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Search results

  1. clip

    Would I enjoy D&D?

    The short answer is the obvious one. The long answer is - you have identified the type of game you like, yet you don't know if the one you are thinking of joining (or not) fits that type. The easy thing to do is to tell your friends that you'll play for a couple of sessions just to make sure...
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    Wanted: A female point of view please

    No. I'll tell you what I think the problem is. Total lack of understanding, and some people taking themselves far too seriously. I did not post a derogatory comment aimed at women. That is an absurd suggestion. I posted a comment based on my experience of some women that I have met. Secondly...
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    Why D&D is like pr0n

    Sorry. Until you posted that, I was under the impression that anything posted on an internet forum was to be taken as unimpeachable fact. Whilst I understand that forum traffic is not representative, I fail to see why heavy traffic in one area does not at the very least suggest an interest in...
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    Wanted: A female point of view please

    Moderator Edit: The EN World Rules are pretty specific - if you have a question or comment about moderation, we ask you to take it to e-mail or Private Message. Please don't comment on it in-thread - nobody needs that sort of threadjack. Thank you. ~Umbran, EN World Moderator
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    Why D&D is like pr0n

    Nah, sorry. You just don't get it. Of course a 90% figure is made up -it's rhetoric, after all. But it doesn't change anything, and the accuracy of that isn't central to my assertion. It is absolutely self-evident on boards like enworld, that there is a strong body of players (DMs) banging on...
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    Why D&D is like pr0n

    This is exactly the point. Without getting into a statistical evidence symposium (which Morrus here seems to be interested in), forums like this are jam-packed with threads about exactly that - "more RP, less violence, please". How many threads are there asking how to bring in "more fighting and...
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    Wanted: A female point of view please

    Good thing too. A lot of the female players I've met look more like Derro than Drow.
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    A Thief named Merric in the new Encounters season

    I don't know. Is the name of the magic user a nod to the missing British aristocrat?
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    Can Anyone Help Me Find This Necro-Harem Scenario?

    It could be "The Book or Erotic Fantasy". I think there's a list of plot seeds and that sounds like the sort of thing that's in there.
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    Why D&D is like pr0n

    Here's a fact - many, if not most people will deny viewing pornography regularly. There's a rhetorical question that goes something like this: "Pornography is a worldwide multi-billion dollar industry. How is that possible when nobody watches it?" * So, how is D&D like pr0n? Well, look at...
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    How ENWorld has tainted my love of D&D

    Actually, no. I don't get that at all. The more plusses and minuses and characterop bouncing around the better, I find. The mechanics reminds me that there's a game to be played under all the storytelling and all the rest of the junk. The minmaxing and number crunching let the players do what...
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    D&D 4E Comparing notes: Differences in play experience in 4e

    4e is different from all the systems before, in that it is generally played much closer to the RAW. It is much easier for a player to go from one group to another without having to change much. 1e was completely different. From one group to the next, or indeed one DM to the next within the same...
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    How to convince my players to give 2e a try?

    Personally, I thought 2e sucked so hard it could power a small starship. It should have been Castles & Crusades, but instead it was a 1e-compatible mess, with the Monstrous Compendium setting new standards in bad ideas. The only redeeming features I can think of were : Al-Qadim and Labyrinth of...
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    Would Darksun have been a better 1st release for 4e?

    I would have gone for Scarred Lands, myself.
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    3.5 1st level adventure for 10 yr old DM

    Paizo's Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale had me crying with boredom, so I don't know how a 10 year old would react. Like a few others in the range, it reads amazingly, but in play I just lost it.
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    First Edition feel with 4E rules

    I do understand what you're aiming for - but does this not simply extend the rest periods that the party does take, and reduce the capacity for big fights? I fully accept that if the campaign is centered around a kind of "struggling" theme with the party having to pick its fights carefully and...
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    First Edition feel with 4E rules

    To me, this sounds like adjusting the game to fit a particular pattern that might be preferable (nothing wrong with that),but I don't see how it makes it old school. Sure, wandering monsters are old school - but they're something that just doesn't work in 4e. Unless they have either absolute...
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    First Edition feel with 4E rules

    I concur. I've found that you can use Savage Worlds to make the Jerry Bruckheimer version of any other RPG.
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    First Edition feel with 4E rules

    Agreed. The 1e "feel" is mainly one of nostalgia. You can't recreate that in 4e - which is for all intents and purposes a technical progression. 1e is about a lot of things - bad grammar, bad typesetting, terrible art. 1e (and I suppose 2e) were less a game than a loose set of systematic...
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    The Dungeon of the Ghost Tower -- continuing the Red Box

    Inverness is about 30 miles from the Cairngorms.