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  1. Z

    Savage Worlds - New player, comments and questions

    The main change to the magic system lies in the trappings. In SWEX (which is when I started) trappings were primarily descriptive (e.g., calling your blast power "fireball"), but the Fantasy Companion expanded them with new rules and examples, allowing the mechanics of the powers to be adjusted...
  2. Z

    Savage Worlds - New player, comments and questions

    Interestingly, the new magic rules are one of the things I dislike the most about SWADE! The changes are extensive though, so it's inevitable that most people will find some things they like and some things they dislike.
  3. Z

    Savage Worlds - New player, comments and questions

    If both dice ace, you keep rolling both, then use whichever had the highest result. For example the d4 might roll 4+4+3 (11) while the d6 might roll 6+3 (9), so then you'd keep the highest result (11) and ignore the lower result. Deluxe is a perfectly good system, but future publications will...
  4. Z

    Pay What You Want (But Please Pay Something!)

    On DTRPG there's a "Suggested Price" (which is assigned by the publisher) directly below the field where customers enter the amount they wish to pay.
  5. Z

    Pay What You Want (But Please Pay Something!)

    But there are professionals who offer PWYW and/or free products too. When I released my products for free, some people complained I was undermining professional publishers. When I sold products, some people complained I was taking sales away from those who needed the money more than me. A few...
  6. Z

    Pay What You Want (But Please Pay Something!)

    DTRPG excludes free downloads when calculating the average price, and I find it's less demoralizing to look at it from that perspective. So you sold 14 copies for an average of $2.96, and 116 other people (most of whom probably wouldn't have bought the game anyway) downloaded it for free.
  7. Z

    Pay What You Want (But Please Pay Something!)

    I've got two PWYW products on DTRPG. The first was an experimental mini-RPG -- I hoped to reach a wider audience to see if there was any interest in adding more products in the same line. I could have made it free, but the price tag allowed me to recoup the art costs as well as earn a Best...
  8. Z

    Congratulations to 2018's ENnie Award Winners!

    I'd like to say a big thank you to the organisers! I watched the live stream, and was very excited when I won a Silver ENnie for Saga of the Goblin Horde :) I know there are veteran game designers who pick up loads of awards, but this was the first product I've self-published on DTRPG, and the...
  9. Z

    Congratulations To The 2018 ENnies Nominees!

    Wow, I'm ecstatic right now! Can't believe I got a nomination!
  10. Z

    [RPG] Looking for a published long term campaign to run. Suggestions please.

    The adventures in a Plot Point Campaign are designed very much like the Savage Worlds One Sheets - they provide the GM with something that can be quickly read and understood, and then run with very little preparation. You obviously don't get the same amount of detail you'd get from a scripted...
  11. Z

    Released my first setting book. It was harder than I'd expected.

    I got into Savage Worlds in 2010, but I've always loved game design, so it wasn't long until I started creating my own content for it. Within a few months I was developing online tools to test the mechanics, and by March 2012 I'd released my first fan supplement. I churned out dozens of tools...
  12. Z

    [Savage Worlds] Play a goblin this Easter!

    I know some people like running seasonal one-shots, so with Easter just a couple of weeks away, I thought I'd take the opportunity to pimp my Easter-themed One Sheet adventure for Savage Worlds. In Egg Hunt, the players take on the role of goblinoid bosses, leading their gangs of pint-sized...
  13. Z

    Fishing for a new system

    I had pretty much the same issue, except in my case I kept switching back and forth between D&D 3.5 and WoD. I liked the tactical side of D&D, but combat became increasingly slow at the higher levels, eventually reaching the point where a challenging combat encounter required several hours to...
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    There have been lots of cool and memorable moments, but what I like best is the overall story arc. Even though it's split into separate adventures, the campaign still feels like one epic tale. It's like playing through a story from a fantasy book series.
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    I've run the first six adventures, and hope to eventually complete the other half of the campaign, although I've only been able to play a few times in the last year and a half (since becoming a father). I'm running the campaign in Savage Worlds, and it works extremely well - probably because...
  16. Z

    Looking for Mundane Item Chart

    How about my random item generator?
  17. Z


    I've never played Deadlands, but Savage Worlds has "Heavy Armor" which is conceptually similar to MDC, and races with Racial Edges are already a bit like RCCs.
  18. Z

    Four Color Problems with Savage Worlds Supers (SPC2) - Solutions?

    6d6 is an average of 25.2 damage. The SPC2 includes a specific example of a character with d12+7 Strength, who "can lift up to 20 tons. If he picks up a tank (16 tons), he causes his Strength of d12+7, plus another d12+8 (or 2d12+15)." 2d12+15 is an average of 29.2 damage. Of course that...
  19. Z

    How much do you pay/have you been paid per word?

    Savage Insider lists their submission rates here, they vary depending on the size and type of article, but are quite low (typically under 1 cent per word). However their contract places no restrictions on the copyright holder, so the author can still do whatever they wish with their work. It's...
  20. Z

    Logic of being atheist in a default D&D campaign.

    In the broadest sense, atheism is simply the absence of belief in the existence of deities, it is not a positive assertion. Right, it's the absence of knowledge, or the view that the truth is unknown and/or unknowable. If you were roleplaying in a Stargate setting based on the original movie...