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Looking for Mundane Item Chart

Water Bob

I'm looking for a chart that will allow me to random roll interesting mundane (non-magical) possessions for NPCs. I'm not talking about wealth--rolling gems and jewelry instead of coin. I'm looking for a list that will give me either practical items (toothbrush, flint & steel, leathern drinking jack, cooking pot, etc) or interesting items (human teeth, scalps, dice, stone with sharpened edge and a rune, religious symbol, necklace of beads, ring made of woven dried vine, rabbit's foot, etc).

I've seen charts like this before, but never a real good one.

Is there one out there somewhere? A good one?

I'm going to use it for my Conan game, which is why I'm looking for non-magical stuff. I just want to put interesting stuff in some of the NPC's pockets. The game is based on 3.5 d20, but I'm sure a mundane item chart for any game, or home brew, would be interesting to study.

What say you? Got a favorite chart like this? Link?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
There's a great random generator in OGRE. I wrote it a year or so ago.


Sample output:

a flawless fresco depicting the ship The Greedy Queen [common; 4gp]

a battered tapestry depicting a sad troll [uncommon; 100gp]

a gigantic beech bell [common; 10gp]

a new-looking cedar dish [very rare; 7000gp]

a fancy silver bracer with a furious satyr motif [common; 5gp]

a miniature silver torc with a sad manticore motif [rare; 100gp]

a filthy steel bracelet with a gigantic troll motif [common; 7gp]

a well-preserved adamantium whistle [common; 10gp]

a new-looking copy of The Gargantuan Journal of Magics and Enigmas [uncommon; 90gp]

a well-preserved gold bracelet with a cute centaur motif [common; 3gp]

a battered violet tunic with orange stripes [common; 8gp]

a battered gold salt shaker [uncommon; 60gp]

a fancy mahogany backed mirror [common; 8gp]

a flimsy ironwood carving depicting Duchess Firi Whiteheart [rare; 400gp]

a magnificent ash chess set [common; 1gp]

a miniature ebony key [common; 3gp]

a damaged bronze pipe [common; 2gp]

a well-preserved chest of apricots [uncommon; 10gp]

a magnificent rosewood figurine depicting Maedhel [common; 10gp]

a fancy copy of A Vade Mecum of Enigmas by Pearce Butler the Calamitous [uncommon; 60gp]

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There's a great random generator in OGRE. I wrote it a year or so ago.

It is a great generator, but at least for my game it's far more applicable as a treasure generator than a mundane item generator.

I suspect the OP is asking for something more like a, "What's he got in his pockets?", or a "What's does the sailor keep in his foot locker?" generator where items would be more likely priced in copper pieces than gold pieces.


This sounded like an interesting task. So, here you go:

What's in that pocket?

Use this table for any successful pick-pocket attempt of any regular peasant or street rabble. Generally
speaking, the peasantry don't typically carry stuff of much value. Additionally, this chart could be
consulted when looting the bodies of such people just as easily.

1d100 Pocket-sized, (1gp value or less)
1-2. a pair of cheap cloth gloves
3-4. a pair of socks
5. used under-garments
6-7. a small key
8. a severed finger wrapped in some crude bandages
9. a block of cheese
10. a piece of hard jerky
11-12. a metal flask filled with (1d4: 1. nothing at all, 2. whisky, 3. rum, 4. ale)
13-15. 1d4 candles
16-17. a small bit of fishing equipment - hooks, lures, and string
18-19. a whetstone
20. a smooth river stone in the shape of a heart
21. a clove of garlic
22. a cheap necklace made of beads
23. a set of dice
24-27. a large iron key
28. a small bell
29-30. an ace of spades playing card
31. a broken dagger
32. a sprig of mistletoe
33-35. a bone needle and a bit of thread
36. a stone arrowhead
37. bird feathers
38. a buckle from a belt
39-40. a piece of chalk
41-42. a quill pen
43. sealing wax
44-45. a wooden ring with etchings
46. a small carved wooden figurine
47. a shaving razor
48. a small soapstone chess piece
49-51. a rabbit's foot
52-53. a large fang from an unknown creature
54. a horseshoe
55. a signal whistle
56. a bar of soap
57-58. a tinderbox
59-60. an empty vial
61. a crumpled up wanted poster
62. a small button
63-64. a small wooden comb
65. a lock of hair with with a ribbon
66. a wooden spoon
67. 1d6 copper coins from a foreign land
68. 1d6 silver coins from a distant land
69-73. 1d10 silver coins
74-78. 2d10 copper coins
79. a four-leaf clover
80. a silver coin with heads on both sides
81-82. a small lodestone
83-84. a pipe
85. a pouch of seeds
86. a small quartz crystal
87. a lump of lead
88-90. a cheap bracelet made of glass beads
91. a single gold coin
92. a bracelet made of twisted, colored strings
93-94. a small bottle filled with (1d4: 1. nothing at all, 2. wine, 3. water, 4. a very weak poison)
95. a gentleman's calling card
96. a sewing thimble
97. a small brown recluse spider (unfortunately still alive)
98. an apple core
99-100. Roll on the "pocket-sized, 1gp+" table

Use this table for identifying the contents of a pockets of more upscale citizenry including, but not limited to, merchants,
clergy or nobility. Where applicable, item values are listed. Items with an * indicate items of special significance -
items that could lead to their own plots, or items that could be used as ransom or blackmail against the victim.

1d100 pocket-sized, 1gp+ value

1-2. a small gold cameo locket (5 gp)
3. a finely polished crystal (can be used as an arcane focus) (10 gp)
4-8. a holy symbol amulet (5 gp)
9-10. a vial of ink (10 gp)
11-12. a small steel mirror (5 gp)
13-15. a small vial of perfume (5 gp)
16. a signet ring of some minor noble (5 gp) *
17. a set of loaded dice (10 gp) *
18. a carved snuffbox (7 gp)
19-20. a gold ring (10 gp)
21-22. a silver ring (5 gp)
23. a simple silver necklace (5 gp)
24. a small set of wooden soldiers (3 gp)
25. a cat's eye gem (7 gp)
26-27. a fine lace handkerchief (2 gp)
28. a holy symbol amulet of an evil god (5 gp) *
29. a small flip book containing pornographic artwork (3 gp) *
30. a simple black mask (2 gp)
31-32. a simple dagger (2 gp)
33. a small vial filled with mercury (5 gp)
34. a small pouch of exotic spices (15 gp)
35. a detailed carving of a wooden animal (3 gp)
36-37. an ornate key *
38. a small bottle of leeches (4 gp)
39. a small silver bell of ornate design (3 gp)
40. gold buttons from a fancy vest (2 gp)
41-42. a small vial of a medicinal salve (5 gp)
43. a small pouch of semi-precious stones (10 gp)
44. a small ivory box (10 gp)
45. a pair of jeweled earrings (15 gp)
46. a fine animal-hair brush (5 gp)
47. a small vial of red paint (2 gp)
48-49. a small silver locket containing a tiny key (2 gp)
50-55. 2d10 silver coins
56-60. 1d10 gold coins
61-63. 1d4 electrum coins
64-66. 1d2 platinum coins
67. a small ceramic figurine of a dancer (4 gp)
68-69. a copper ring with a small inset gemstone (10 gp)
70. a fancy pipe carved from the tusk of an exotic creature (15 gp)
71-72. a letter bearing the invitation to a fancy ball *
73-74. a folded map of the nearby forest, showing the locations of a couple of caves *
75. a small notebook detailing alchemical experiments (10 gp) *
76-77. a marked deck of cards (3 gp) *
78-80. a perfume-scented letter from a mistress *
81-82. a silver bracelet (10 gp)
83. a gold necklace (15 gp)
84-85. a pair of fancy lace gloves (5 gp)
86. a small lump of amber (10 gp)
87-88. a small pouch with several semi-precious stones (15 gp)
89. a fancy baby's rattle (2 gp)
90. a topaz pendant (12 gp)
91. a jar of honey (2 gp)
92. a medicinal bottle of liquid (when drank, acts as a powerful laxative) (2 gp)
93. a pouch of stones with runic symbols (used for primitive divination) (8 gp)
94. a finely painted ocharina (4 gp)
95. a small hourglass (lasts half an hour) (15 gp)
96. official documents detailing ships and their cargo *
97. a mousetrap - designed to foil pick-pockets. Any pick-pocket attempt with this result automatically fails and the victim is immediately aware of the attempt *
98. a large gold chain (used for trading) (20 gp)
99-100. Roll on the "You found what, where?!" table

Consult this table if you were directed here by the above table, or you find yourself pilfering the pockets of truly
interesting and powerful people.

1d20 You found what, where?!
1. a vial of disappearing ink. Item is alchemical in nature, and not magical. Ink disappears after 4 hours. (50 gp) *
2. a pearl ring (150 gp)
3. a pendant made of bloodstone and moonstone (100 gp)
4. a silver and turquoise necklace (75 gp)
5. a small copper drinking goblet with gold trimwork (50 gp)
6. hand-carved ivory playing dice (50 gp)
7. a pair of amethyst earrings (100 gp)
8. thieves' tools (25 gp) *
9. a flask of alchemist's fire (50 gp)
10. a vial of antitoxin (50 gp)
11. a scroll of a random 1st level arcane spell (100 gp)
12. a magnifying glass (100 gp)
13. a vial of basic poison (100 gp) *
14-15. a potion of healing (50 gp)
16-17. 2d10 platinum coins
18-19. 3d10 gold coins
20. Random miscellaneous magic item, GM's choice.


There's a great random generator in OGRE. I wrote it a year or so ago.

It's pretty interesting, but some of the prices seem a little wacky. I just generated some items, and got these as my 2nd/3rd result:

a massive adamantium statue depicting a fearsome centaur [common; 5gp]

a colossal iron statue depicting a small centaur [common; 2gp]

Seems a little cheap considering how big these statues are, and what they're made of. Still, the prices wouldn't convert to my system anyway, so it doesn't hurt me at all. The generated options are pretty cool. Thanks for linking it.


It's pretty interesting, but some of the prices seem a little wacky. I just generated some items, and got these as my 2nd/3rd result:

a massive adamantium statue depicting a fearsome centaur [common; 5gp]

a colossal iron statue depicting a small centaur [common; 2gp]

Seems a little cheap considering how big these statues are, and what they're made of. Still, the prices wouldn't convert to my system anyway, so it doesn't hurt me at all. The generated options are pretty cool. Thanks for linking it.

How do you accurately depict a small centaur with a colossal statue? Include a colossal ruler alongside the centaur for scale? lol!

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