical Spycraft campaigns?

    I've suddenly been seized by the urge to run a campaign leading up to and through the Cuban Missile Crisis, for example. Before I go try making a campaign out of it (there's plenty for the agents to discover - you just have to fudge who did what a bit :)), is anyone else trying something like...
  9. Impeesa

    Alternity style mutants in spycraft?

    I'm thinking maybe there should be a special department for characters who come from government genetics projects. Have a list of powers and drawbacks that the character can choose from, and then calculate an ECL from those abilities (each would have a preset value, just add them all together)...
  10. Impeesa

    Dragonstar release dates

    According to the back of the Starfarer's Handbook, I should already have the Galaxy Guide in my hands, with Imperial Supply coming out within days. What happened? :D --Impeesa--
  11. Impeesa

    The greatest troll ever

    ...will not be found here. Have a nice day. --Impeesa--