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  1. V

    Minion House Rules

    Hey, people have been noting that the threshold falls appart for the Wizard, who is supposed to handle vast quantities of monsters. One possibility is to make the mooks be vulnerable x to blasts and bursts. Make x be 2-3 + 1/2 per level or somesuch. That way wizards will still be able to kill...
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    The Undead

    I have a few extra zombies that I built for a zombie extravaganza fight for my one campaign, but I have them at home. Basically I took them from the 'Left For Dead' game. Mostly it was reflavouring. - took the fey panther and used that to simulate a zombie with swords replacing its upper limbs...
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    D&D 4E 4E needs monsters between minion and "normal"

    I've used multiple variants because the players will occasionally find it very unsatisfying to fight minions or normal monsters. I used Lesser and Minor monsters [as suggested by Keterkeys if I recall correctly in one of the fan creation threads] when the PCs were 1st and 2nd lvl. You take the...
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    Middle-Earth 4.0

    It has also been said that the magical bonus progression is relatively easy to add into the level progression. You just need to give the players a +1 bonus every 5 levels I believe. That way by lvl 30 they all will have a +6 bonus. From running a game what this does is make it that every 5...
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    Quandary! Can I do a “Pirate” campaign with 4th Ed as it is?

    Sunglar: glad to be able to help. My only comment about just making everyone use more Int / Dex characters for the defenders is that Paladins already suffer from MAD, and adding one of their two dump stats to the mix will cause them problems. On the Vzla question. I grew up there but am...
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    Quandary! Can I do a “Pirate” campaign with 4th Ed as it is?

    First there aren't any rules in the AV for guns. You'll have to make your own, or as you said use crossbows. There are however rules for airships, and at least 3 kinds of seafearing vehicles. Secondly interms of the loss of armor the ones mostly affected will be the defenders: Fighters...
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    Decrease Ritual Casting Times

    Now if only my players would try it I could report on its success. If you get a chance to use this do post so I can see how it went. Yeah when I said arcana I meant that at least x number of successes would have to be from the primary skill of the ritual with the others being able to add. I'm...
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    Decrease Ritual Casting Times

    I've noticed also that a lot of the casting times feel a tad long. I've told my players that if they want to speed it up I'd allow them to shorten it via a skill challenge. Using Arcana as the primary stat, and for every extra person participating / spending resources they can get the ritual...
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    Forked Thread: Let's talk about minions...

    If all you're going for are minions that need to take a solid blow [i.e. a striker doing average damage, a controller doing max damage, etc] just take the monster's level and lower it by 2 from the party. I did it with goblins, cause I wanted a few goblins since I feel they are too powerful as...
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    Two Solo Monster Adaptations - Please critique

    True, what I'm pointing out is that this monster will just do both each round. there will be no variance which is unfortunate for an elite / solo. When I use solos / elites I want them doing a bunch of things, rather than just repeatedly doing the same thing. Dragons breathe fire once, then...
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    Insubstantial seems very, very boring

    If I recall correctly force effects do full damage to insubstancial creatures. That gives the Wizard: Cloud of Daggers, and the Artificer his at-will power that does force damage and increases AC of an ally. Sadly I'm at work and can't check the rules on force effects and insubstantial. I...
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    Maptools online game table

    I started running a game online using maptools. I have 8 players, 3 of them locally, the others scattered across the US. We use Ventrilo for VOIP. Only had problems when two people in Virginia had a massive thunderstorm overhead. We fixed that problem by installing Hamachi VPN that helped lower...
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    Two Solo Monster Adaptations - Please critique

    For the basilisk it seems that it'll get relatively boring pretty quick. It'll basically blast and bite each turn. You should think about giving it a couple more things like a tail swipe when its flanked that knocks the opponent prone, or a claw attack and then a stronger attack that allows a...
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    Way I've done it so far in my campaign is treating profession and crafting the same way: if characters declared they had a certain background [one character was a pirate] then they are considered trained in skill checks that migth be related. Eg. One character spent a couple of years as a...
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    Pen/Paperless Combat Log/Initiative Tracker?

    I run an online game and use maptool from for my table top and just switch pen/paper for HP/initiative and such. One of my players has convinced me to try using InitTool that they provide as well rptools.net/doku.php?id=home
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    Just posting to make you all jealous, I HAVE THEM

    Edit: Already posted above
  17. V

    Just posting to make you all jealous, I HAVE THEM

    Re:Templates This is from the thread on forums.rpg.net: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=396755 Originally Posted by Agrias oaks DMG templates for monsters? Quite a list, here we go! There are 2 template types. Functional templates (Such as Lich, mummy lord, DEATH KNIGHT), and...
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    D&D 4E 4E test with Preview materials: A DM's musings

    We used google chat and google spreadsheets. The spreadsheets worked rather well, minus some initial complaining/slowness with loading. Except for one person using Firefox 3 [beta] that had all sorts of problems. Uploading the maps from excel was the only way I managed to get them to show...
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    D&D 4E 4E test with Preview materials: A DM's musings

    Hi all, -- Thanks Gary for the hours of fun I've had with D&D -- I've been lurking since my friend and 3.5 GM pointed me here for 4E news. Given that he was rabid and generally matches my gaming tastes pretty well I've been following along avidly, the positive, negative, and ludicrous. A bit of...
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    [tSoY] Dungeons and Dragnet

    New Watch Members and the Annoying Press Valandil adressed Mr. Ten-Coin through a rather fake smile "Monsieurs a drink at this time is absurd, a meal I am already purchasing, and thou should take your inquiries to the Watches' Department of Public Affairs." [OOC: Valandil was Hungry. This was...