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  1. L

    Is enlightened self-interest Good?

    That's quite different from the case that I was addressing, which involved pure motives coerced into an evil action, not a decision. First of all, I would strongly argue that it is impossible to do what Hitler did for any good/selfless/altruistic reason. He, and the thousands who followed him...
  2. L

    Is enlightened self-interest Good?

    Well, at the risk of being too blunt for the written word, that's only because you either don't understand the definition of the word (which has nothing to do with how I feel about what I just did for someone else) or you have never perpetrated an altruistic action. I have, and do, act...
  3. L

    Is enlightened self-interest Good?

    Um, not quite. But thanks for the red herring.
  4. L

    Is enlightened self-interest Good?

    Well, I disagree. Devilic (?new word?) genocide would be praised as good, but not Gnomish. Why? Because we see one as good (Gnome) and one as bad (Devil) because of preconceived ideas. But, if we just consider genocide by itself it is just a neutral concept. It can be good or bad, depending upon...
  5. L

    magical power -- body/mind/soul?

    I would do: Body - Druid Mind - Psion Sould - Cleric
  6. L

    Is enlightened self-interest Good?

    Action does not determine morality, motive does. Actions motivated by a love of self above a love of others are selfish (Bad). Actions motivated by a love of self equal to love of others are non-selfish (Good or Neutral, depending on the actions in question). Just because you are smart enough...
  7. L

    New Server Drive - donation and prize thread (Final total: $13,310!)

    ding Another $30 for the new server. I just want to say thanks for the site and all the hard work.
  8. L

    Do you have a website for your campaign?

    My yes explained. We have a nice MediaWiki setup for ease of use and quick changes. It was used heavily when we started the campaign, but use has dwindled. Just about the only thing that is kept up to date is our characters.
  9. L

    Al-Qarin: Into the Desert (3-1-24)

    Real life always comes first. But, by way of encouragement, we are anctiously waiting for the story to resume.
  10. L

    Hey got a gmail addy

    I would be forever greatful!! I've been dying to get a gmail address from day one. Luke Rathbun luke at 31177 dot net
  11. L

    [PR] S.T. Cooley Publishing releases "Buy the Numbers"

    I just bought the system last night. Really cool idea, and great execution. Now here is an idea that may make your brain hurt (it does mine); our group is thinking of trying to integrate this with the Elements of magic. Do you think that's possible? We're going to try at least! Looking...
  12. L

    Solve my grim and gritty debate

    I voted yes, but I think that monsters should be encountered much less often.
  13. L

    Al-Qarin: Into the Desert (3-1-24)

    something just went bump...
  14. L

    Al-Qarin: Into the Desert (3-1-24)

    you can not leave us hangin' there!!!!
  15. L

    Al-Qarin: Into the Desert (3-1-24)

    I just found this thread and read through it. It really quite good! Keep up the good writing Newb.
  16. L

    (Trying Not To Start A Rant) The Other Side of the Christian/DnD Thing

    Just to add to the list of "me too" posts, I also am a Christian ENWorlder and I think that discussions like this are great, if they stay civil (like this one). Kudos to everyone for doing so (so far :)). Just a quick note to check out, if you havn't already, the two recent books by Greg Boyd...
  17. L

    Major magic or minor magic items?

    as a player: I much prefer the first option (one big weapon) b/c it can add to the character's story and advancement (basically what MichaelH said above) as a DM: I still prefer the first option, but probably because it is easier to keep track of :)
  18. L

    Anger of Angels

    I hope this comes across right and doesn't break the no religion rule. If it does I will gladly remove the following. I just want to clarify something. The Bible does not say that Satan is a sevant of God. He was good and a servant of God, but then he became evil and fell. So the above...
  19. L

    Morningstar or Dawnforge?

    As someone else who has read the Morningstar book I'll try to set your mind at ease about the meta-plot. It is really well done. It is pretty intriguing and a fun puzzle to work at, but it does not need to overwhelm your campaign. The DM has the compete freedom to engage it as much as he wants...