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  1. K

    D&D Minis game poster maps?

    That site is perfect! Thanks, I didn't know about it. I'll ask over there.
  2. K

    D&D Minis game poster maps?

    Does anyone here know where to find poster maps for the old D&D Miniatures skirmish game? Here's an example: http://dmdavid.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Fantastic_Locations-Dragondown_Grotto21.jpg That's an official one that has start areas and victory areas for each team. But any combat...
  3. K

    forcing over the edge

    Ah. Thanks!
  4. K

    forcing over the edge

    From the PHB Update: "[While prone] you can teleport, crawl, or be forced to move by a pull, a push, or a slide." You could assume that, but why would you? Where's the rules justification for this? Would you assume that if someone missed on an attack, they miss all other attacks that round?
  5. K

    forcing over the edge

    But what makes that space illegal? It's legal to push a prone creature over an edge, correct?
  6. K

    forcing over the edge

    Say I push someone over the edge, he saves and ends up prone in the square. If I have more push movement left, can I push him again? From what I've seen, people seem to assume that once the target makes their save, the forced movement is done. This seems to assume that I have my final...
  7. K

    Push, Pull, Slide and cliffs....

    How about this: I can push someone three squares. I pick a guy next to an edge and push him over. He gets a save and succeeds. Can I push him again with him getting another save? And again? Basically when he saves is my forced movement on him done, or do we resolve it one square at a time?
  8. K

    Immediate Interrupt vs Opportunity Attack

    If you replace: with: It would work the way you suggest.
  9. K

    math on initiative

    Thanks for the support. I love D&D math problems because they're very straight forward (though not always easy). All the randomness comes from dice, which are pretty simple statistically. I can't help myself when I hear someone say "What are the odds for...".
  10. K

    math on initiative

    This was first done graphically by someone else. I don't want to take credit for it. This is set up as a 1-on-1 contest where each curve shows improvement (in terms of additional percentage chance of success) over not having any feats. The x-axis is your init bonus minus your opponent's...
  11. K

    math on initiative

  12. K

    math on initiative

    I removed the statistics column to remove scrolling in the Code box. # | B | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | Avg ---+---+ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ +----- 1 | 7 | 31.8% 15.1% 13.0% 12.4% 11.6% 9.3% 5.3% 1.5% | 3.14 2 | 6 |...
  13. K

    math on initiative

    WARNING: I'm just geeking out with math here. It won't really help you build a better character or win more fights. But if this sort of thing interests you, keep reading. I wrote a program that calculates the statistics for rolling initiative at the start of combat. It started over at...
  14. K

    help a brother stand up

    This only works for allies (thought that's probably sufficient). PHB p.283 "Ending Movement: You can end your movement in an ally’s square only if the ally is prone." PHB p.292 "Occupied Space: If your space is occupied by another creature, you can shift 1 square, as part of this move action...
  15. K

    help a brother stand up

    If one of your allies falls prone, you can help him out by moving to stand in his square. Then when he stands up, he can shift into any square he wants. At first I thought this was an abuse of an attempt to make falling prone easier to deal with, but then I imagined it as helping him to his...
  16. K

    Stealth - the low down UPDATED!

    I would add a general suggestion regarding balance for people wanting to apply the +10 to stealth once your hidden. Let's pretend hidden is a house. Having the initial stealth be versus a passive perception DC makes it much easier for him to get inside, statistically speaking. Once he's in...
  17. K

    Stealth - the low down UPDATED!

    But there's an interpretation that is completely consistent and doesn't require magic pants. Only add the +10 to the stealth check for creatures that are impossible to see regardless of hidden status. This has a number of benefits: - It matches flavor text better (all examples are of cases...
  18. K

    Stealth - the low down UPDATED!

    Would you rule this way when trying to find an invisible creature? If so, then finding an invisible creature trying to hide behind some crates is just as easy as finding a visible creature doing the same. If not, then this does not seem like a consistent application of the rules on p. 281.
  19. K

    Stealth - the low down UPDATED!

    Ah. As far as I know, attacks are the only thing that auto-succeed on a natural 20 (under the critical hit rules, p. 278). So if you use the stealth+10 thing, you'll never succeed. Actually, hidden is better than invisible since you are both unseen and unheard. I think the problem here is...